The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Go for it .... WREAK HAVOC!

Today I made a good choice.
I made a deliberate decision to put this cake, and the pile of extra 
frosting into the trash, rather than gorge on it myself...
(like I would normally do).
I did it!!
I cried just a little bit, 
but surprisingly not because I was mourning my loss,
but because I felt proud and THRILLED that I was being the 
master over my addiction.
I took charge.

I know I have a problem with "Baked Goods".
I admit it.

My name is Melissa.
I am a baked goods addict.
I cannot get enough cookies, brownies, cake, or chocolate
of any kind.
If I take one bite,
I cannot satiate my desire for them.
I will eat these items for breakfast, snacks, and lunch.

I have been feeling sluggish.
I am still working out a ton, 
but have snuck on a few extra pounds.
I have also been taking some crazy long naps,
and waking up still tired!

I have always prided myself on being like my dad, 
only needing a snappy little 15 minutes to re-charge my battery.

Two  - 2 hour naps this week.
This scares me, and tells me I have a problem that needs 

I can no longer shilly-shally around.
On Monday I decided to take back control of my dietary needs.
I am putting my physical nourishment back on top.

I got out my cute little food journal.
The last time I wrote in it was on March 1, 2012,
that was also the last time I stepped on a scale.

Well, accountability is back in town,
and it feels really good!
I am excited.
Three days into far so good.
I found this little snippet from Jillian Miacheals,
(this was after I had already wreaked havoc on the cake!!)
I do have a problem with wrecking, or wasting food.
I have a firm belief that it should not go to waste....
cuz, well.....THAT'S WASTING.
and that's wrong, throwing money down the toilet.
M.U.S.T. F.I.N.I.S.H.I.T.A.L.L.
But I am going to get over that mind set.
I am THROUGH with that mind set for myself.
If if is crap, put it where it belongs.
If the kids didn't eat it, ruin it.
It's not worth it.
I do not have to be perfect in my eating.
Only CONSCIOUS and AWARE of what my body needs to 
feel alive and healthy.
I know something about myself.
I don't enjoy eating A cookie.
I don't like a slice of cake.
I don't want one brownie.
One piece of chocolate is pointless.
If I put one in my mouth.....

Of course there are public circumstances which make
having a normal serving possible,
and I guess that will be the perfect time to indulge.
But left to my own devices.....just saying no is a 
better option.

I am an all or nothing person.

I am grateful for the gospel and its guidelines and boundaries. 
They are a blessing to me,
specifically the Word of Wisdom.
Clearly I am still mastering the concept of 
moderation in all things.


No nap for 3 days.
Feel great.
Today was supposed to be my day off.....but the weather was so 
wonderful, and I felt so good,  I ran 6 miles before dinner.
Yogurt tastes like CHEESE CAKE
100% Juicy Juice is a yummy sweet treat - try Orange Tangerine!
Choffy is my CHOCOLATE Life line.
Thanks for letting me go on about this.
I have probably said these same things all before.....
but when it comes to a head,
best to take it on 
I am on the wagon.
I don't need it.
I choose a better way.
 Random nugget:
 This is K every night with his head lamp.
Good Christmas gift mom and dad.

I really liked the word shilly-shally when I saw it on Monday
.....glad I had the chance to fit it into my post.

Word of the Day for Monday, March 11, 2013

shilly-shally \SHIL-ee-shal-ee\, verb:
1. to show indecision or hesitation; be irresolute; vacillate.
2. to waste time; dawdle.
1. irresolution; indecision; vacillation: It was sheer shilly-shally on his part.
1. irresolute; undecided; vacillating.
Great mistake—Make up your mind and don't shilly shally.
-- Agatha Christie, A Caribbean Mystery, 1964


C and K said...

Oh, Melissa, I'm just like you. I decided long ago that i was no longer going to be the Human Garage Disposal... eating all those yummy leftovers that my kids couldn't finish, or the last few bites of a yummy casserole, etc.. Well, your very motivating post makes me realize that I still do it. It hurt to throw away the leftover "good" Christmas candy the other day. Ridiculous, right? But I did it, and patted myself on the back afterwards. I didn't run 6 miles though... still need to get where you're at! You are so inspiring! Thanks for sharing your challenges and successes!

Melissa said...

Thank you for your comment Colleen. Makes me happy : ) Good job on the Christmas Candy waste. You deserve that pat on the back. Keep it up!!!

AUNT GUGGY said...

Admitting you have a problem is the first step - that is what I hear. I am surprised to find out you have the "all or nothing" issue that others in our family deal with...I'm not admitting to anything...:)

I also thank you for sharing and in such an honest and delightful way. I am, in fact, sitting here still feeling sick from overeating a late lunch...we ate at 3 pm and it is now 10 pm. I knew when I was done, but I didn't want to take home left overs I knew would be wasted...3 bites later and I could barely breath...I have been sitting around all afternoon wishing my digestive system would work a little harder and faster. Regret, regret, regret...could have done without that. Perfect time to read this post. I am considering printing it and sticking it on the fridge...and on the elliptical...and on my make up mirror...and on my office wall.

Love you.

Melissa said...

HB, you really said it, the basic goal each day is to not only live with out regret, but to EAT WITH OUT REGRET. That definitely does not demand perfection, but man these past 6 days have been rewarding. I don't even mean "numbers on the scale" kind of reward. I am saying I have been able to go to bed, or ask myself the next morning, so, how did you do? Do you have any regrets from yesterday. No. I made choices that I feel good about. No gut aches!!

Last night I had the late night nibbles.....I knew I was not hungry. Felt perfect, but habit wise I wanted munching business. I took an opened package of gram crackers over with me to watch the rest of our movie. They sat there by my side for close to two hours. I wanted them, but I didn't. Bringing them over, giving myself permission, but in the end, I worked my way through the old habit and left them. I didn't want the regret.

One brief moment of pleasure is nothing compared to the satisfaction of maintaining control, and making a better choice. Boooooom!!! Do it!!

Today I wanted a treat. I Made peanut butter cookies. I choose how many I wanted and took them over with milk and the kids. I ate 3, it was a fun, scrumptious, delight. I did not hide any in the cupboard for myself for later. I left them out for the family to eat.....and they did. : ) We all won.

You can do it. It has helped me to slow down and put thought into my choices. Make healthy choices for the day tomorrow. That is as far ahead as we need to look. Decide to feel delighted with yourself as you climb into bed.

Unknown said...

My name is Heather and I am a sugar addict.

Melissa said...

Welcome Heather.... that is the first step.

AvS said...

Hi, I am a mother of 2 very active & healthy boys. I WAS a baked goods addict but STILL an HGD. After my mom was diagnosed with diabetes last year (at 62yo, ave. weight), I (41yo, ave. weight)reminded her those times that I just collapsed on the bed after eating high-carb meals followed by sweet desserts.We realized that I might have developed diabetes (runs in her family) a few years ahead of her. All along, I thought that my warm, sweet coffee with sweet biscotti or leftover brownies before bedtime was good for me...coz they help me relax and fall sleep faster, lol! I've controlled my sweet cravings but I haven't thought about dumping leftover meals. I'm a very thrifty person so it's hard for me to do that. However, tonite I looked at my younger son's uneaten noodles and I told myself, "Im already full with all the veggies I ate so no more eating!" The noodles went to the fridge though 'coz I can add fried eggs & sweet peas to it tomorrow and he'll definitely finish it. He likes eggs.

I will start running & biking again. Am still feeling sluggish despite cutting back on sweets 'coz I stopped working out last Summer. My teen son will be competing in a triathlon soon so this is a good time for me to train with him (but of course, he'll leave me behind inhaling his dust,lol!)

Thanks for your humor & honesty Melissa, Im glad I found your blog. More blessings for you & all your loved ones. Keep up the good job(s)!!!

Melissa said...

AvS.....Arlene....Hi! Thanks for your comment. I am wondering where you live, what city? You should come work out with us in the mornings!! It would be fun to connect. My mom also has diabetes. This has never even crossed my mind for myself. hmmmm.