The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Creative uses for CHOFFY!!!

 I have been really slow on pulling together another Choffy Klatch...
so finally,
 here is the latest.
My sister HB asked about other uses for Choffy the other day,
so this is a response to her inquiry.  
Hope this helps....
some other ideas that I left out of the Klatch which I have personally 
tried are to add Choffy grinds to your muffin mixes,
sweet breads, namely banana, and zucchini.
Add to cookie batter.....
the name of the game here is:
When you have left over unused brewed chocolate,
use it in place of water in just about anything. 
(remember to mute the music to the side, and to see it large, click to go to youtube)

I would LOVE to hear what YOU do!!
Please share your favorite Choffy creations and inspired uses.
Jilll....talking to you girl!


HB said...

Whooot - nice uses for choffy...I will keep those in you put grounds that have been BREWED into your muffins...? OR grounds that are PRE-Brewed? I think it is the brewed brand, but want to be clear when I talk about it to others. Love ya. HB

Melissa said...

Brewed.....try it. Start with a few TBLS, and work up so you can figure out how it effects texture, and so forth.

We will have to experiment while I am in town. Our trip is going to be so short this time....I will have from the 11th - 19th, so lets be sure to plan a get together.

HB said...

HEY - I tried to play the klatch with the big wig and I would have to download flash player...will you send me the link on youtube so I can watch it? Thanks. HB