The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Honesty....always the best policy?

Yesterday our Sunday school lesson was: 
Since I have been released from the primary I have chosen to 
attend the "beginners" class.
The class for new members I guess, called Gospel Principles.
I love it in there because it is back to basics, pretty much just like primary.
The basics are really what the gospel is to me.
We have great discussions and I feel the spirit let me know what 
I personally need to hear each week.
It helps that we have a fantastic teacher....
Brother Watson.
He is super down to earth, a bit, um, irreverent?
That is probably not the right word, 
but he puts everyone at ease,
they (we) feel free to speak up and not be embarrassed about commenting.

So, Honesty.
I'm honest.
I thought I was pretty honest.

We talked quite a bit about little white lies.
Are these ok?
What about to protect someones feelings?
One brother said he didn't want his aged mother to worry so much,
so sometimes he left some truth out.
I piped up that I thought these "types" of things were A-ok.
That if it were a "true lie", the spirit would dictate that to us,
and we would need to remedy that right away.

By the end of class, I felt differently....

I left knowing that in fact, I can no longer get free music 
off the internet for my classes.
Dang it!
Then why is it possible, and so easy to do?
Why do my kids know about the free music sites?
Are we sure they are not legal?
Why would they be on the internet if they were not?
I don't get it.
But....does that make it right?
I have really been told straight I can't fake stupid any more
I guess.

This morning was a REAL wake up call for me,
and really this is the reason I bring up this lesson at all.

We were up and at it, 
K is getting ready to head out the door,
and I casually mention that the van smells like urine.
I say, 
I bet it is because of that dumb leak from the air conditioning
on the passenger side.
The cover keeps falling off by the floor......
we really should get that fixed
once and for all.....
don't cha think?
Well.......if YOU GUYS would ever put the cover back on,
it wouldn't always leak!
Hey! we are constantly putting the cover on!
Oh yeah?
OK, when was the last time you personally put the cover on?
Me: one week ago.
oh my gosh.
that was a bold face lie.
that came out of my mouth with out a second thought.
I did it because, I thought if K thought we had
been putting the cover on all the time, he would 
hurry faster to fix the issue.
I gave a little nervous laugh, and said, ok, 
I just lied.
I really have never put the cover on in my life.
Now you know.

He came over and gave me a big hug....
"That's one of the things I love about you so much.
You are always so honest".


At that moment another small lie came into my mind.
On Friday he asked if I had called on an invoice.
I said yes, but that no one answered.

I really forgot to call...
I did not confess this to him at the time, felt too creepy.
He will find out when he reads this post, if ever.
But I do PROMISE to call today for real,
it is sitting here at my desk.

I had no idea of my constant lying!
Ok, that is exaggerating a little maybe......but when I am 
asked in my temple recommend interview, 
Am I honest in my dealing 
with my fellow man?

Here are a few quotes from our lesson:

There are many forms of lying. When we speak untruths, we are guilty of lying. We can also intentionally deceive others by a gesture or a look, by silence, or by telling only part of the truth. Whenever we lead people in any way to believe something that is not true, we are not being honest.
The Lord is not pleased with such dishonesty, and we will have to account for our lies. Satan would have us believe it is all right to lie. He says, “Yea, lie a little; … there is no harm in this” (2 Nephi 28:8). Satan encourages us to justify our lies to ourselves. 
People use many excuses for being dishonest. People lie to protect themselves and to have others think well of them. Some excuse themselves for stealing, thinking they deserve what they took, intend to return it, or need it more than the owner. 
These excuses and many more are given as reasons for dishonesty. To the Lord, there are no acceptable reasons. When we excuse ourselves, we cheat ourselves and the Spirit of God ceases to be with us. 
What does it mean to be completely honest?

“Let every man’s life be so that his character will bear the closest inspection, and that it may be seen as an open book, so that he will have nothing to shrink from or be ashamed of.” 

So, this is something I will be actively working on.
This past week Ethan had a wonderful experience.
He was able to baptize the two Chirarillo boys into the church.
He was nervous.
The boys were nervous....and very afraid of water.
It took a few times,
a bit of counsel, some reworking, deep breaths, and finally
they both got down on their knees to be lower in the water.
It was a success.
It was a special sneak peak into his future 
as a missionary.
I am grateful he accepts invitations to serve,
even if his initial reaction is otherwise.
 Here is our kitchen ceiling now.....maybe this week it will be completed!!
 M is always cute, and L put this gross latex glove on his foot yesterday.
Looks revolting doesn't it?
I am off to tell the truth, the whole truth, 
and nothing but the help me.....
I'm kind of nervous....but also excited!!


Anonymous said...

your mother says,
I am sorry to have you point out one of my biggest weeknesses! The quick little white lies just seem to fly out of my mouth so easily! Some to keep from hurting others, some to keep out of trouble, some to make myself feel better about myself, some to make someone feel bad when they have made me feel awful and even some to make a story more interesting!
I will be more aware of this mistake from now on so that I can be more Christlike!
I hope this reply will find you getting closer to a new ceiling.
Tell the boys that I have joined the fantasy league and thanks for telling me how!
We are so proud if Ethan and the baptisms he was able to do. Such a wonderful way to beable to use his Priesthood authority.
Hope Amy will tell you about the amazing birthday party she and Keri threw for Archer. Wish you and yours were here!

AUNT GUGGY said...

Geeeez is right! I always felt like that honesty question should be answered with "I try to be". In later years I felt like my overall intention is to be honest with my fellow men and I had no real problem saying I was honest. I try not to hurt others, I don't steal (except free music off the internet - actually I just steal Trav's free music), I am straightforward in my dealings at work...but if we MUST get technical, I agree with both you and Mom - Trav might ask me what I spent on an item and instead of saying $450 - I say "around $400" I think $50 bucks is really going to make that big of a difference? On my drivers license I blatantly lied about my weight...doesn't everyone? I just figured I'd lose a few...ok 40 pounds within the next few months...3.5 years ago!! I guess I would rationalize that these things don't hurt anyone, but that would be deceiving myself as well. This is one of those things I would rather not look at too closely, because I am obviously not "trying" hard enough to be honest. I suppose I should say "thanks for the reminder". :)

I have to say that glove did give me the creeps.

Love ya,