I have been in a bit dry spell for the past few days.
Not much to write about.
Our guests have come and gone....booohooo!
It was a thrill having my brother Jason and his wife Mel here
in between their romantic cruise.
As well as Amy, Lance, and their family here for a few days after our marathon.
It was a thrill having my brother Jason and his wife Mel here
in between their romantic cruise.
As well as Amy, Lance, and their family here for a few days after our marathon.
School has been back in for a few weeks now.
Oh....here is something,
Ethan made the high school baseball team!
If I thought he was busy before....
that was nothing, I am not sure how the coaches tacked
on more practice time, but they did.
They had a "mandatory" family work day at the field yesterday.
It is weird, it seems like the head coach says "mandatory"
Tonight we were at the "mandatory" banquet.
that was nothing, I am not sure how the coaches tacked
on more practice time, but they did.
They had a "mandatory" family work day at the field yesterday.
It is weird, it seems like the head coach says "mandatory"
Tonight we were at the "mandatory" banquet.
The rest of us are great.
Here is a new skill Lawson found out he has recently -
Here is a new skill Lawson found out he has recently -
I am finally starting to feel caught up and normal again.
I forgot to give an honorable mention to the
That took up a full Saturday and Monday.
Tina put a LOT of planning, money, time and effort into
making our Choffy presentation a good one to over 4000 testers.
It was a very busy few days.
Here are some delicious photos from the event.
I wanted to sink my teeth into one of those candied apples....
I resisted only because the thought of not having a tooth pick or floss was terrifying.
Can you believe that cake girl?!
The beloved Utah "CAKE POPS"....looks like we have them here as well!!
There is T hard at work.
The wind chamber experience.
I forgot to give an honorable mention to the
That took up a full Saturday and Monday.
Tina put a LOT of planning, money, time and effort into
making our Choffy presentation a good one to over 4000 testers.
It was a very busy few days.
Here are some delicious photos from the event.
I wanted to sink my teeth into one of those candied apples....
I resisted only because the thought of not having a tooth pick or floss was terrifying.
Can you believe that cake girl?!
The beloved Utah "CAKE POPS"....looks like we have them here as well!!
There is T hard at work.
The wind chamber experience.
I got excited to write today (yesterday now) because I got
my FIRST real compliment from Maria....
the head of all the fitness classes at Our Club.
I taught my regular Thursday Body Sculpt class,
and then filled in for the 8:15 Pilates, and 9:00 a.m. cycling class
this morning (Saturday).
I have been attending different cycling classes all week,
trying to get a better handle on what the expectations will be.
Have been tweaking and fine tuning my Pilates routine to
shake it up a bit.
I couldn't help but wake up extra early this morning
partly from anticipation....but also a little bit of trepidation as well.
Wanting to get these classes over with,
but excited to do an excellent job with both.
I nailed my last pilates subbing opportunity,
but kinda blew my first cycling gig.
So....I had some making up to do.
I arrived plenty early,
Our Club is known to have music and mic difficulties.
I wanted none of that.
I set up both rooms and was ready to go for it.
I am happy to report
Sweet Success!
Sweet Success!
I had two well received classes.
I enjoyed teaching them so much.
Earlier in the week while I was participating in another cycling class,
I guess one of the ladies attending could tell I was digging
around and asking questions for a reason.
She said, you know, some of my favorite classes are when the
instructor goes around the room and lets the class pick their favorite
cycling moves.
That really eats up the time and guarantees a great class.
This tip made a huge difference in my class today.
About 30 minutes into the 50 minute class I did just that.
Instead of just asking them to throw out a suggestion,
(I knew I probably would have been clueless as to what they
were wanting to do)
I went around the room and
turned the time over to each individual for a few minutes.
turned the time over to each individual for a few minutes.
It even helped me lock in on their names!!
Michelle, taught us jumps! (killer!)
Kathy climbing intervals.
Mary - timed sprint work.
Don - two 90 second steep climbs.
Heidi - a mega jump series (so AWESOME!)
Annette - Isolation work, where you pedal w/ only one leg at a time.
I continue to be surprised at the variety of moves you can do on a
stationary bike.
What a great workout!
(Thighs are burning today!! Good sign!)
Anyway, later in the day when I was back home
Maria had emailed saying that she was looking for a sub for the
Saturday Cycling class again, as well as a Thursday Yoga.
I took a pass on the Yoga, not prepared enough for that, (yet)
but thought heck yes, I will volunteer again for the spinning.
She wrote back,
thank you..I got really nice feedback on you for today's classes!!!
Yes, Thanks for subbing the 28th too!!!
I continue to be surprised at the variety of moves you can do on a
stationary bike.
What a great workout!
(Thighs are burning today!! Good sign!)
Anyway, later in the day when I was back home
Maria had emailed saying that she was looking for a sub for the
Saturday Cycling class again, as well as a Thursday Yoga.
I took a pass on the Yoga, not prepared enough for that, (yet)
but thought heck yes, I will volunteer again for the spinning.
She wrote back,

Yes, Thanks for subbing the 28th too!!!
Can you do the 10:30 Yoga class on Thursday morning the 26th??
I will make it a Pilates for that week?
It felt good. In the past she would not budge that Yoga class.
She would not even consider changing it for Pilates.
So that is a real compliment indeed.
(or maybe she is just in that much of a bind)
Lastly....Kevin has been working his brains out on our van.
Thank you my darling!!
It has had numerous problems lately, the biggest was the tailgate.
The door would not stay open anymore.
I can't tell you how many times I hit my head, or got
embarrassed about it coming down unexpectedly on an innocent
store clerk, etc.
But now.....It is as good as new!
Not to mention several other fairly large issues that made
the van feel like it was being held together by a piece of string.
When things are bad for a while and then they are fixed,
it almost feels just as good as brand new!!
(I am guessing on this one).
I used to wish we had gotten the automatic back door opener....
Who cares about that!!!!
I am just so thrilled now that my tailgate stays open I could not
be happier!
My cup runneth over!
It felt good. In the past she would not budge that Yoga class.
She would not even consider changing it for Pilates.
So that is a real compliment indeed.
(or maybe she is just in that much of a bind)
Lastly....Kevin has been working his brains out on our van.
Thank you my darling!!
It has had numerous problems lately, the biggest was the tailgate.
The door would not stay open anymore.
I can't tell you how many times I hit my head, or got
embarrassed about it coming down unexpectedly on an innocent
store clerk, etc.
But now.....It is as good as new!
Not to mention several other fairly large issues that made
the van feel like it was being held together by a piece of string.
When things are bad for a while and then they are fixed,
it almost feels just as good as brand new!!
(I am guessing on this one).
I used to wish we had gotten the automatic back door opener....
Who cares about that!!!!
I am just so thrilled now that my tailgate stays open I could not
be happier!
My cup runneth over!
It looks so weirdly warm there...Uh, that tummy thing Lawson is doing is also weird. I wonder how he does that? Looks like Avery is still "hanging" around her favorite cousin.
Sounds like your gigs are growing - that is exciting. It is about time you got some props for all your hard work.
I know what you mean about the car feeling new - I always feel that way after a good car wash and vacuum. I feel like my car actually feels proud as well - it just drives better after a wash, oil change or tune up.
I forgot to buy some Choffy from you...I meant to - I guess it is still possible :)
I got the jewelry you sent home with Amy...I really like it - Thank you!! HB
HB, I just serviced my first hair client today as well as lashes. YIKIES!! Pressure. I think they both turned out fairly well. We will pump up Tina's lashes a bit more tomorrow to finish it out. I AM SO SLOW. I am hoping for lots more practice so I can speed up.
Listen, I am sending a little package of stuff out there the first week of Feb. for dads b-day, plus Amy left some items here, so I would love to send you out some Choffy then if you like. You can save on shipping that way. I think you will really enjoy it. Have you ever even tried it yet? At moms or Ker's? I will send a little brewing info. for you.....but I would love for you to look up online and read a bit about it as well.
Glad you like the jewelry! The one necklace has a little pokey part where it hooks at the neck.....the brown one. Have you worn it yet? K brought that back from one of his trips.....maybe T can fix it for you. That bothered me when I wore it.
You mentioned the car feeling proud as well.....wouldn't doubt it. The most amazing and startling case of this I have ever seen was when I was living at aunt Diane's during my brief collage stint. Their dog....a poufy little white mini poodle or something. Man, she was so friendly and sweet.....EXCEPT for when she returned home from being groomed. I swear, she got so uppety and snoooty. She would just sit at her perch in the middle of the stairs and look down her nose at you (me). Maybe it was just me. She was not about to stoop to my level. (As if I really cared!)
How much do you charge for the hair do and/or lashes? That is a lot of time and effort for SURE.
You are a goof! I had Choffy with YOU at Amy's house...I just want something different to drink as a treat at night. How do you want me to pay for it? Online or send a check or what?
Are you joking about T fixing my necklace? At first I thought you must mean Tina...then I laughed.
I used to like to push Sybil around when the dog was near by - it would get really protective and agressive - it was really funny. Wasn't that dog named "Princess"? I swear it was - it sure did act like it.
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