The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

It is all very good.

Yesterday was a great day, 
I want to remember some of the best parts.
T and I had a big Choffy event starting bright and early,
What Women Want 
was the name of the event.  
Tina picked me up at 7:00am, and we closed up shop around 3:00,
which we loved because that still left us the whole
evening open to spend with our families.

Truth be told, both of us were
happily surprised at the successful time we had.
It didn't seem like a location that would draw many ladies out,
it was kind of off the beaten path.
I'm not saying we came away rich or anything,
or even that we broke even.
But we each gained a new distributor out of the event,
and loads of great new interested contacts.
We sold a steady stream of Choffy,
our booth is always a popular place to be.
And here's the best part.... 
we had a wonderful time! (at least I did)
Who wouldn't want to spend the day sippin Choffy,
(we have to test inventory quality) 
while sharing info and excitement for a product you stand behind
and personally enjoy....
laughing, talking, sneaking bites of our 
(not good for us at all)
 fried chicken sandwich when there was a lull....
checking out all the wonderful products and services 
that I want....cuz I'm a woman....aren't I?
All while spending time with my wonderful leader and friend.
Loved it.
I got home to a house full of boys and 4 dozen boxes of Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
(was shocked there were any left...I jumped right in)
Ryker had celebrated a few birthdays with some friends 
from their deacons quorum, 
and they were finishing off the fun with gaming and legos
at our place.
I love that they still drag the legos out.

I think E gamed the whole day....just my guess....not ideal,
but it was raining so K didn't have him mowing lawn or helping at 
the truck yard, etc.

Lawson HEADED his teams only goal into the net today!!
Sorry to have missed it,
but glad V was able to recap the
 Awesomeness of it for me.

After Kev and I got all the kids returned to their homes, 
and McCauley home to ours.
We headed off for a date.

K was going to see the new Bourne movie last night 
come heck or high water,
so we didn't have much time for dinner.
We opted for Arbys (is that spelled right?)
Fine by me!
We went through the drive up,
I decided to throw caution to the wind and get their new
Hot Turkey sandwich.
Correct choice to have made...
it was excellent!
We pulled off to the side and parked and ate our curly fries and food.
I don't know why we don't just walk inside....
but we never do, I guess we just want to be able to eat and talk 
how we want.

So we talked about Mitt's taxes,
our current driver Fred,
and other stuff....
and at one point K said,
What if everything in life was really for our good and a positive?
Every opportunity, every situation, regardless of what it is or was,
was in reality, a positive event for us.
It is all for our benefit.
Because really anything we go through,
at least looking back on it,
 good comes from.
We learned this from that experience,
We wouldn't have gotten such and such w/out having gone through.....

I am not using his exact words,
but I really loved it.
He is not always one to come up with fantastic 
positive ideas.
I absolutely agree with this one.

Certainly it is not a new concept.
He was really just describing Gods plan for us.
We would never know the good, if we never saw the bad.
We could never be happy, if we've never been sad.
We have got to try the bitter, so that we can know the sweet.
We have got to be hungry, to be glad that we can eat.

Opposition my friend,
A necessary condition in this world of ours.

Man I love My Turn on Earth!!

Kev really hated the new Bourne movie.
He could not stand the actress.....she didn't bother me at all.
I thought the show was a little hard to follow,
but I actually liked it.

We got home,
the boys were winding things down.
I asked Ethan if he had practiced the song I had left out for 
McCauley's baptism the next day.
Will you do it now please?
Mom, this is the hardest piece in the entire book,
there is no way.
 I'm not playing it,
I will never do it.
Choose another song.
Sorry, can't it is already on the program.
Well, I'm not playing it.

I asked Ryker if he has practiced his song,
no I can't find it.
It is no where to be found.
Well I have faith in you that you will never give up until
it is found and practiced.

I went into our bath room, I see the tell tale signs of M's shower.
I don't know how many times I have reminded her that if 
she wants to shower in dad and I's bathroom she needs to tidy up 
after herself.
I see three small articles of clothing dropped and left on the floor,
I see her shampoo and conditioner left in the shower,
I see that one of our towels is missing,
I know where I will find it....
I find it there, in a blob on her floor. 
I go into check on her sound asleep in her bed.
She had tucked herself in,
and braided her own hair into two sweet little side braids
in preparation for her special day today.
I woke her up to tell her we were home and that I 
really liked her braids.

Ethan found a simplified version of the piano piece I asked him
to play on the internet.  
He printed it out, and practiced it.

Ryker found his piece and practiced it.

It was a great day.

Friday, September 21, 2012

"I just wish I would have......"

Today I am just cruising around,
getting random loose ends tied up, and so forth.
But I keep wanting to come in here and write a few words.
So dang it,
I'm doing it!

Yesterday while I was volunteering at Our Clubs desk,
 after my class,
one of the older gentlemen who comes in every 
Thursday like clock work
checked in with his tag.
Then he asked me what I was reading now.
He always asks,
most weeks I have moved on to another book or project.

(I am listening to this months book club title on cd,
so I decided to bring this book given to me by V a while back.
I am excited to get into it.
I keep moving on to the next thing before I have a chance to fit this guy in.
I am finally ready.)

I held up the book for him to see.
it seems like you are always into goals and doing and going.
Don't you just want to take a break?
No way.
I love it.
I love having a new goal or challenge to think about and work on.
and he walked off for his work out.
On his way out he stopped back by for just a second and said,
You know, 
I was thinking about my life and how I have lived it.
and I just wish I had done one thing differently.
what's that?
I wish I had taken more time to do the things that made me happy.
I wasted so much time drinking,
and doing useless things....
I wish I had been more happy.

I said, well, it's not too late....!
What about now?
Are you happy now?
Heavens yes!
I'm as happy as a dog laying in the warm sun.

I've been thinking about that.

One thing that made me very happy this past week or so was 
the gift of a new faucet from Kevin.
K put this off until we were in crisis mode and the faucet you 
see below was spouting and dripping water below the sink.
So he didn't have much choice in the matter at that point.
But the point is.....
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE our new faucet so much.
It is a delight to use.
It turns with almost no effort at all from sink to sink.
Its water stream is very powerful, so much so that I can't even turn
it on all the way because water will rebound up into the window
if I am squirting out a bowl or spoon or something.
I don't mind that....
just learning how to handle this new fella.
It switches to spray with a gentle nudge of a button....and the spray 
stays on until I push the button again.
I really enjoy how the small handle is used to turn the water on and off.
I can't explain it to would take too many words,
just trust me that it is awesome.
I am grateful for small things that make life so fantastic.
I am grateful to hear about others experiences
so I can learn from them....
and either try and emulate or live my life differently according 
to what makes me happy.

I am grateful that I can sit down and write just because I am 
happy about my faucet.
It is not a waste of time......
It makes me happy.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Capturing Those Special Moments.....

We have just celebrated two milestone birthdays in our home.
Lawson turned 12 on September 8th.
He will be passing the sacrement with his brothers 
this coming Sunday!
and McCauley turned 8 on the 14th.
Her baptism is Sunday as well.

It is not my fault that there is tons more footage from 
M's party.
Girls like to participate in pictures.
They will actually try to help you get a good shot. 
As many times as you ask....they will magically form into 
a group photo without
Without complaint.
Without purposely trying to ruin a shot by being disgusting.

It is waaaaaaaaaay too much effort, without nearly the pay off, to try 
and get boys to participate in a photo.

Here are the photos from L's party.
Great job with the decorating M!!
Nice birthday trap for the boys....he he he....

You caught me....
indeed I had no B-day candles....Partylite saves the day!
 Looks like a great party huh?

Truthfully the boys had a lot of fun.
Lawson spent the day at Andretti Thrill Park with Kev and the brothers,
then had some pals over for video gaming, legos, pizza, soda and a movie.
Even though the pics don't show it,
I think the kid had a pretty great day.

so far pretty much the same....
only this time I did the decorating,
I call this toilet papering with crate paper.
NO TAPE required....
can be done in a time pinch and still have the 
"party" effect you are looking for.
 The girls started off by getting pumped with some sweet dance music.
They eventually moved their way into Limbo and balloon toss.

After we played pin the Earrings on the Donkey....
none of this babyish pin the tail junk at this gig.
They colored, cut, and made the earrings I designed look fabulous!
 Next was cupcake decorating.
After they made their own cakes look super delicious, 
they hooked the boys up with some of their fine work.
 Presents were so much fun!!
What great and thoughtful gifts!
McCauley is enjoying them all like crazy.
(Thank you notes will be forth coming.)
 Next we headed off to the mall.
This is the moment we have been waiting for.....
The ear piercing!!!
(be sure and see the video)
It was so fun having friends there to be excited with, 
and share in the drama!
 See what I mean about the group shots??
Poses delivered on que time after time....
Love it!!
I guess I am a little partial to girls because I am one : )
....a little easier to relate to. 

I will keep trying to load the video to YouTube so it can 
be made bigger to watch.

I love it so much.
Makes me happy and sad.

Monday, September 10, 2012

I left out one part ....

Yesterday in Church I gave a talk in sacrament meeting.
My topic was Scripture Study,
and was based around the talk,
Keeping The Faith in a World of Confusion,
by Bishop Geral Causse
You should read it.

I mentioned in my talk that our family has started memorizing
the New Testament scripture mastery scriptures.
This has been a lot of fun for us.
may seem like an odd word to use....
but it is fun, and exciting, and enjoyable to read our
scriptures together,
 and then give time for anyone that is ready to
try and pass off whatever scripture they are on.
It is fun to encourage each other.
It is fun to celebrate and cheer another success.
It is funny to watch mom and dad struggle and mess up and keep trying.
It is fun to hear the scripture repeated again and again.
It is fun to have our kids come to me at random times
of the day and tell me they think they are ready.....
Ok Great!
....let me get my scriptures so I can follow along.
It has brought a beautiful spirit into our home.

When I was talking to Tina yesterday after church,
I was still on a high and pumped up on Scriptures.
(may it always be so!)
I was saying that I forgot to mention a really
important part of my message.
(Decided I could at least get it out here.)

I have discovered a marvelous blessing...
As I memorize a scripture,
it becomes a little part of me.
I get to own it, it is one of my scriptures.
I get to keep it forever.
I can call it to my mind anytime....
or be thinking of nothing particular, and it will just show up....
and I LOVE it!
For the first time in my life this is what I am experiencing.
 I have begun planting scriptures so
they can take root.

I was looking for a different Mormon Message to accompany my
post today,
but each time I went to retrieve the one I wanted it would block me.
This happened numerous times.

Then I noticed this one,
Words with Friends....
I watched it, and realized that this was actually the perfect fit
for what I want to share.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Visit and the rest of it......

We had a wonderful visit with my parents over the past week
and a half.
We loved having them stay us. 
As you can see by the pictures we stayed pretty busy.
It was really great timing for mom and dad to road trip out from Utah.
Kev was still away on an extended trip out of the country, 
stuck between Columbia and Peru for days on end.
So this was a sweet diversion for us at home.....
sorry for Kev though : (

One of the things I love about dad, and that I can always count on 
is his busy "go get em" attitude.
He is not afraid to take on a project.
In fact he plans on it (or is it just me that plans on it??)
Either way, mom and dad helped me out a TON!
It was raining solid for the first two days of their visit,
so we were forced into putting off yard work for a time,
 and instead
recovered the kitchen chairs!!!
This would have taken me no less than a solid week.
It is sooooo tedious and laborious and boringous.  
I really dislike doing it...
My dad and I knocked these suckers out in under 2 days!
They look so, so beautiful.
Plus we added new padding so they are ultra wonderful to sit on as well.
 Dad worked his keester off in the yard.
My mom to....she mowed her brains out!
Dad convinced me to remove a few overgrown trees.
I was apprehensive at first, but am so glad he took them out.
Looks sooooooo much better.
(what was I thinking before??)
We trimmed and cut and raked.
  I sooooooo relieved not to be overwhelmed by that
job prospect any longer.

Dad and mom assisted the kids with their dish duties (spoiled),
helped with History projects, gave out mounds of birthday dollars to 
McCauley and Lawson.
Memorized scripture mastery with us, and sang
"The Books of the New Testament"
song with us a dozen times.
Mom was a delight in the kitchen, 
I got her mounds of .25 magazines from the library, 
which we all happily perused for hours on end. 
We watched loads of 
political convention coverage....stayed up as late as I could with them 
every night.
We listened to Glen Beck in the day.
Went on a long Sunday drive taking in the homes and beauty of 
our beach.
We drank Choffy and ate a ton of Choffy cake.
Dad played tennis with our friend Nate a few times,
 I am happy to say he held his own.
He played several time with Ryker and the boys as well.

The day before they left we hit the beach,
mom opted out of this venture....
but it was great fun.
Dad is never one to miss out on the action.
He was in the water with the kids and even tried his hand at surfing....
apparently his shoulder is still reminding him of that.
 We were sad to see them leave.
Please don't wait so long to come again!!

The good news....
 is that the same day my parents drove off....
 Kev finally drove in!!!
Apparently he wanted to make this kid's day, 
he hand picked this 
"Bad Boy" 
Charger to make the drive from Miami,
and so E could take us for a few spins around town.
 I had to take numerous photos for E until I got just the right shot for him.
I didn't mind, 
I definitely know it takes time and effort to get just the right pic.
So, as they say life goes on....
and that is no joke.
My parents drove away and life got right back to normal.

I went to the library yesterday and as I walked up to the front doors
I was greeted by a pretty good sized turtle trying to get in.
I went to the desk and told them about it, and suggested maybe they could move the 
little guy to the nearby woods.
I picked up a few Friday night movies and visited with V and the boys,
and then headed out to leave.
I reversed the van and started rolling back when I heard a horribly
loud grating crunch sound.
My heart dropped.
I pulled forward.
I knew what I was going to see.
That poor turtle was trying to scramble away with a split and 
cracked shell, and blood trailing behind him.
I could not believe that is was ME who ran him over!!!
I felt soooooo bad.
I went back into the library and told them I ran over the turtle and now
what could we do?
He is in bad shape.
One of the employees came out with a box and we had to rassle 
it out from under another vehicle.
(I didn't want to be too morbid or have anyone see me taking photos of 
this poor little guy....this is all I dared get.)
you don't even know.
: (
Later on in the evening, the day K got home, 
he came to me 
shocked and surprised and asked who broke the semi-truck key.
I looked at him.... thinking, for real??
Who would do that and just hang it back up?
I suggested that maybe that was the way the key had always been.
Not the right comment.

But it didn't make any sense.
Who is even powerful enough to break a big key like that?
We went to the kids.
The other boys quickly turned on Lawson.
They were trying to force out a confession.
K was not giving up or dropping it....
I am sitting there mystified thinking it is not even true.

Next thing I know K and M are having a heart to heart.
She had thought it was maybe the key to the sports car in the drive way and
wanted to open the door.
She admitted to breaking the tip of the key off in the door,
and then seeing it fall out, but she saw where it landed.
They went out and picked up the key piece.

I was in a dumb stuppor. 
K was the most patient and loving parent I have ever seen.
M learned a lesson in honesty.
Hopefully the older boys won't be so quick to pounce on their younger brother 
in the future.
And we have two new keys ordered (you have to order two)
at the bargain price of $639.
What can you do.
Life goes on....
and hey, you can't take it with you, right? 
Last night was movie night as usual here at our place....
when it is Friday movie night, it is also PIZZA time.
There was copious amounts of feasting going on.
For once I opted out because K and I had eaten out for lunch and I was
still paying the piper for stuffing myself to the brim.
Luckily I listened to my body for once.
K on the other hand made the choice to feast....
he knows he will pay the price, but I guess with him being away so long
he was excited to dig in...who wouldn't be??
Anyway, his night was wrought with heart burn and late night visitors.

I got involved around 6:00am this morning with his activities.
(no idea how I slept through the rest of it)
I felt him get up and then come back and make some exasperated sounds.
I said something like... can't sleep?
No, there is some lizard running around in our bed.
Excuse me?!
I pounce out like a spring and flip the lamp on.
We throw the covers back and I will tell you....
It was NO Lizard, but this rabid creature!!
I do some gagging reflexes, because it is on my side of the bed where I was 
just slumbering.
Kev goes to retrieve a killing weapon.
I told K - as he came to collect his kill.....I don't think so,
it is time for me to write.....first things first.
I got my shot 
(pathetic and blurry as it is, plus this roach was huge!! and you can't even tell),
 and then he took it away.
My sleep was over....but it was like sleeping in anyway,
6:00 is pretty decent.
K went back to bed.
Later after getting home from teaching Pilates at Our Club...
such a fun class....mostly because V, Sonia, Christi, and T came!!
It was a good crowd besides them which is so AWESOME!
Thank you for coming!

So anyway, around 9:30 I go in and K is up,
I said, now tell me how things went down last night.
How did you know there was a "lizard" in our bed?

He said, well I felt something run onto my neck and stay there.
My hands and were trapped in the covers and I couldn't get them out,
when I finally got loose, I hit it off and heard it hit the wall.
This was around 2:00am.
But I woke up with it in our bed at 6:00am.
Well, that was the second time it woke me up.
After the first time I sat on the couch for a while, because my 
heartburn was raging so hard,
I finally came back and tried to sleep.
Not long after I felt something running up and down my arm.
This time my hands were free, but when I got it off it went into our bed.
That is when I got up.

I see.

Yes, things are definitely back to normal.
We had a good laugh....
a really good laugh.

Heck, what are the alternatives?