The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

It is all very good.

Yesterday was a great day, 
I want to remember some of the best parts.
T and I had a big Choffy event starting bright and early,
What Women Want 
was the name of the event.  
Tina picked me up at 7:00am, and we closed up shop around 3:00,
which we loved because that still left us the whole
evening open to spend with our families.

Truth be told, both of us were
happily surprised at the successful time we had.
It didn't seem like a location that would draw many ladies out,
it was kind of off the beaten path.
I'm not saying we came away rich or anything,
or even that we broke even.
But we each gained a new distributor out of the event,
and loads of great new interested contacts.
We sold a steady stream of Choffy,
our booth is always a popular place to be.
And here's the best part.... 
we had a wonderful time! (at least I did)
Who wouldn't want to spend the day sippin Choffy,
(we have to test inventory quality) 
while sharing info and excitement for a product you stand behind
and personally enjoy....
laughing, talking, sneaking bites of our 
(not good for us at all)
 fried chicken sandwich when there was a lull....
checking out all the wonderful products and services 
that I want....cuz I'm a woman....aren't I?
All while spending time with my wonderful leader and friend.
Loved it.
I got home to a house full of boys and 4 dozen boxes of Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
(was shocked there were any left...I jumped right in)
Ryker had celebrated a few birthdays with some friends 
from their deacons quorum, 
and they were finishing off the fun with gaming and legos
at our place.
I love that they still drag the legos out.

I think E gamed the whole day....just my guess....not ideal,
but it was raining so K didn't have him mowing lawn or helping at 
the truck yard, etc.

Lawson HEADED his teams only goal into the net today!!
Sorry to have missed it,
but glad V was able to recap the
 Awesomeness of it for me.

After Kev and I got all the kids returned to their homes, 
and McCauley home to ours.
We headed off for a date.

K was going to see the new Bourne movie last night 
come heck or high water,
so we didn't have much time for dinner.
We opted for Arbys (is that spelled right?)
Fine by me!
We went through the drive up,
I decided to throw caution to the wind and get their new
Hot Turkey sandwich.
Correct choice to have made...
it was excellent!
We pulled off to the side and parked and ate our curly fries and food.
I don't know why we don't just walk inside....
but we never do, I guess we just want to be able to eat and talk 
how we want.

So we talked about Mitt's taxes,
our current driver Fred,
and other stuff....
and at one point K said,
What if everything in life was really for our good and a positive?
Every opportunity, every situation, regardless of what it is or was,
was in reality, a positive event for us.
It is all for our benefit.
Because really anything we go through,
at least looking back on it,
 good comes from.
We learned this from that experience,
We wouldn't have gotten such and such w/out having gone through.....

I am not using his exact words,
but I really loved it.
He is not always one to come up with fantastic 
positive ideas.
I absolutely agree with this one.

Certainly it is not a new concept.
He was really just describing Gods plan for us.
We would never know the good, if we never saw the bad.
We could never be happy, if we've never been sad.
We have got to try the bitter, so that we can know the sweet.
We have got to be hungry, to be glad that we can eat.

Opposition my friend,
A necessary condition in this world of ours.

Man I love My Turn on Earth!!

Kev really hated the new Bourne movie.
He could not stand the actress.....she didn't bother me at all.
I thought the show was a little hard to follow,
but I actually liked it.

We got home,
the boys were winding things down.
I asked Ethan if he had practiced the song I had left out for 
McCauley's baptism the next day.
Will you do it now please?
Mom, this is the hardest piece in the entire book,
there is no way.
 I'm not playing it,
I will never do it.
Choose another song.
Sorry, can't it is already on the program.
Well, I'm not playing it.

I asked Ryker if he has practiced his song,
no I can't find it.
It is no where to be found.
Well I have faith in you that you will never give up until
it is found and practiced.

I went into our bath room, I see the tell tale signs of M's shower.
I don't know how many times I have reminded her that if 
she wants to shower in dad and I's bathroom she needs to tidy up 
after herself.
I see three small articles of clothing dropped and left on the floor,
I see her shampoo and conditioner left in the shower,
I see that one of our towels is missing,
I know where I will find it....
I find it there, in a blob on her floor. 
I go into check on her sound asleep in her bed.
She had tucked herself in,
and braided her own hair into two sweet little side braids
in preparation for her special day today.
I woke her up to tell her we were home and that I 
really liked her braids.

Ethan found a simplified version of the piano piece I asked him
to play on the internet.  
He printed it out, and practiced it.

Ryker found his piece and practiced it.

It was a great day.


Anonymous said...

I really love that our whole family seems to be obsessed with my turn on earth right now. Which reminds me, I think this Christmas we should do a short my turn on earth program performance at mom and dads. Anybody in? I know a couple of gals I'd like to see sing the golden rule again!!
Kevin seems to be acting with Certainty right now. Gods hand is truly over all flesh. How could we deny it. I for one know that grandma Carla is in a better place without the confines of an old worn out body, now recalling every detail of her service filled life of teaching and spunk. She touched and inspired so many.
Makes me want to tell my siblings and in laws how touched and inspired I feel by each of you too. I want to tell the people I love that I love them while we are yet alive! I have many times wondered why I am blessed so much more than others of Gods worthy children. Life certainly is not fair.
Lance struggles with this because as church members we tent to have the mindset that if I'm struggling God is blessing me with a challenge to grow, and if life is good, God if blessing me with an opportunity to feel gratitude.
Yesterday he asked what's the difference between me and the person who doesn't believe in God, who's life is also full of ups and downs. The answer is nothing is different. Gods hand IS over all. But for me knowledge of An Eternal Father gives life PURPOSE.
The greatest gift next to life itself is the power to direct that life. Over the years as I have recognized my belief system is a choice, (that I choose to fervently adhere to) I feel greater appreciation for the ability each of us has to choose for ourselves what to believe.
Thanks again for letting me post a book instead of a comment. A

TinaD said...

Why am I in tears over this post? I love your blog.

Melissa said...

.....because it reminds you of your own life. It reminds you that there is so much good in all the ups and downs we experience Every. Single. Day.

A - post a book anytime. I love don't need your own blog, you can just use mine : ) appreciated your thoughts.

HB said...

I feel like I have been absent for a year...I disagree...Amy should have a blog. 'nough said. :)

M - I want to send you some CD's called "loving what is". This is in perfect alignment w/what Kevin is saying. It is hard to wrap your mind around ALWAYS loving what is, but the whole bathroom thing, Kev's comments...this is a perfect time for you to at least experience the idea.

I love your family. I love 'anonymous' is fun to be connected this way.

How was the baptism??? I expect to see a post about the actual day soon.

Love you. HB

Anonymous said...

P.S. How buff are your arms! I'm pretty sure I can see awesome biceps, shoulder action in this choffy shot from 20 feet back!
I request a photo update of you and your workout buds after kick'n it one morning.?