The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Monday, September 10, 2012

I left out one part ....

Yesterday in Church I gave a talk in sacrament meeting.
My topic was Scripture Study,
and was based around the talk,
Keeping The Faith in a World of Confusion,
by Bishop Geral Causse
You should read it.

I mentioned in my talk that our family has started memorizing
the New Testament scripture mastery scriptures.
This has been a lot of fun for us.
may seem like an odd word to use....
but it is fun, and exciting, and enjoyable to read our
scriptures together,
 and then give time for anyone that is ready to
try and pass off whatever scripture they are on.
It is fun to encourage each other.
It is fun to celebrate and cheer another success.
It is funny to watch mom and dad struggle and mess up and keep trying.
It is fun to hear the scripture repeated again and again.
It is fun to have our kids come to me at random times
of the day and tell me they think they are ready.....
Ok Great!
....let me get my scriptures so I can follow along.
It has brought a beautiful spirit into our home.

When I was talking to Tina yesterday after church,
I was still on a high and pumped up on Scriptures.
(may it always be so!)
I was saying that I forgot to mention a really
important part of my message.
(Decided I could at least get it out here.)

I have discovered a marvelous blessing...
As I memorize a scripture,
it becomes a little part of me.
I get to own it, it is one of my scriptures.
I get to keep it forever.
I can call it to my mind anytime....
or be thinking of nothing particular, and it will just show up....
and I LOVE it!
For the first time in my life this is what I am experiencing.
 I have begun planting scriptures so
they can take root.

I was looking for a different Mormon Message to accompany my
post today,
but each time I went to retrieve the one I wanted it would block me.
This happened numerous times.

Then I noticed this one,
Words with Friends....
I watched it, and realized that this was actually the perfect fit
for what I want to share.


Anonymous said...

I LOVED that mormon message. So clever and so true! Your talk was amazing and I feel like a better person for hearing it. Thank you for all of your preparation and your testimony!

HB said...

Uh careful or the next thing you know you will be the Stake Relief Society President!! I'm so glad your talk went well. There is something so satisfying when you know you have done all you can do to prepare and then at the end to feel you have shared something important the way you intended to share it. Wish I could have heard it. HB

Melissa said...

Naw HB, I already know who the new Stake RS pres worries there. : ) Yes....that's it, exactly what you said about preparing and presenting. Wish you could have been here also.

Thanks V.