The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Here is what I have to say......

Summer Break is for the BIRDS!
I finally get it, I see what all those moms were saying
for all those past summers.
I never thought it was a big deal at all having the kids 
home for the summer.
Today was the first day of the rest of the summer.
We were all pretty stoked.  
I because I have about a million projects that I have in mind
for us to accomplish, and the kids were 
excited about sleeping in.
We started out ok, got our scripture reading in.
Ate some cereal....after that is
when I started loosing them a little.
It felt something like trying to break wild horses,
or maybe herd cats....
I'm not sure.
We did get a few jobs done, I did the boys hair cuts,
and so forth,
but anytime there was a 10 second lag, they would be 
right back in wrestling again.
It is always McCauley against one of them,
mostly Lawson, and half the time 
Ryker joins in and gangs up on M.
She has some dang good moves.
She is very tough, and quite competitive,
no idea where she gets it.
Anyway, back I would go 
into the front room to break it up again.
quit it you guys.
Kev walked in during one such break up scene. 
He expressed his disappointment in all of us.
It wasn't like we were placing bets or anything.
It was not as if we were sitting on the side lines shoveling in popcorn.
I'd like to see him take these guys on for an entire day.
Look how I have digressed.
Things got better after M and I made an emergency batch 
of chunky peanut butter cookies,
the dough was to die for.
We ended up spending a bit of time at the library and
then hitting the pool with Tina and her two boys
at the Sanctuary.
This was a sweet hang out.
They had never even been to their "gated community" pool before.
It was a great find.
I mentioned to the kids I would take a picture of them jumping,
and let me tell you,
the show began in a big way.
Ryker had another playoff game this evening.
They took the big W again.
One game left.
Hap-Hap-eeee Summer Everyone!!


HB said...

hmmmmm...sounds like you need a battle hall in your house...I can't even begin to think how Mc got her competitive edge. Remember slap fights? I loved and hated that game. It was more about how much you could take then how hard you could slap your sister in the face. Remember that night Dad came downstairs twice to tell us to go to bed and if he had to come down a third time we were toast? Good times.

Summer sounds exhausting!!!

Mamapierce said...

I guess you can send them outside when they get all riled up? I'm totally with you on summer break - I love my children, but it's nice to have a schedule that you can count on...