The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Disney - Thank you. Lesson Learned.

Hello, I have a really good story to tell.
It is happy,
then scary,
then sad,
then really surprising,
then what you would imagine,
coupled with a spiritual twist I hadn't anticipated 
all from our one day girls trip to Disney.

I hope you stick with me on this slightly quite embarrassing 
little journey McCauley and I took yesterday.
It is only bad form on one of our parts, that would be me.

Ok, real quick to get you up to speed.
The three brothers and Kevin take a "boys only" (no duh) hunting 
trip to South Dakota each year during the last week of October.
I'm not saying M and I look forward to their departure,
but we do enjoy our "girl only" time.

This year we wanted to do something really great!
At least I did....I had this crazy idea to finally take M to 
Disney World!
Magic Kingdom!!
The land where every kid's dream comes true.
M has always thought it would be fun to try out.
Us being so close, it seemed a travesty that she has been deprived
for so long.

So I put a little feeler out on my FaceBook page to get 
all the seasoned veterans favorite hints and tips for having 
the perfect day at Disney, and for saving green backs in the process.

I received several great pointers.
One that I just brushed over at first was to get our tickets online 
at Space Coast Craigs list.
ehhhhh, I don't know, sounded a little iffy.
But as time went on, and I started really looking into cost, etc.
I thought.....what would it hurt to take a gander?
So I looked a few times,
even tried to contact a few sellers that looked promising.
Some people had left over Magic Kingdom tickets from 
family reunions, or events that they over purchased for, and so forth.
No one ever got back to me.

Time was drawing down to the wire.  
Finally on Sunday eve, 
M and I decide that really Monday was the day that
would work out best for us this week.

So I am getting ready to purchase our tickets on the Disney official web site,
but at the last second decide to take one more fast peak at 
Craigs list to be sure no new posts have popped up.
What do you know??
One had.....
the individual had three tickets, good at any park, 
expiration in May of 2015.
He had gotten them for doing contract work for Disney at one of their 
parks as a welder.
He was not personally going to use the tickets so was selling them
for a discount....$70 each.

Well, this looks legit.....right?
I text him.
He (Kyle) responded quickly.
Answered all my questions,
soothed my concerns.
We made arrangements to meet at the 
Super Walmart McDonalds in Orlando.....
about 20minutes out of our way,
but for a significant savings......Well worth it....right??

M and I are pumped!
We pack our day packs.
Lay out our clothes, we decided on wearing our tennis shoes for 
all day comfort, but we brought our flip flops in case our
feet got wet.
We thought of everything.
The Bishop agreed to substitute for seminary so we could bug
out right after I did early morning sculpt. 
We retired early after watching a few episodes of
Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

We left in the morning as planned.
We made it to the Walmart.....texted Kyle a few minutes before
arriving as arranged.
We did our snack shopping.
Milled around.
Kept texting, then voice calling.
Started getting a little depressed, thinking we had been stood up.
We sent one more text saying we were heading out....
and ps - thanks for nothing.

What do you know......there he is....Kyle thought we meant 
we were heading out at 8:00a.m., not arriving then.
He had been asleep....please give him 15 min, 
he is driving now.
No sorry about that.
Wow! I guess it's all ok!
We are good to go still M!
I was nervous for a sec.
We ate some of our Disney snacks and waited.
We were looking for a guy in an orange shirt.
Finally he showed up.

We made the exchange, $140 for two shiny new Disney Tickets!
Easy Peesy.
Ok, well, he says, so nice to meet you.
Have a wonderful time.

M and I drive off, now onto our final destination!
We are cranking Frank Sinatra because it reminds us of Disney.
We arrive, 
pay the $18 for parking, 
and begin the long trek to get over to the actual park.
Monorail, Ferry, Trolly.....good grief.
What ev though.....I guess this is all just part of the fun....right???
This is where the sad and scary part happen.

We finally get to the ticket gate, where you touch your ticket 
to the Mickey Mouse head and it lights up green to let you enter
the place of Magic, 
or it is blue....and you are denied entrance.
Everybody was breezing though.
Me and M touch our cards......the cast member takes a double
take....Oh, ooops, looks like these cards are expired.
Don't worry, just take them over to our Customer Service windows 
and they will help sort things out for you.

O h  m y  g o s h .
Oh no.
There is nothing to sort out.
I have made a bad choice.
I rolled the dice and did not win......
(as I, like a huge lameo, said in early morning sculpt).
I knew I was taking a gamble, but my gut felt good.
So I proceeded.

I did not want to go to the window.
What was she supposed to
Oh, I'm really sorry you decided to go an iffy route and 
completely cut Disney out of the deal.
Sorry you got burned.

I felt ashamed.
Horrible for my mistake and bad for M.

I gave the cast member (that is what Disney helpers/workers are called)
our tickets, and said that the other gentleman had said they 
were expired.
She, Mindi (I remember because that was my nick name growing up,
but I spelled mine with a y at the end)
confirmed, that yes, they had been two day park hoppers
and had been used last year.

Had I gotten these from someone?
Yes, I told her what I'd done.
I said, I know it's my fault, I should never have been so 
I know better.
Would she mind just selling me a new set of tickets now?
Of course.

She made a copy of the used tickets, and gave it me.
She voided the counterfeit ones. 
Who knows, maybe you will be able to get some of your money back.
That was sweet, but we both knew the listing would be 
taken down and my buddy Kyle would never respond to 
another text.
Mindi and I discuss ticket options.
One day, $105.
 Ok, so is that the Florida resident price?
Yes, the only ticket with a discount is our park hopper....
no that won't work for us.
Well, she will get a discount as a child.
No, she is 10 already, but thanks.
We need two adult tickets.

I look at M.
We have a quiet conversation while Mindi is hooking us
up from behind the glass.
She's like, mom, we don't even have to do this.

Yes, we are doing it.
It was my mistake, we are absolutely going forward.
Please don't let this ruin your day.
Really, it is fine.
Just shake it off.

The next part is the very surprising part.

Mindi had been working a while, documenting and filling 
out little slips, etc. etc.
I thought nothing more than she was reporting 
a customer incident.
She had me fill some forms in, sign, and so forth.

As she is sending my receipt through the slot to sign.
I see that this is the first one,
as I sign she says,
I only charged you for one ticket.
I look up.
I don't say the word, but my face asks it.
Then she says, I wrote you out an extra fast pass to use in case you girls
aren't able to get on one of the busier rides.
I included two free ice cream bars for later when you need a snack.

I thought nothing of cheating YOU.
You owe me nothing.
I did something wrong.....I am the once that needs to pay full price.
I am the one that is due a lesson here.....not this unearned 
compassion and mercy.

You can imagine my immediate emotion.
It was a gift of high proportions for me.
A generous showing of non-judgement. 
An unearned kindness given happily and freely,
without strings.

I thanked her, went straight to the rest room and cried my eyes out. 
Had M return her pen which I'd stolen,
and we were off again to begin this day of all days.

We did all the stuff "you have to do" at Disney.....
whilst battling the masses.
Turns out next week starts the off season.....
oh, that makes sense.  

Share a giant pork shank.

Figure out how to utilize the new 
Fast Pass system efficiently.
It took us a while.....buuuuttttt

Rode Splash Mountain, not once, but TWICE.
We decided this is our favorite ride.
I love this little scene in the ride with the lanterns.
As evening came on it really became lovely.

Turns out my friend Christi had the best idea after all....
at one point during the day
I heard myself say, 
who in their right mind would come here before 4pm ever??
Besides us......everyone! 
Along with their strollers, carts, rolling contraptions, of
all shapes and sizes,
motorized and not.

The Not So Spooky Halloween would have been a lovely fit.
4 - 11pm.....around $75 per person. live and learn, that's why we are here.....right????

Cute girl.
We got our cool hat photos.
Or maybe it is buy a cool hat.... 
.....close enough.

We did this ride.
The car that takes the strength of a full sized man to push
the gas pedal down on.
My quads were burning on this one.
I tell you I learned so much from yesterday.
Soooooo much.
I believe it was worth that extra $140.
You know what Kyle.....keep it dude,
Keep the Karma that comes with it my friend.

I hope someone can learn from my error.
Through my Disney Eyes:

Here is me at first.....thinking I can have my cheap 
tickets AND get into the park.
LaDaDa, DaDaDaDaDaaaaaaaaaa!!
 Here is Satan.....I mean Kyle.....everything looked so legit.
I really believed.
I trusted him.
 Here I am trapped by my own choices, in a dumb stupor.
Having made my choices.....needing help.
 Is it too far a reach to say that it was a really spiritual experience
for me?
Can I gain a better appreciation for Christ's atonement
through an experience I had at Disney?

Well, I did.
I really did.
I won't put it into words, but my testimony of what Christ 
offers each of us every day has become a little brighter 
from this experience.
I have a clearer understanding.....
the gift of the atonement is an on going gift,
not something to save and utilize once at the end of our life.
We need repentance, and forgiveness on an ongoing basis.
Christ can bring what's owed back (yet again) to Zero.

We screw up, and he doesn't say, sorry sister,
I wish you had chosen better.
You made your bed, now you get to sleep in it.
He says,
I can help YOU.
I want to help YOU.
There is no deserving about it,
I love YOU.
I insist.
and by the way, you are worth it.

There is so much counterfeit in this world.
So many choices and options that look to be almost right.
There are shortcuts to get us no where fast.

This experience has been a powerful reminder that
the best place for real truth is to go to the source.
Whether that be the Savior, or the actual Disney website....
it is not worth the risk taking a chance on a promised discount.
Pay full price for your ticket.
Pay the cost for your discipleship, and personal testimony.
This is the only way you can be sure that it 
truly belongs to you.
You won't get far on someone else's used ticket or knowledge.
The sure way offers coverage, replacement, guarantee, 
peace of mind, and comfort. 
Not sure if that makes as much sense for you in the retelling, 
as it did for me in the living, and reviewing over and over.

In the end.
Would I do it again?
Same way?
I'd have to, or I wouldn't get this cool experience.

Would I ever choose to go to Disney again?

Hands down.....Disney's cast members are above and beyond.
I can say nothing but good about the park, and service.
But I swear.....these parks are just not my thing.
Once again, I don't get it.

Here is what I do get.
I get spending time with this person.
But truthfully,
I think we have an even better time eating cheese and crackers
on our couch, going through our magazines,
 and watching
Sabrina the Teenage Witch, or Dancing with the Stars.
Or going garage sale, and thrift store shopping with $5 - $20 
in our pockets.
It is the time spent.....not the location, the cost, 
or the popularity of the thing.
 Maybe M would say something else entirely.
She spent her money, $18 on a cute little soft cat souvenir...
I said you have two soft real kitties at home, are you sure it's worth it?
 She said she wanted to walk out of the park holding her own 
Disney bag like everyone else.
ok, then.
Well worth it.