The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Monday, February 6, 2012

It was 3 years ago!!

Last night was an intense evening around here.....
I am certain that is not unique on Super Bowl Sunday.
It is a night fraught with emotion.
Extreme highs and lows.

This year I really had planned on sitting in and watching 
football with the gang.
I had envisioned taking in many a game with the boys.
 Eating cheese toast-wiches with tomato soup,
just like when I was growing up.
I don't remember any particular game.
Or really even paying attention to the actual playing on the field,
but I do remember the feeling during football season.
The feeling of being together.
BYU college football, and then Chicago Bears with....
 Jim Mcman...maybe?
I remember some huge guy
called "The Fridge".

Anyway, the other day Kev said, 
hey, don't you remember saying that you were excited to be 
able to sit and watch football
with the boys and I?
What happened to that dream?

oh yeah.
I did say that....
 I meant it to......when I said it.
Dang it.
I was going to make it happen.
Superbowl Sunday I was going to go for it.

Well, one thing led to another, and time began slipping away,
and next thing I know the boys are home from their
annual mile run during half time and 
then there was suddenly only 8 minutes left.
It was now or never.
I had to get in there.

I was totally engrossed.
I noticed Ethan and Kev were extremely on edge.
Their team, EVERYONES team in the house, for this game,
the Patriots,
was in a precarious position.
Time was running out,
the other team.....who? 
oh yeah, the Giants, had possession.
Phones were being slid across the carpet in exasperation, 
balls squoze for stress relief, 
and then thrown at a missed catch or bad call.

It was fascinating just to watch the happening in the room.
But the game was also really good,
there was one instance I happened to be watching, where 
the opposing team's man had the ball, he made it through our team,
and went, 
turned around and sat in the endzone.
I burst out was so startling and unexpected.
I couldn't help it.
That was crazy.

Bad move on my part.
They were like that is it mom!
We are sick of you being against us!
What are you talking about?
Three years ago you prayed for the Giants kicker during the superbowl and
they won.
Now here we are again and you are voting for the 
No I'm not.

Wait.... this is the team with the kicker?

Back Story- 
Not last year, but the year before, these two teams were 
duking it out at the Superbowl.
I was amazingly enough watching the game with the boys.
I think K must have been out of town.
Anyway, the kicker on the Giants team kept missing the field goals he kicked.
Time and again.
I felt so bad for him.
I kept thinking about how he would feel after the game.
I couldn't help but have a soft heart for what the mother must be 
going through watching her son struggle and fail again and again.
Next thing we know he is up again to kick,
 I said I am going to 
pray that he makes this kick.
The boys tried to stop me,
but they couldn't.

 It was a successful kick, 
which did play a large roll in the outcome of that game.
I can imagine I shed tears of joy.....
but not for the team,
for the family.
For the boy.
The mom.

since that time they blame me for that win.
It comes up often.

So here we are again.
I didn't even realize it was the same two teams.
Anyway, the game is over.
Ethan abruptly vacates the room.
Next thing I know they are after me again.
Ryker says, you even got a Giants Jersey for yourself mom!!
How can you say you don't like them?
Oh yeah....I forgot I bought a jersey.
I thought it would be fun to have a jersey like the boys,
and watch football together while we drank our hot chocolates and stuff.

Hey, I wonder if I still have that.....
I came back in wearing it.
Yep I have it, and what do you know?
It was Giants!
I reminded them that I couldn't have cared less what team it was.
I would have purchased any team that was on sale.
It was the luck (or bad luck) of the draw.
shhhhh....don't tell Ethan.
I asked Kev later when the next game was on,
that was a really fun evening.
I got really pumped up.
He looked at me.....

Oh dang it!


Anonymous said...

so classic you. I love it!

Christi said...

Hilarious! I've read this a couple time and had to read it to Toby. You need to write a book. Really.

Melissa said...

HA! Sweet! I'm trying to write a book.....this one. I need to figure out how to get this bad boy blog printed up and bound. I talk about it a lot, but have yet to take one step towards figuring out how to go about doing it.

HB said...

Does anyone remember "The Super Bowl Shuffle"? I do...I remember my big sister performing in a school assembly to that song. She probably won't recall, but I do.

Now your are just rubbing it is a rule, perhaps unwritten, there is NO RUBBING A SERIOUS LOSS IN...No Salt in the wound...You and your Giants jersey will not be might as well give up EVER connecting with your boys over the Patriots and just start your own party over the can connect as competitors instead. I fear it is the only way left to you.