The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Parent Survey.....Say What......??

A few days ago I received an email from one 
of Ryker's teachers.  
It basically said that my student would be coming
home with a parent interview that I was to let him conduct with me 
by such and such.
So when R got home I said hey, so you need to interview me huh?
He kind of gave me an interesting look and said yes he did.
We forget that day, but then last night at dinner I remembered again,
I said Ryk, why don't you go grab your paper and you can interview 
me while we eat.
Again, the look, but he said, OK.

First question: 
while the kids and I are eating a hearty meal of 
knock off mac'n cheese, beans, and cut up hotdogs (we are out of buns).

"Did anyone ever explain the "facts of life" to you?"

What the.....!?
YES....who wants to know!?

What class is this for again?

Yes, my mother.

Next question:
"What feelings did you have as a teenager about your sexuality"?

Excuse me??!!  
Besides it being non- of your stinking business, Mr. Teacher Man!!

Kids eyebrows going up all around the table.
Snickers, loss of eye contact.
Ryker holding a steady gaze with a bit of a smile....
enjoying his assignment.

Who is this guy?
What's with these questions?

My teacher is a woman.

I have no recollection. 

Next Question:
"Who did you have to talk to with about sexual issues or concerns
when you were a teenager."


Last Question:
"If you could go back in time and be a teenager again,
what would you change?"


I would enjoy school more, be more involved in clubs and stuff, and
not worry so much about other people's opinions.

Come on already....BUTT OUT DUDE...I mean LADY!

I ended up feeling bad about my poor answers and made Ryker call
Kevin.  I thought it would be grand fun to put him on speaker phone
and hear his outrage and surprise.
The other kids tried to protest, so as not to prolong the discussion....
Ryker said my answers were just fine,
but in the end I convinced him to place the call.

Same questions as above, K's answers.

Yes, Papa Dude told me about the birds and the bees.
Do you want to know about the day?
We were working on the the dairy farm, the cows were in heat...that means....
 and the farmer was going about picking the best of the cows to be 
sired with the bulls,

How did I feel?......pretty powerful.  I liked the idea.....I really felt.....

I had uncle Menace and Papa Dude to talk with about stuff like that.
They answered all my questions.
One time we were watching Star Trek .........

What would I do differently?  I don't think I would have my sister
give me any perms,
I would brush my teeth more regularly, wash my hair every time I took a shower.
I would have more confidence in myself.
Ryker, with the Gospel's values and principles as our guide, 
we have nothing to be insecure about.....
Etc. Etc.

It was a delight to hear him honestly and thoroughly answer Ryker's
He had no thought of it being strange or absurd.

I love that guy.

He is such a good dad, 
and a fine example to me.


Christi said...

Wow! Too funny and Kevin didn't skip a beat. I think I like that teacher! Clever assignment.

HB said...

LOL - M, you are such an interesting story teller. Travis also got a kick out of this story and we had an in depth discussion about our own experience of learning about the Birds and the Bees...I found myself strangely drawn to answering those questions as you revealed them.

I remember Mom telling us the story about how she took you on a walk to discuss these things and you kept a straight face the entire time w/no emotion or reaction - it scared her to death and she avoided the talk w/the rest of us like the plague...I too wonder what you were thinking when I heard that you remember? Perhaps you blocked it out as too painfully embarrassing to remember - LOL!!

I LOVE K's it should hessitation and no strange and mysterious silences...good man!

Love you,

P.S. I seriously doubt you talked to Mom about your questions...REALLY?