The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Friday, October 12, 2012


I was just going to brush over the last few weeks and 
leave it off my blog....
cuz turns out it was no big deal.

Then I decided I had learned a few things, and thought I may
as well share my thoughts after all.

Here is the short story made long.
As I was approaching my 40th birthday I began considering the 
notion of scheduling my first mammogram.
I had my birthday, called my insurance company and yes,
starting at age 40, they will pay for a baseline mamo.
I hum-hawed around for weeks,
then months,
continuing to have a the nagging thought in the back of my mind 
to schedule my apt.
Finally I did it.
I got in.
It was not so bad.
Check mark.
I got a call the next day from my doctor, 
saying that the radiologist wanted to 
take another look, 
there were some calcification clusters in my left breast.
No big deal.
Pretty common.
Went back in the next week for a second mamo, 
and an ultra sound.
Got another call fairly quickly saying that the radiologist 
suggested a biopsy of the area.
The biopsy was uncomfortable, 
it was not horrible.
I had a Stereotactic Biopsy, which is all done by machine.
You lay on a table w/ a hole in it...
you get raised up and squished, 
and you pretty much get worked on like you are a car.
You lay very still for about 20 min.
You are kind of scared.
You aren't sure what to expect.
The doctor talks you through it, step by step.
You will feel a pinch and a burning.
Now you will feel some tugging and resistance.....
if you are lucky like I was,
you will have a thoughtful nurse in the room.
She will come over and hold your hand that is laying there 
with out asking,
she will just know what to do and how to comfort. 
She will pat your back and use a soothing voice to say 
how good you are doing.

After you will get taped up,
then wrapped tightly w/ a big ace bandage thing,
you will carry your bra home in your purse....
so bring a jacket, 
because I felt a bit awkward at this point.
But it was not too bad.
You are tender for a few days is all.
No exertion for 24 hours. 
 I wasn't going to say anything to anyone UNLESS I actually ended up 
having cancer.

This only lasted so long.
I did end up mentioning to my mom,
and my work out friends about my biopsy.
What I thought would happen, 
did happen.
My friends reached out to me with concern and love,
my family fasted, prayed, sent a beautiful package the day before my apt.
and so forth.

now my initial reaction is to be kind of embarrassed that 
I even mentioned it,
because like I told them all along....
I'm sure it will be fine and work out.
It did.
I did not earn these gifts....or need to worry anyone.
I know that is ridiculous thinking.
I did not let people down by finding out my results were benign today.
That is the best news ever.
The hoped for results.

Thank you for going through this experience with me.

K even delighted me with what he knows I love the most.
Last night (kind of late) he was all determined to take off and go mail two letters
so he didn't have to worry about it the next day.

I held back making any comments,
or physically raising my eye brows at the absurdity of it.
I simply thought in my mind,
whatever floats your boat sweetie.

Ok, see you and Lawson when you get home.

This morning when I got up to teach in the wee hours of the 
I turned on the car to see a brand new full tank of gas.
He knows I love a full tank so much.
I knew he was sending me a message.
I got it loud and clear.

I think I am suggesting to share what's happening in your life
with those you love.
Let them love, serve, and support you.....
even if in the end you might find that 
Life goes on just as it did before.
You are healthy, happy, and very blessed.


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone, my name is Melanie I know, I have not said much on these blogs things, I always thought it would be hard to do and scary? What if a say something dumb. Anyway glad things worked out. I have had some experiences like you, my last mamo was sorta like that, I had to go back, but no biopsy was necessary, but the thought to have to back and make sure things are all good always makes you think twice. Thanks for letting us know because we like to be there for each other even though we dont live close. See ya :)

Melissa said...

Hey Mel! Thanks for the comment lady. Nice to hear from you. You can never say anything too dumb....I usually take care of doing that myself.

HB said...

Fun to hear from Mel.

It is sometimes hard to be on the receiving end of service or thoughtfulness, especially when you are usually the one offering time, energy and service to others. I will tell you what I know for sure...those flowers and prayers were as much for us as they were for you. We love you so much and appreciate all you do for us.

Thank you for letting us be part of your life in the small and the big things; what else are freinds and family for? Just know your experience may help and comfort one of us some day...Love ya, HB

Anonymous said...

glad all is well,
I'm blog starving! what's the hang up? it's been 11 days since your last update. but who's counting.
I only look for updates a couple times a day- I guess it could be worse.
Miss you- Aim
P.S. heard your driving out for christmas! cant wait!!

Melissa said...

Anonymous......I guess I was waiting for you to actually leave a comment. Now I can work on my next post : ) where is your post????