The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Eye of the Sparrow.

I had to put this up on my blog.
(mom and dad, this ones for you)
It came to my mind this morning, 
I had just gotten up and 
was reading my sister's comments on a recent blog post.
A few of her comments seemed so random and confusing,
(at the moment, before I fully woke up I guess)
She asked in her p.s. if I was "holding a turkey?",
I thought, now that is random,
and it reminded me of this debate recap that is also very random,
and I love it!

p.s. yes, as a matter of fact HB, 
I was holding a cousin to a turkey, a really giant chicken I believe.
It was a beauty.
Not smart with my white shirt.
Goooooo Mitt!!!


HB said...

This was VERY funny...I even watched a few of the others. It makes me wonder what they are really saying; I watched the debate and still couldn't tell what the real words should be.

Anonymous said...

i agree, very funny. I've now watched as much mock of the debates as I have the real debates.
Couldn't resist watching the Twighlight one too. (that's why I must try to avoid too much time at the computer.)
for the record, I thought that was a turkey too. dang- that is one big hen!
the white grout looks amazing! love life in your clean house for the short fleeting moment that it will last. It's like kids- they are only little for such a short time. you have to just love the fact that your 3yr old keeps coming up in the middle of the night- because there's gonna come a time when the house is empty right?
something I've been focused on lately (about the maybe stuff) is to make choices with no regret.
So I chose to go 10 months without getting into a regular workout schedule. (thankyou finally for changing the top of your blog to a ragnar countdown!!!)
Now that I've been to my first 4 cross fit classes- and I'm so soar and can't will myself to move more than is absolutly nessessary- I am reminding myself that I was prefectly happy to choose the couch instead of the treadmill for so long and I loved every minute of the breakfast doughnuts and two bags of peanut butter cups I inhaled on my own over the weekend.
so now without regret, I get to love where I'm at. horrible painful reminders that my muscles- long to be used and embarrassment constantly chiding in my head at my lack of strength.
this life is about choices girls!
Man I love this life!
xoxo my favorite bloggers, thankyou M and HB for all this food for thought.

HB said...

A -

At least kids stay small a bit longer than dogs...

See, it sounds aweful to say "I sat around on the couch and ate chocolate' but if that is what can look back and beat yourself up if you want to, but it won't help you move forward, unless you respond better than I do to guilt and self recrimination.

Sometimes that painful muscle hurts sooooo good - at least you know you are alive, right? Lance must be inspiring you...better to be inspired to make a different choice than to beat yourself up over and over about past choices. Thanks for the insights.

Love you. Hb