The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

New Mile Stones all around.....

I had planned to write a nice big juicy post today....
but I have run out of steam.
I wanted to give a quick shout out to my running mates.
I think just about all of us broke personal running records today.
We have created new mile stones for our selves.
I hit my 18 mile goal......
3:03 hours,
2365 calories burned!
10:11 average pace.
I will do my last long training run with my 
sister Amy in Utah in two weeks - a 20 miler.
I am pretty nervous about how that will pan out in the 
freezing snow and ice.
Should be an interesting journey.

As I was running today I was feeling very grateful for my 
little group of running friends.
But more than that I was so dang proud of them.
They are inspiring to me.

At the tail end of our run,
after our other friends had dropped off at their homes 
T and I were hobbling on.
T was not going to be deterred on her goal today.
Each time we came together we couldn't help but laugh
at our pain and likely pathetic appearance to others.
(Drivers probably think we are on mile 2 or something....
what do they know?!!)
It is not uncommon for me to tear up when I see other runners
while I am driving in the car.
I tear up because I am happy and miserable 
at the same time for them.  
There is no way to know at what point they are in 
during their current run, 
or in their running career in general.  
Who is to say they are not digging incredibly 
deep at the moment.

Tina's hips were on fire.
I could feel my muscles wanting badly to seize up and
be through.
Why would pain be humorous?
I guess it is either that or cry.
Poor T still had more running to do after I broke off...

Come on, you got this!!
Finish this bad boy!

We talked about a great idea that we might do for the marathon.
We thought it would be cool to voice record some messages 
to ourselves to intermix into our music to play, 
and hopefully motivate us throughout the run when we need it most.
It was Tina's idea.
I said I might have my family record some messages for me also.
Wouldn't that be fun to listen to on the run??
HB - start thinking now.... I want a good one from you Miss!
For my children I would probably lay a few ground rules:
Absolutely no screaming or super annoying sounds.
This is to HELP mommy.
Keep that in mind.


Be present in the mile you are in.
Don't worry about mile 18.

Words of Wisdom from Alice in Wonderland -
"Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end:
then stop."


HB said...

A voice message huh? I will think on it. It sounds like a tough run today...remember the altitude change when you come to UT - it is probably perfect your last long run prior to marathon will be at 4,000 ft. above sea level - it will feel great to be back at sea level for the Marathon. I wish I could be there for you...You sure make it all seem very exciting.

HB said...

P.S. love the quote!

Anonymous said...

I love this post. It was a very tough run. I don't have much deeper to pull from for 26 miles but hopefully it is in there somewhere. Thanks for being so encouraging on the road yesterday. I think it pulled me through! We are 4 weeks away!!!!

Christi said...

T & M, you're amazing! I'm loving all this run inspiration on the blog lately. Running round here wouldn't be the same for me with out you two. So blessed to have found ya. XOXO.