The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Friday, September 21, 2012

"I just wish I would have......"

Today I am just cruising around,
getting random loose ends tied up, and so forth.
But I keep wanting to come in here and write a few words.
So dang it,
I'm doing it!

Yesterday while I was volunteering at Our Clubs desk,
 after my class,
one of the older gentlemen who comes in every 
Thursday like clock work
checked in with his tag.
Then he asked me what I was reading now.
He always asks,
most weeks I have moved on to another book or project.

(I am listening to this months book club title on cd,
so I decided to bring this book given to me by V a while back.
I am excited to get into it.
I keep moving on to the next thing before I have a chance to fit this guy in.
I am finally ready.)

I held up the book for him to see.
it seems like you are always into goals and doing and going.
Don't you just want to take a break?
No way.
I love it.
I love having a new goal or challenge to think about and work on.
and he walked off for his work out.
On his way out he stopped back by for just a second and said,
You know, 
I was thinking about my life and how I have lived it.
and I just wish I had done one thing differently.
what's that?
I wish I had taken more time to do the things that made me happy.
I wasted so much time drinking,
and doing useless things....
I wish I had been more happy.

I said, well, it's not too late....!
What about now?
Are you happy now?
Heavens yes!
I'm as happy as a dog laying in the warm sun.

I've been thinking about that.

One thing that made me very happy this past week or so was 
the gift of a new faucet from Kevin.
K put this off until we were in crisis mode and the faucet you 
see below was spouting and dripping water below the sink.
So he didn't have much choice in the matter at that point.
But the point is.....
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE our new faucet so much.
It is a delight to use.
It turns with almost no effort at all from sink to sink.
Its water stream is very powerful, so much so that I can't even turn
it on all the way because water will rebound up into the window
if I am squirting out a bowl or spoon or something.
I don't mind that....
just learning how to handle this new fella.
It switches to spray with a gentle nudge of a button....and the spray 
stays on until I push the button again.
I really enjoy how the small handle is used to turn the water on and off.
I can't explain it to would take too many words,
just trust me that it is awesome.
I am grateful for small things that make life so fantastic.
I am grateful to hear about others experiences
so I can learn from them....
and either try and emulate or live my life differently according 
to what makes me happy.

I am grateful that I can sit down and write just because I am 
happy about my faucet.
It is not a waste of time......
It makes me happy.


HB said...

Super sweet faucet!! It is wonderful that you have such amazing water pressure...I had to push corn down the drain by hand today because the water wouldn't do it. I would like to hear your book review when you are done...or special thoughts while reading it. Do you ever ask that guy what he is currently reading? It might be interesting to know. I love that you took some time to write today - Thank you. HB

Anonymous said...

You're Blog is rightfully called the details. I gotta admit I do love a properly functioning item! And like you we rarely fix anything that's not in immidiate crisis mode. (Really, there's just no fun in that.)
Goals and forward motion, isn't that the stuff that makes this wonderful world go round?!
xoxo A

Melissa said...

HB, Just be glad you have the freedom to push anything down your drain.....I have to dig it out, no disposal. Mom and dad were constantly in a fluster on what to do and where to put what they normally would have blended up in the drain. They were always wanting to gather it up and take it to flush down the toilet, or bury it in the yard and so forth. I'm like guys, listen, just scrape EVERYTHING into the garbage, I always double bag. No worries, one of the kids will remove the offending debri after, and we will move on to a new garbage bag.

It is just funny what we get used to and becomes the norm, and what we are certain we could never/would never live with out.

You bet I ask him about what he is reading.....he likes mystery, suspense, etc. He drops books and magazines at the desk all the time for Our Club to enjoy. He always has a new recommendation.

Aim, You got it girl. Yes!