The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Desperate times require......

......desperate measures.
Tina put this video up on her face book page a few minutes ago.
It hurt me real bad.

I had just walked in the door not twenty minutes earlier
from our own schools DPO (Delaura Parent Organization) meeting.
Talk about depressing.
This video could not have hit the nail harder or more square on the head.

Gotta love the women, (and men) driving PTOs everywhere.
It is much like it is at church at times.
The same faces showing up for all volunteer needs.
The same handful of parents donating and giving what they can,
when they can.

But truth be told it is never enough.
It is sometimes discouraging and a little depressing.

The conversation this morning with the six of us,
included the statement below, as well as many others...

"Well, last year during spirit week I think we made $6 on the tatoos,
should we lower the price to .25?"

What the?

Not everything is dismal,
so don't get me wrong.
Candy Gram sales are up!
The Garden Fest plans are coming together.
We are getting some great ideas generated for the big 8th grade
end of year celebration.
Not to mention:

My report on the Box Top Collections:
McCauley and I have been clipping and counting our brains out around here.
I am getting ready to send in our first collection for the year.

We compiled and cleaned up 1500 box tops.
We put them in bags of 50,
being sure to take out any expired or unreadable tops.
At first I thought this only added up to be $15 for our school.
I was pretty ticked off.

.....but then after thinking it through....
this actually adds up to
$150 for our school!!!!
This is something to be proud of!
Before the meeting I decided I should quickly check the collection box
in the front office, and in the school store.

Bulls EYE.

The box up front was practically bulging.
It looks like I will be getting the boys involved in this job.
It makes me happy and grateful that at least some families are
opening their eyes
and attempting to do something for their school.

LOOK for these
Box Tops logo with website
It is not hard at all....
once you start being aware you will see them literally EVERYWHERE.

They are on hundreds of products you use every day.
Every time you clip one off and turn it into your school
(Delaura Middle School or SurfSide Elementary)
You earn .10 for them.
It is free.
It costs you nothing.
But think of how quickly it can add up.
Tina's school earned over $3000 last year.
We maybe earned $600......
but this is a new year, and I'm running the show in town now.
If you don't have children in school,
consider collecting for someone who does.

If everyone just opened their eyes and became aware of these little
money makers,
moms would not have to turn into hardened rappers,
like the well meaning mothers in our video.

Thank you for supporting your Parent Organization!!!
Thank you for ordering magazines!
Thank you for ordering cookie dough.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you for your monetary pledges!!!
You are appreciated.....
and hard to find.

One more thought:

.... use it or loose it!!


C and K said...

Love this post! Amen to all your PTO enthusiasm. I also loved that video. Couldn't stop laughing. Your posts are wonderful as ever and always make mme smile.

HB said...

LOL - VERY funny video. Ugh...lots of work for such low rewards. Explain what $600 does for the school - I am hoping it is like $1 actually equals $10 in the way it can be used. I am pretty amazed at how much money you have been able to raise considerting each endeavor is earning a seeming average of 10 - 25 goodness.

Good job to all of you amazing Mom's and Dad's out there doing right by your kids. Keep at it!!

Anonymous said...

man, I couldnt pull up that video on my Ipod so I just now watched it, I'm still in tears from laughing and crying for real about the truth and pain it represents.
love you, Aim