The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Kind of, smart person that I am, I don't seem to have a real
before picture, with our outdated, curved - drop ceiling with florescent lights.
Too bad.
I am so happy to be saying AFTER!
I love it so much.

At the start of the project K ran into a few road blocks.
When he originally took down the old ceiling,
he was surprised, 
and quite depressed to discover
that.... Oops! 
no rafters.
They had all been sawed out by the previous owner.
(This is actually how all projects go in this home....
might be why Kev's resistance to them is so high.)

Turns out the job was going to be a step or two above K's 
carpentry skills.
It was at this time that we reached out to our friend Danny, 
a talented handy man in our ward.

After a really long period of staring up into the ceiling 
together. Along with prolonged pauses and 
periods of silent chin rubbing,
Danny and K took an entire day to pain stakingly build make-shift 
rafters back into the ceiling so they could then start,
 where we thought
he would have been when K first tore into the job.
One thing to know about our home is that it has built in
"Character Building" situations.
They came at no extra cost when we purchased the home
almost fourteen years ago.

Over the course of the job,
Kev sometimes accused
 me of wanting to change the ceiling on a whim.
Ah Contraire my darling. 

I did indeed dislike it.....however, the real reason(s) I wanted it 
changed so much were that,
A.  The florescent light fixtures held dust, grime, and BUGS in them 
B.  The fixtures (holding pens for the long bulbs) were stained, 
brittle, cracked, and chipped.
C.  The lights were always going out, at least one entire side at a time.
I would report this to K, and he
would come and magically touch them, and voila, they would be 
back on!.....for an hour or two.
D.  We had already changed ALL of the plastic holding pens
once since we moved in.  It was a major pain, costly, 
and just as unbecoming as they were originally, but more white,
until they turned yellow again.
E.  It is not until we get all the way to E. that do I say yes, I really wanted a
cleaner, more updated look.  Streamlined.  I am not asking to redo the kitchen,
just the ceiling.

 Danny did a lot, 
but K also did quite a bit he'd never done before.
I noticed him googling how to dry wall and plaster, etc.
I loved it!
K does not enjoy doing (house) projects as much as I thrill at having them done....
but he does them, and he does a great job!!

One of my favorite new additions is having a hanging water
mug for every family member.
Ta daaa!
I am hoping that this will help cut down on the numerous 
cups and glasses
left all over the kitchen.
Everyone knows where their mug is hanging, 
(if they forget their
initials are printed under the cupboard).
There is plenty of light.
K was worried there would not be enough light with 
spotlights......not a problem : )
Kev also purchased us a new dish washer recently....
unfortunately it was not secured for a few weeks.... 
well, it is now!!
This will never happen again.
I primed and painted the ceiling,
 and cleaned, and cleaned all the fine
powder white dust off everything from the sanding several 
times.....that was my contribution.
That and 
also I decided to go the extra mile and borrow a good friends
Shark Steamer.
I really wanted to deep clean the kitchen and get it shining 
like new money.
I even went to work on the outlet covers.....
this is where things took a wrong turn.
Apparently getting steam, (drips of water) down into the outlets 
is a big NO - NO.
While K was out of town I short circuited the brand new lights out,
and the switches quit working correctly.
I wanted to cry so hard....
and did.
I didn't want to admit to K what happened.....but I had to, 
because I am working on being honest.
But not until he got home.

It was not the first thing he wanted to spend several more hours on.
But he did......xoxoxoxoxo.
and now it really truly is done.
It is beautiful and wonderful!!
Thank you honey : )  
A few other side notes:
Currently I am listening to 11/22/63 on cd as I work.
I'm really enjoying it.
Have you heard of it?
I bought the book for K a while back,  he has read it a few times.
I saw the cd's at the library and snatched them up for myself!
Getting endless projects done is so much more fun listening to a 
great audio book.

E got his first "Store bought" hair cut yesterday.
He would prefer I no longer cut his hair......
(we are both ready to move forward)
I said the first cut is on the house, but after that we will 
need to split the cost.
This guy was fast, and we both really like the job he did!
$16 dollars including the tip.
The even better news is that we discovered,
by reading their sign,
that every Tuesday is $11 haircut day!!  
That will be the day for E in the future.
This is Cost - Cutters with Michael on A1A.
We recommend it.

M and I got matching insulated cups at CVS.....75% off......
we are LOVING them.
(Barb from sculpt said the straw was a BAD idea at my age,
I would accelerate lip wrinkles!!
Dang you Barb!  
However, I demonstrated that I do not pucker,
but straight -lip-sip through my straw.....
I hope this spares me at least a little, I am not
prepared to give up straws at this point.)
Cauley's has a swirly straw and mine has a cool hand grip.
We take them everywhere.
At $1.50 per cup I wish I had purchased the whole lot!

McCauley won her first silent auction item at a recent 
Sally's House fund raiser.
She was SO pumped.
She had a lot of fun watching (guarding) her horse basket, and 
even got in with a partner so they could afford to go a little 
higher to control the bid again.
(Thank you Tandy!! ...and Jana!)
 Lastly, Lawson recently had some foot work done.
He had been suffering with an ingrown toenail for a while.
We went to the foot specialist and he cut out the offending portion of the nail.
This is not for the faint of heart.
(his foot really WAS that orange)
The results however were practically instant relief.
(ps - can you even believe how young that doctor looks?!)
 That is it for now.
Except I forgot to mention,
 that I also got my broken towel holder fixed in our bathroom!!!
Happy Happy Day!

I feel like everything is as it should be.
Complete and in order.

It makes me think back 
about when I first walked into this house 
way back when.
It felt like home the moment I stepped in the door.
The decor was not ours, 
the pictures, the smell, but the feeling sold this home to me.
I knew it was meant for us.
Kinda small.
Annoying and Jerry Rigged at every turn.
But for just as many reasons there are to superficially whine about.....
there are twice as many more ways 
it is just right.


Anonymous said...

This post made me tear up. I miss you guys so much. And all of your adventures. Seriously. So happy about your new ceiling M! You deserve it!!!!

Melissa said...

V!! Thanks for checking in : ) Our adventures....pretty funny. That is definitely what I make them, and why not? Keeps life interesting. Miss you always to.

C and K said...

Your kitchen looks beautiful! Even better with all the sweat and tears that went into it. I am just like you when it comes to getting things done around the house - it is a high. Especially with our older homes, they require so much work to get them to where we want them, but so rewarding as you make it your "home." Thanks for sharing! Love your posts, as always!

HB said...

Boy - I have missed a lot of posts. I LOVE the new ceiling. I don't think my kitchen has ever been THAT clean. I cannot believe you blew out the lights with the steamer - I would have died. This past weekend I put together a standing lamp I bought on the cheap at WalMart - it should be a completely EZ assembly and I spent a FULL HOUR on it and couldn't get the thing put together right. I ended up just setting it in the entry way with a slight lean to it. This also made me want to scream and cry. SO FRUSTRATING when things go wrong when our intentions are SO good.

I will be putting together a post this weekend - you will not believe how lucky I have been - maybe you will believe it, but I am excited to share about my home improvements as well.

Love you.

HB said...

P.S. Kevin is a dream - lucky girl!!

HB said...

P.S.S. Remember when you had YOUR hang nail removed? You fainted because the Doctor hurt you so bad. I totally remember that and how furious Mom was at the Dr. Hope Lawson's experience was better. You know you are getting old when the Doctors are younger than we are...ugh.

Anonymous said...

love the kitchen! makes me want to clean!! (no steam at the light switches, I'll remember!) I'm adding hanging mugs TODAY. that idea is amazballs, why didn't that come to mind forever ago?