This has been a banner week around here.
I have been so thrilled with all that we have been
able to accomplish and make happen together.
Kev and I.
It feels like an anniversary, or my birthday, Mother's Day...
something special....because of all the
dreamy service my spouse has been providing our family.
I say our family...but I really take it personal,
it feels like it is for me.
When holidays roll around that is what I ask for....
always honey dos...
these latest jobs do not seem to be related to a holiday.
Yes, Valentines just passed.....maybe...but I don't think so.
I think he is just doing these because he loves me
and he knows it makes me happy!!...
well, and because he is not blind,
and without his sense of smell.
Let me start with one of the best upgrades that happend this week.
A NEW used Washer!!!!
Our old used washer has not been agitating properly for as long as
we have had it....maybe a few years....??
Kev has been complaining that his clothes are not getting
clean for quite a while.
I am always like,
I know, we really should do something about it.
Not really ready myself to go out and throw down a wad of
cash for a new washer that is going to sit and rust out in our
"laundry room" in the garage.
I have not pushed the idea too hard.
I am not tempted to put something beautiful and new out there,
but I am attracted to the idea of having clean clothes.
just as I was about to cave and push for a NEW one...
I had started looking and pricing,
our neighbor across the street this past week,
had a garage sale.
She had out two dryers,
I said, oh bummer, you don't happen to have an extra washer
laying around do you?....
that is what we are looking for.
Oh, yeah, I do actually, it is still in the garage,
it has been in storage for the past two years....
but I think it still works fine if you want to take it home and test it out.
It a Champ!
It is gorgeous!
Looks brand new!
Has a super load cycle!!! Major thrill!!
Kev and I ran bleach through it and pretty much
hung out in the garage that night enjoying each phase of that first cycle.
Strong agitator.....
No rust....
a few head nods of surprise and affirmation.
New vs. Old
He had to take off at one point to pick Ryker up from baseball.
I stayed with the washer.
Wiping her down, cleaning her up....making her mine.
I will be honest and say I have teared up a few times over this little lady.
I do love her.
Look how shiny!
$40 cash.....would have paid much more.
You can compare for yourself....see why I am so happy?
Moving on.....
We have had a few plumbing issues in the kids bath for a really long time.
Dripping faucets mostly, we have been able to let it go on
for so long because if you shut the faucets off at just the right
angle, the dripping would stop.
Kev had purchased the replacement faucets long ago.
He has held off on the installation because,
like everything else in our 1961 model home,
when you touch it to fix one thing....
the thing that was touching that thing collapses...
and soon countless projects are crumbling and piling up around you,
when all you "needed" to do was change two faucets.
Well, it happened again, and as usual.
You can see how the pipes crumbled and disintegrated.
I say we are lucky Kev pursued this now instead of having these
paper thin pipes blow when he was away or something.
We are lucky to have delt with it on our own
.....his own.
It was a huge project....
Kev says I have no idea what hoops and obstacles he had to make it
through to get them finished.
I agreed.
I only saw the number of trips he took to Lowes....
thank goodness we have one beachside now!
I am sure happy he persevered.
Two new beautiful faucets,
two new plastic under sink pipes!!
Clean and fresh.
McCauley can't quit saying how much she loves using them.
She feels like she is in a fancy hotel or something.
I know.....I know.....
it is so much fun, and we are so lucky to have a dad that can do all of this!
While K was working,
I was getting pumped for my own projects.
This giant key hangs in the kids bath,
it is the one and only thing I have ever purchased from Pottery Barn....
(I have purchased back packs, thermoses, etc. from Pottery Barn Kids though)
Anyway, over the years from all of the humidity and
changing temp in the bath it has rusted and turned a
horrid filmy whitish color....very unsightly.
I knew I couldn't leave it as it was with the new faucets being installed.
I had read somewhere that you could remove rust and scum from metal
by scouring it with vinegar and tinfoil.
? least I think that is what I had read.
Well, it looked like it worked at first,
but when it dried it was back.
At long last I ended up painting it black and then I
put a deep brown stain over the top of it.
It LITERALLY was as good....
or better than new.
I was totally tickled with it.
Next I fixed the part of the outdoor table I missed the first time I
stained it....duh!!! It was folded under at the time.
Then K took off the first of several doors I am going to paint.
Time to let go of the kids youthful drawings and scuff prints that
detail our doors.
Believe it or not, in all of my painting here at our house,
for some reason I have never painted our interior doors besides the kitchen one.
Not sure how I got away with that.
They look horrible.
A friend that is moving this week gave me several
of these cute little chairs....
got me excited to rework our pitiful front porch area.
I sprayed the whole thing down,
wiped the shutters, and windows, and the whole bit.
Can't believe how good it feels to have it spruced up again and fresh
for spring.
I don't often post about my wonderful husbands
amazing feats, and kind deeds.
This post is for him.
This last thing is my ultimate favorite thing that he does for me.
I love it so much when I get in the car and he has filled my gas tank.
Nothing tells me he loves me more.
He loves me all the way to the tip top!
Thank you!
I love you to.