The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I'm Thankful for YOU.

Traditions are Traditions.
For the past several years.....4,
not sure how long Our Suntree Turkey Trot has been
going on.
But since it began,
we have ran.....
or at least passed out water and gatorade with the cub scouts.
 We have participated in someway on our Thanksgiving mornings.
That is the way we start the day.

None of our extended family are here,
so the Turkey Trot has been an
event that makes this day unique and special.

This year.....
we hadn't discussed it, and I was personally not feeling
it this go round.
With Vanessa and her family moved away.
Tina's foot injured,
and none of my other immediate running buddies
running it this year,
I was entertaining the idea of skipping.

I broached the subject to the family in our Sunday night
planning session.
So, who would like to run the Turkey Trot this year?
(pretty confident no one would actually want to run.....there have been years
of serious convincing on Kev and I's part)
Immediately E and R raise their hands,
M sees them and joins.
K was like, what are you talking about?
of course we are running weirdo.
L was the only one wanting to bow out in a big way.
I was surprised,
and started to lean toward the idea myself.

I got online to register right then.
I texted my sweet connection,
(in charge of the race....Tandy and her husband)
she was able to sneak us in.
Thank you friend.

We show up.....
naturally without a moment to spare,
and for the first time the kids completely ditch us.....
really without a look back.

k.....not cool.

Me and Kev wait a little bit before mashing into the crowd.
K dashes off.

Alright you to buddy.

Unfortunately I can't do that....
I need to warm up and baby my precious knees.
Start slow and gradually pick up the pace.
I knew I would be able to catch up to every one but E.
(was sort of giving them a head start to be honest)

Could only struggle up to K, and barely caught R.
I managed to snap a few shots on the turn around.......
These people are getting good! 

 M was SOOOOOOO excited, she placed for the first time in her 
age group....2nd...AND she won a prize,
also a first for anyone in our family.
I was excited for our annual family photo op.
Never really a frame worthy pic, but at least we are 
in the same frame
Thanks Giving Day - PART 2

Tina invited us to join their family for the feast.
(Thank goodness!)
She takes this day's preparations serious....
no lie.
I knew it would be top notch.
That is her way, no detail unattended to.
I made the kids dress up (get out of their running gear and shower)
She made all of her families specialties.
ALL a first for us....
fried cauliflower,
homemade pasta of some kind,
a giant tray of Italian cheeses and "special" meats and sauces....
you would have thought this was the first time my
kids had ever seen a fancy cheese tray....
and you'd be right.
(I have seen one before because I have been to other parties
Tina has put on).
I contributed 2 deserts, rolls and 2 sides.
Suzanne from church also came, and the missionaries.
It was so much fun.
So delicious.
We could see and feel the love and care that went into that meal.
I know T was a little disappointed her family 
did not join them for the big day this year,
I understand that.
We certainly felt lucky to be there.
The BEST part for me?
The gaming.
Kev puzzled and gamed with us.

Tina and I kicked K and D's trash to the curb in our 
match of wits during a game I can't remember the name of,
but it was fun, and really thrilling.
Hey look!
More family moments.....
upon my request D got out his fancy camera and snapped some 
action shots for us.
Does M look tortured in this photo?
D insisted he be able to see the boys hands on each others shoulders....
I totally supported that.  
 I thought this pose would be awesome....
Why oh why does one guy insist on destroying every shot?
Framable.....I don't know....but I sure am thankful for these people.
I know I will be grateful to have these imperfect pictures to look back on and 
laugh about later.
Part 3 :
The moving on to the next favorite holiday....
Yowsers.....nice gun.


Thatperson said...

Wow, such a great day! Tina is amazing with her food and details... does she ever sleep? My favorite were all your family pictures. I think they turned out great! The one of you and Kev looking at each other is priceless. Definitely frame-able! We need to have a game night with you all and the Descovich's. Why haven't we done it sooner? Love your posts, as usually!

Thatperson said...

BTW, that note was from Colleen, not Bethany!

AUNT GUGGY said...

Man oh Man - I am behind on posts and on reading posts...This was a great one. I LOVE that you post so many photos so we can see a little bit what your life is like so far away. It is wonderful that you have such deep friendships there; I really feel it is one of the great blessings you have experienced by living away from family.

That turkey is HUGE and I am not talking about Kevin.


All the family photos are keepers!! Thanks for sending the calendar pages - they have been received and look great!

Love you,

Melissa said...

HB is back from the land of the lost! Good to have you.

Colleen....let's DO the game night!!