Well, it is hard to tell who is winning.
On different accounts we are both winning and loosing.
You be the judge.
Any helpful feedback and tips would be much appreciated
to us gardening novices.
Here is my little table top plot.
I have not lost a plant yet, but it seems like my plants growth is stunted.
I got fruit very quickly, but my plants are very small,
which means they are yeilding only a few massive looking edible veggies/fruits each.
I have to prop them up w/ broken bricks to keep them standing tall.
Is this because my container is too shallow?
Over watering?
Some of the leaves are turning a lighter more sickly yellow w/ brown on the edges.
(man I sound pathetic)
Here is K's ground garden.
We lost the strawberry plants right away.
They are too tempting for animal life.
The mint has quadrupled in size.....now to figure out what to do with it.
The pumpkin is huge....lots of blossoms that will hopefully produce.
Watermelon is hanging in there....the pumpkin is trying to cover and
consume it, but it hasn't won out yet.
Corn is getting taller and taller.
His tomato plants are finally producing tomatoes,
I counted at least 22 today.
His plants are much bigger than mine, even though they are kind of falling
all over the place.....does that matter?
I have a few seed packs of chard and one or two other items
I am going to try in containers today or tomorrow.
This is fun and exciting!!....and sometimes scary, and sad.
Here are some pretty spots around the yard.
The white flower in the top left rectangle is one of my favorite plants.
It is my favorite because it popped up like a weed in our scuzzy back
yard. I dug it out and transplanted it in my black pot months ago.
It is strong and hearty and spreading in the pot.
I am thinking of trying to take some to transplant
in another space now.
The pink flowers next to it are coming back into their own.
Never give up on a plant.
That is what I am believing and seeing for myself.
Keep nurturing, pruning, and loving, it just may hang in there and
come back around.
The middle picture is a little spot I really love back behind the bigger
bushes in our front yard.
This space is right by our hose spicket.
Really no one sees it but the person creeping back inbetween
the bushes to water.
It is a quite little gift of beauty.
I assumed that red leafed plant had died long ago.....
but it found the right conditions and lives on.
If anyone would like any of these plants, just let me know.....
I have lots of certain things around the yard that I can tell you
can live through just about any neglect and turmoil,
and still thrive.
I will hook you up if you stop by.
The kids are doing great.
Here are a few conversations we've had lately:
Lawson asked me to cut his hair two days ago.
I did. He requested I buzz the sides quite short,
and leave a little extra on top to "style".
This I did happily....I have been waiting for this moment.
The moment when one of our boys gave a dang about
using a gel, or doing something with their hair on their own.
(Ryker's hair is pretty good w/out gel, he has a decent style,
and his hair is pretty silky)
So after the hair cut I helped him style it with a little gel.
(hold it....no lie. look what just got delivered to our door.
flowers from my parents for Mother's Day.
Thank you.
What a delightful surprise on a run of the mill old Wednesday.
(hold it....no lie. look what just got delivered to our door.
flowers from my parents for Mother's Day.
Thank you.
What a delightful surprise on a run of the mill old Wednesday.
: )
Ok, so anyway.....he came home yesterday and said that he was
relieved that none of his classmates had said that he changed his
hair "just to get the girls".
He had been hesitant to use gel because he didn't want to give that impression.But, it didn't happen, so he was relieved.
This past week at church, I said to M that I wouldn't mind if she
married a certain boy in our ward.
It was fun to see her shocked expression.
Her embarrassed blush, and gall that I would suggest
a boy eight years her senior.
Well....I couldn't help it.
I like that boy and can see him as a son in law.
It was really the first we had ever actually talked about who she might marry.
We decided that probably certainly she had not met the lucky boy
she might one day marry.
A few weeks ago Ethan was washing the dishes,
the rest of us were at the table talking.
The random topic of "kissing tag" came up.
The younger kids were like, ew, I would never play that.
From the other side of the kitchen we heard a soft......
"I might play it sometime".....
we loved it.
He brought down the house.
I really think he meant it to. : )
Ethan had to make cup cakes yesterday for one of his classes
(tough assignment)
This morning I made muffins for breakfast.
He said, gee mom, you could have told me that this was on the bottom
of them. Be MINE.
I guess that was a big topic topic during class.
My workout friend Barb gave each of her mom friends a little pail
that says,
"Good moms have messy kitchens.
Laundry piles. & Happy Kids".
I love it.
Came home and threw away my old pencil holder on my desk.
It is a good message to be reminded of each day.
I grew up with a mom like that.
Last random detail:
Go try Iced Choffy.....It is so super good!!
Or better yet, come try it here!