The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Very,Very bad and seriously MAD!

I should not be writing about this right now.
I do not have time.....but I am so disappointed I have to vent....
again....just blabbed to T.
But this will be the end of it and I will move on.

About an hour ago I was finally ready to sit down and make a shopping
plan.  I had cleaned up the house, done some of this and that.
Organized and trashed old coupons, got my desk in order and at last
I was ready to buckle down and pull my thoughts, coupons, and sale paper 
I got about 5 - 10 minutes into my project,
when I was really, really wanting a baked good.
A chocolate baked good of some kind.
Home made.....good thing because other than Choffy there is nothing 
chocolatey in the house.
I decided that the kids would be super happy as well if I would set aside 
this shopping trip for a few minutes more while I baked up a few trays of goodness.

I hurried through my recipe books,
found the Nieman Marcus cookies in a cookbook V had given me sometime ago.
I was loving the recipe soooo much because it had 5 cups of ground up oatmeal in it.
I LOVE that because the kids cannot complain about what they cannot taste or see.
They would never know there is a little bit of healthy goodness in these guys. I was starting to pull this massive recipe together,
at the last minute I decided to half it.
My only happy news at the moment.
I ground my oat meal.....
as I was making it into a flour in my Vita mix I 
heard a noise that sounded like it was grinding something a bit tougher 
a few times....but didn't worry too much about it.
Just gave it a second thought.

I got every thing added....including 2 STICKS OF REAL BUTTER!!!
Yum...a real treat.
I am going all in with this guy!!!
My dough is done....time to test.
YUM!  Extra yummy with a little crunch.
mmmmm, mmmm, mmmm.....
but why the crunch?

no really.

 where is the crunch coming from?
 Upon closer investigation after a few good sized spoonfuls,
I noticed some blue and white flecs of what looked like paper or some kind 
of packaging.
I know that packaging.
I hurried and opened another can of oatmeal and dumped it into the empty one.
 This is what I found.
I had so stupidly ground up an entire Oxygen Absorber into 
my oatmeal flour.
I had been in such a mad rush I didn't stop to notice.
Talk about heart break and sorrow.
I am so mad.
I don't swear often....and I won't swear now but I really want to
write a whole bunch of these...
I am scared as well.
My throat burns a little.
My stomach a bit off.
I may be kind of shaky.....that could just be from the madness.
Maybe it is all in my mind.
My ears might be ringing....

It is all dumped into the trash.
I am back where I started at my desk totally ticked and having wasted time,
money, butter, and more.....

Man I am so lame.
And still with out my baked good.
I deserve this punishment.

Take away:
Slow down.
Don't bake in a state of desperation.
When you hear something that sounds off and not normal....
it probably is OFF AND NOT NORMAL....look into it.
Look at your dough before you dig in like a rabid dog.

Ok....have a great day.
I am going to go work on a shopping trip....
while I drink 4 gallons of water to rinse out my system.

"May the odds be ever in your favor."

Something just happened that changed my state
of mind.
Sometimes (almost all the time) it pays
to unload on your friends.
T - just walked up to my door with this.
Nooooo Tina....I do not deserve this!!
I couldn't muster tears before because I was 
so mad.
I can muster tears of joy no prob.

I will be careful not to eat too much, 
what if I really do get sick?
I will just waste this too if I throw it up.

Just to wrap up...
this small gesture reminds me of Ronald Rassband's 
talk from Sunday morning's conference session.
He talked about reaching out to others...
lift and encourage.
He said, how many times have we offered to help someone.
How can I help?
Let me know if you need anything....
as we are walking away.


I loved the story he used to illustrate his point.
He said, If you came across a person that was drowning,
would you ask if you can help?
What can I do?
You would jump in and save them.
No questions asked.
Only doing what was required to save them.

Now....certainly I wasn't drowning.
Just disappointed.
That was all it took.
I didn't need to be drowning for her to 
show a kind generous gesture.
Was it necessary in any way....
But it was certainly appreciated. 
Sure made me feel good.

I hope I can be more like T.
She is always just doing,
and thinking nothing of it.

Here is Brother Rassband's whole talk.
I hope you watch it and enjoy it like I did.

Off to enjoy my day and my chocolate baked good.
My throat is only a tiny bit constricted.
Should be fine....


Anonymous said...

DANG YOU... you make me cry..... ARGG. I hope you are feeling ok. Funny story to go with the cake. I thought to bring it to you. Then I thought I didn't have time. Then I thought I should bring it to you. Then I looked at the time and thought there is no way I have time. The third time I thought to bring it to you I knew I had to make the time:) Had no idea it made enough impact to make the blog!! Thanks for being my friend. It is tough sometimes I know.

C and K said...

Love this Melissa! I was thinking what I could make for you and so glad that Tina did it!! She understands the need for chocolate goodies!! My heart really broke for you with that recipe story... you really will be okay. And the stick of butter is about .50 cents. Perspective. Thanks for the Elder Rasband link; loved his talk!! Love you too!

HB said...

Hind sight, as they say, is 20/ is like walking away from a glass of water thinking "i should probably bring that with me...nah, I'll grab it in a minute" only to find the cat has knocked the whole thing over. I'm getting better at paying attention to those little things, but it takes constant diligence and, as you say, a little bit of slowing down.

So glad Tina brought you a "do over" treat...of course you deserved it. You taught us a lesson through your own experience, you learned your own lesson and probably won't do the same thing again any time soon and you shared a good story that will make us think about reaching out to others...Chocolate is just deserts for all of that. :) HB