The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

"Become the ROCK......."

.....the River Cannot wash away."
- Richard J. Manes 

I think that is my favorite quote from today's General Conference.
I have to agree with President Monson's statement at 
the conclusion of the 
early session.
I will need to re-watch to be certain, but I believe he said,  
that this was the 
"most inspiring general conference ever".
I certainly felt that way.
After one of the speakers finished, I heard Lawson say to Kev
that taking notes meant just to write a sentence or two on what stood out
for you in that particular talk.
That you didn't need to write down a whole page.....
referring to my notes.
I said that is what I did.
I wrote down what stood out for me.
I felt each talk was filled with spiritual nuggets for me.
For our family.  For our time and circumstance.
I am excited to re-watch and read the council a second time.
There is no way to glean it all the first go.
I have to say, one of my very favorite parts of the conference
was this song by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
I loved it.
I always like them, but this song, wow....
O Divine Redeemer 
I'd really like to just post the entire session.....
but for now I'll stick with President Monson's talk.
He spoke about the path of life, and the temptation
we sometimes have to 
want to ask,
Why Me?
He counseled us all to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ the center of our lives.
The comfort acquired from its principles and teaching are
Priceless, Incomparable, and Irreplaceable.
Heavenly Father gives us so much to Delight in,
but he knows we only grow, stretch, and become better when we
go through trials and endure....
Don't be driven to humility before we remember him....
(These are not his exact words....just a few of my notes, take a listen : )

it seemed a bit odd that at the end of conference President Monson 
wrapped up his talk several minutes early.
I don't remember a time conference ever ended
before the allotted time.
I wished for it many times growing up,
but not once can I recall that being the case.
At first we thought our recording was messed up.
After the closing song and prayer, we all just sat there,
the cameras still rolling.
We watched as the prophet and apostles got up and began to file 
out of the conference center.
One by one they gathered up their wives, or daughter, or
other family member and smiled and waved as they left the stage.
We watched as the conference hall stood and watched and waved
and bade them fair well until next time.
The kids asked why is no one leaving?
It's over.....
why aren't they going home?

I don't think they wanted to.
I don't think they wanted it to be over.

Surprisingly, to myself,
I agreed.
It got me thinking about the Nephites, when   
the Savior was in their midst.....3 Nephi 17: 1 - 6

I am grateful that every six months we have the opportunity
to participate in General Conference.
I am thankful we can hear the will of the Lord
through his servants.

I'm thankful for technology and the blessing of being
able to watch and re-watch these messages in our own home.

1 comment:

HB said...

I actually caught this talk as well. I liked how he talked about his wife and that he is not concerned (I can't remember the word he used) because he knows she continues on - I also find great comfort in this belief when I think of my loved ones. I love hearing your input AND Lawsons...funny kid.
Love you,