The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

Choffy Challenge.....TAKE 1/PART 1

Hope you enjoy this informative video.
I will add the second part tomorrow morning.

What do YOU love about Choffy?
When do you drink it?
Have you introduced any body else to it?

Would you like a sample?
Tell me and I will hook you up!!


Pheasant Bartering Anyone?????

Each year in October,
for the past 5 years Kev and the boys have gone on 
a manly week long get-a-way to South Dakota for Pheasant hunting.
They meet Grandpa Christensen, and several of K's brothers, along w/
other thrill seeking males and hunt to their hearts delight.

Each year, a few weeks after we get a big white styrofoam cooler
packed w/ dry ice and several pheasants for us to put 
into our mini freezer in the garage.

Well.....we have yet to consume a single pheasant.
(Except if you count the time the freezer got left unplugged for several
days and every single frozen item was ruined in the devastation.....
the garbage can consumed at least six pheasants on that go round...or maybe it was nine.)
Our freezer space is beyond used up with these guys.
We need to barter them away.

Does anyone out there LOVE wild game??
Are you curious and interested in trying one?
Do you want to trade for a few...or all of them?

I looked online at a few sites...these little guys are pretty expensive....
but not ours.
We have no less than 18 birds in the freezer at the moment.
Here are a few ideas of things we (I) would love to trade for:

* used boys bike for a 12 year old
* full set of lashes
* chicken or steak
* gift card of any kind
* girls loft bed
*make a suggestion....your next birthday gift.....?

The sky is the limit.....
no suggestion will be overlooked!
* A bag of fresh fruit...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My HAPPY Report....

This has been a banner week around here.
I have been so thrilled with all that we have been 
able to accomplish and make happen together.
Kev and I.
It feels like an anniversary, or my birthday, Mother's Day...
something special....because of all the 
dreamy service my spouse has been providing our family.
I say our family...but I really take it personal,
it feels like it is for me.
When holidays roll around that is what I ask for....
always honey dos...
these latest jobs do not seem to be related to a holiday.
Yes, Valentines just passed.....maybe...but I don't think so.
I think he is just doing these because he loves me
and he knows it makes me happy!!...
well, and because he is not blind, 
and without his sense of smell.

Let me start with one of the best upgrades that happend this week.
A NEW used Washer!!!!
Our old used washer has not been agitating properly for as long as
we have had it....maybe a few years....??
Kev has been complaining that his clothes are not getting 
clean for quite a while.
I am always like, 
I know, we really should do something about it.
Not really ready myself to go out and throw down a wad of 
cash for a new washer that is going to sit and rust out in our 
"laundry room" in the garage.
I have not pushed the idea too hard.
I am not tempted to put something beautiful and new out there,
but I am attracted to the idea of having clean clothes.

just as I was about to cave and push for a NEW one...
I had started looking and pricing,
our neighbor across the street this past week,
had a garage sale.
She had out two dryers, 
I said, oh bummer, you don't happen to have an extra washer
laying around do you?....
that is what we are looking for.
Oh, yeah, I do actually, it is still in the garage,
it has been in storage for the past two years....
but I think it still works fine if you want to take it home and test it out.
 It a Champ!
It is gorgeous!
Looks brand new!
Has a super load cycle!!!  Major thrill!!

Kev and I ran bleach through it and pretty much
hung out in the garage that night enjoying each phase of that first cycle.
Strong agitator.....
No rust....
a few head nods of surprise and affirmation.
New vs. Old
 He had to take off at one point to pick Ryker up from baseball.
I stayed with the washer.
Wiping her down, cleaning her up....making her mine.
I will be honest and say I have teared up a few times over this little lady.
I do love her.
Look how shiny!
$40 cash.....would have paid much more.
 You can compare for yourself....see why I am so happy?

Moving on.....
We have had a few plumbing issues in the kids bath for a really long time.
Dripping faucets mostly, we have been able to let it go on
for so long because if you shut the faucets off at just the right 
angle, the dripping would stop.

Kev had purchased the replacement faucets long ago.
He has held off on the installation because,
like everything else in our 1961 model home,
when you touch it to fix one thing....
the thing that was touching that thing collapses...
and soon countless projects are crumbling and piling up around you,
when all you "needed" to do was change two faucets.

Well, it happened again, and as usual.
You can see how the pipes crumbled and disintegrated.
I say we are lucky Kev pursued this now instead of having these
paper thin pipes blow when he was away or something.
We are lucky to have delt with it on our own
.....his own.
 It was a huge project....
Kev says I have no idea what hoops and obstacles he had to make it 
through to get them finished.
I agreed.
I only saw the number of trips he took to Lowes....
thank goodness we have one beachside now!
I am sure happy he persevered.
Two new beautiful faucets, 
two new plastic under sink pipes!!
Clean and fresh.
McCauley can't quit saying how much she loves using them.
She feels like she is in a fancy hotel or something.
I know.....I know.....
it is so much fun, and we are so lucky to have a dad that can do all of this!
 While K was working,
 I was getting pumped for my own projects.
This giant key hangs in the kids bath,
it is the one and only thing I have ever purchased from Pottery Barn....
(I have purchased back packs, thermoses, etc. from Pottery Barn Kids though)
Anyway, over the years from all of the humidity and 
changing temp in the bath it has rusted and turned a 
horrid filmy whitish color....very unsightly.
I knew I couldn't leave it as it was with the new faucets being installed.
I had read somewhere that you could remove rust and scum from metal 
by scouring it with vinegar and tinfoil.   
? least I think that is what I had read.
Well, it looked like it worked at first,
but when it dried it was back.

At long last I ended up painting it black and then I 
put a deep brown stain over the top of it.
It LITERALLY was as good....
or better than new.
I was totally tickled with it.

 Next I fixed the part of the outdoor table I missed the first time I 
stained it....duh!!! It was folded under at the time.
Then K took off the first of several doors I am going to paint.
Time to let go of the kids youthful drawings and scuff prints that
detail our doors.
Believe it or not, in all of my painting here at our house,
for some reason I have never painted our interior doors besides the kitchen one.
Not sure how I got away with that.
They look horrible.
 A friend that is moving this week gave me several 
of these cute little chairs....
got me excited to rework our pitiful front porch area.
I sprayed the whole thing down,
wiped the shutters, and windows, and the whole bit.
Can't believe how good it feels to have it spruced up again and fresh
for spring.
I don't often post about my wonderful husbands
amazing feats, and kind deeds.
This post is for him.
This last thing is my ultimate favorite thing that he does for me.
I love it so much when I get in the car and he has filled my gas tank.
Nothing tells me he loves me more.
He loves me all the way to the tip top!
Thank you!
I love you to.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Waxing anyone?...Lashes?...Brazillian Blowout?....

I am ready to come out of my closet and invite you to come and
partake of my services.
This past December, while we were visiting family
for three weeks in Utah,
I was a very busy girl getting trained and critiqued 
by two of my talented, professional sisters.

Amy is a long time esthetician, 
a certified EXTREME Lash technician, 
and massage therapist extraordinaire. 
Keri is a fantastic stylist who continues to work with
her devoted clients in Las Vegas, and is also a lash tech.

I had some ideas to start up my 
own little business from our home here in Florida.
Amy and Ker were supportive, excited, and
 more than happy to train me up, 
and assist me in getting started.
I was lucky to have several sisters, and sister in-laws to practice up on,
 and work out many beginner kinks while in Utah.

Since I have been home I have been quietly practicing on a 
few select customers,
and have mentioned it to a few others.

Here is what I have going on,
I would love to have you come be one of my first "real" 
customers (yes I know, kinda scary sounding)...
sooooo, because you are giving me 
an opportunity to continue to practice and 
get better, faster, and fine tune my skills....
YOU will have the benefit of 

Waxing Services   
(regular pricing, first 10 customers will get discounted price - 
will work out discount on individual basis depending on what you would like)
I have been waxing for as long as I can remember.

Eye Brow shaping/ Tinting - $20
Full Face - $25
lip only - $8, chin - $10, eyebrow - $15
Under Arm - $10
Legs- full $30/ half - $20
Nose - $8
Waxing damages the hair follicle.  Hair will grow back thinner and finer
over time.  You can expect to be clean for around two weeks,
and will need repeat waxing about every 4 weeks.

Aubrey B. used to do our Brazilian Blowouts....
unfortunately for us, they recently moved.
I really, really like the way my hair feels and performs 
with the Brazilian Blowout treatment.
I cannot afford to pay salon pricing for the treatment,
around $200.
Lucky for me....and maybe you to,
Aubrey hooked me up before she moved.
 I am excited for you to give it a try and see what you think. 
Pricing will be $75 after my initial 10 customers.
It takes approximately 1 1/2 hours -
New customer pricing is only $50....
and right now everyone is a new customer!!
 Let me know if you have questions about exactly what the blowout 
does, what you can expect, and what hair types would benefit.
Please share your own experiences with the Blowout if you have had any

My sisters have tried to get me to let them apply lashes on me for 
the past several years.
I thought they were out of their minds.
No way.
That is not for me.
Waste of time and energy.

OK - 
the next thing I know Kara H. is trained up in St. Cloud 
and is applying lashes
on everyone I know and I am LOVING the way they look!!
Peer Pressure.....

I finally got lash extensions while in Utah....
I did not love my first application, it took a long time,
it was a little uncomfortable......
But oh my!!!  
I really loved how they looked.
Kevin was quite responsive to my luscious lashes.
Compliments aplenty..... 
I started to become a believer.
To the point that I wanted to take a crack at it my self.

Again my sisters worked with me a bunch.
I did several sets, a few fills,
and have been solely doing Tina's lashes since I have been home.
I am not fast.
I have been tweaking and honning in my methods.
Implementing a few tricks of the trade Kara has shared with 
me along the way.
(Thank you!!)
If you have time, and a hearty dose of patience I would
love to work on plumping up your lashes. 

Once I have gotten it down, and am a bit faster -
prices will be $70 for a full set,
I offer a bounce-back w/in 7 days BONUS fill for $25 (1 hour)
Regular fills there after will be $45 (if you come back w/in 3 - 4 weeks)
Special first 10 customer pricing -
$50 for your first full set.
 - plan on 1 1/2 hours.
 Pretty Sweet Kit!!
So official!
 Me getting mine done....if you look close enough you can see
every pore on my need to look that close!

I will say that my fill, or second application was so much 
better than the helped to know what to expect,
and be aware of what was happening.
You can take a look at these photos and get an idea.
Well....that is all for now!!
Call, text, email, fb, or blog comment and we will set you an appointment.
Now it is time for me to pay the piper....
got to pay off all my kits, solutions, pots and sticks......

Please comment so I don't have to go bury my head in the sand 
on the beach!!
Thank you for taking a bit of a gamble on me......
I think you will be happy you did!
but that is just MHO.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Born To Run Book Review, etc.

 Man, I really wanted to love this book.  
I had read so many raving reviews.  I began it before running my first marathon in January, 
I fully expected to finish it quickly and implement all the amazing 
running nuggets into my run and be lighter than air, etc.  
I guess my expectations were set to high.  
I was enraptured with the first twenty five pages or so, 
but shortly there after it went into a huge drag out for me.  
The last twenty pages or so were again relatable, 
and I enjoyed the ending.....  
mostly because it was the ending.  
I guess I am just not a "running book" kind of person. 
BUT WAIT.....!!
 I am NOT giving up just yet though, 
a good friend gave me a fun surprise the other day, 
Run Like A Girl....
and it does indeed look amazing. 
Can't wait! 
I will soon find out, now that I have hurdled this guy. 

The next book I will be reading looks like a pleasant, enjoyable stroll in the park.
Saving CeeCee Honeycutt.
This will be the second book in a little book club I joined last month
with my friend Heather Hennessee,
(she chose this book).
She will be hosting at her house on the last Tuesday in Feb. the 28th.
Would you care to join us???
It would be super fun if you did!
Take a look at the book and its reviews,
(although they don't always mean much!).
See if you are even interested.
If not, maybe next months book.
What are you reading right now??
Any good?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

$20 BELOW!!! Store Review.....

Friday afternoon I was headed over for a quick trip to 
Publix before the kids got home from school.
On my way in, I noticed again the 
very generic, non-eye catching 
sign from a new store called
$20 BELOW!
What caught my eye and drew me in,
was this sign out front....
all clothing $5 or less.
This will be a joke and probably a waste of time but I will go in 
real quick, take a look, just so I know I never need to 
go there again.


I was in there for no less than a solid hour.
What a blast!!

They are getting ready for next weeks shipment,
(now this week)
they are expecting 1000 new swimsuits (they already have hundreds) 
and 3000 clothing pieces.

So honest and truly,
every article of clothing was 5 BUCKS.....or less....I got 2 for $2.
Here is the deal-io.
The store has a bare bones feel about it.
Nothing fancy.....certainly did not bother me.
Everything is new with tags on.
They have all brands,
Old Navy, Spiegel, Chadwicks, DKNY, Aeropostale,
Lands End, Dockers, etc, etc, etc.
I guess it is like a Ross, or Marshalls type of store.
Here are a few of the 11 items I purchased.
I spent $51.
So far I have worn,
 the Chadwick's jacket to a live Cabaret Show (thanks V!),
a very cute yellow Dispicable ME t-shirt to church basket ball Sat. morn,
the striped layered Apostrophe shirt on our date Saturday,
and this dress under a jacket w/ leggings and boots to church today.
I am loving it....a whole new wardrobe for $50 bucks.
(p.s. - most weekends aren't nearly so much fun!)
Check it out and let me know what you find.
When I say everything was $5...they even had prom dresses,
formal wear, shoes, coats, a small section of men's clothing, not much kids,
but tons and tons of womens.
Keep in mind, at such a low price,
I would not hesitate purchasing a dress or any other piece of clothing,
 and cutting it up, and modifying 
it into something totally different.
You know what I mean?

oh yeah,
home items, decor, was all 65% off.
I think I will go there for all of my workout and layering tanks,
they had zillions...
I recommend $20 BELOW!!!
It is right next to the Satellite Beach Publix on A1A.

Go alone, have an hour to blow.
I will babysit if you need me to.

Friday, February 10, 2012

T - ParTAY

The activity day girls had a fun little 
mother daughter T - party this past Wednesday.
It was a lot of fun.
T - standing for temple.
Sister Darting had the girls do a little presentation
about the three white dresses,
blessing dress, baptism, and wedding gown.
It was short and sweet,
and then we partook of 
I am going to add the recipes for us to make.
V and I, Clarie and Mac
 I will take any chance given to wear my tea party hat.
 Christie and her daughter Arielle 
Recipes we gotta try.....
Pink Lemonade Cupcakes - 
(thanks Nicole!!)
1 box white cake mix, batter prepared according to package directions
1 teaspoon lemon zest
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3 tablespoons sweetened pink lemonade drink powder

2 sticks margarine
1 cup shortening
8 tablespoons frozen pink lemonade concentrate, thawed
2 tablespoons milk
2 teaspoons vanilla
Zest from 1 lemon
2 pounds confectioners sugar
Pink icing paste or food coloring
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees, and line 24 standard-size muffin cups with cupcake liners. Prepare the cake mix batter according to package directions, adding lemon zest, vanilla and pink lemonade powder. Use a 1/3-cup measuring cup to ladle the batter into lined muffin tins. Bake according to package directions, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a cupcake comes out clean. Allow the cupcakes to cool before frosting. Prepare the icing by creaming margarine, shortening, lemonade concentrate, milk and vanilla with a mixer. Beat until smooth, then mix in lemon zest. Gradually add sugar, mixing well. If desired, beat in a little pink icing paste to intensify the pale pink frosting. (Note: To take another shortcut, use a lemon cake mix instead of the doctored white cake mix.) 

(aaaaaaaa.....this one looks a little on the lengthy side)

Mini chocolate chip, Mint scones


  • 3 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar
  • 7 tablespoons water, enough to make a thin glaze
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla, optional


1) In a large mixing bowl, whisk together all the dry ingredients.
2) Work in the butter just until the mixture is unevenly crumbly; it's OK for some larger chunks of butter to remain unincorporated.
3) Stir in the chips or finely chopped chocolate.
4) In a separate mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, vanilla or other flavor, and 1/2 cup half and half or milk.
5) Add the liquid ingredients to the dry ingredients and stir until all is moistened and holds together. Stir in additional milk or half and half if the dough seems dry, and doesn't come together.
6) Scrape the dough onto a well-floured work surface. Pat/roll it into an 8" to 8 1/2" square, a scant 3/4" thick. Make sure the surface underneath the dough is very well floured. If necessary, use a giant spatula to lift the square, and sprinkle more flour underneath.
7) Cut the square into 2" squares; you'll have a total of 16 small squares. Now, cut each square in half diagonally, to make 32 small triangles. This is all easily accomplished with a rolling pizza wheel; if you're working on a silicone mat, be very careful not to press down too hard as you cut.
8) Transfer the scones to a parchment-lined or well-greased baking sheet. They can be set fairly close together; you should be able to crowd them all onto an 18" x 13" half-sheet pan.
9) For best texture and highest rise, place the pan of scones in the freezer for 30 minutes, uncovered. While the scones are chilling, preheat the oven to 425°F.
10) Bake the scones for 19 to 20 minutes, or until they're golden brown. Remove the pan from the oven, and allow the scones to cool right on the pan. When they're cool, cut each scone in half once again, to make a total of 64 tiny triangles. Don't be too particular here; in fact, if the scones are already a size you like, don't bother to cut them again. But if you decide to cut, don't stress about making them all the same size, or perfect triangles; trust us, no one but you will care once they're glazed and on the table.
11) Make the glaze by stirring together the sugar, water, and vanilla. If the sugar seems particularly lumpy, sift it first, for an extra-smooth glaze.
12) Now you're going to coat each scone with glaze. You can dip each one individually, which is quite time-consuming. Or line a baking sheet (with sides) with parchment, and pour about half the glaze atop the parchment. Set the scones atop the glaze, swirling them around a bit to coat their bottoms. Then drizzle the remaining glaze over the top. Use a pastry brush to brush the glaze over each scone, to coat it entirely. The glaze is very thin, so this is easily done.
13) Transfer the scones to a rack set over parchment, to catch any drips. As you pick each scone up, run its sides over the glaze in the bottom of the pan, both to use up some of the extra glaze, and to make sure all sides are coated.
14) Allow the glaze to set before serving the scones.
Yield: about 64 small (2") scones.