The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Happy December 1st to YOU!!
The Christmas Holiday has officially begun.
(Really we all know it begins on Thanksgiving Day).
December makes it official.
It is such a happy, delicious time of year.
The house always feels cozy and extra special.
Candles blazing every day.
Homemade soup on the stove day after day.
(Kev did mention that he could not tollerate one more bowl of soup
tonight at dinner......what up??
Doesn't he get it is part of the season?)
 The other day M and I were riding our bikes home from school
and she said that one of her friends had asked her
why we don't just stay here for Christmas instead of going out 
to Utah every year.
McCauley was like, well.....
#1.  we don't have a chimney.
#2.  our cousins don't live here.
Good on.
My sister recently posted about our younger brother,
and what a Fab pet owner he is.
How loving and kind and caring.
She said,
 I think the way people treat their pets spotlights much about 
a person's character.
Yeeesh....that is kinda harsh for me to hear.
Just in case you have wondered how Herbie is faring...
I thought I would give you a little sneak peak into her daily life next door.

* Chuck ain't got nothing on Charlie I can tell you.

Since A would not let C have Herbie inside,
C quickly began work on a luxurious home for his adored in the garage.
 Floral curtained entrance...
 Piped in heating,
 set at the desired temperature at all times.
Turns on and off at intervals as needed throughout the cold nights
Herbie is alone.
 Not one, but 3 plush pillows for Herbies comfort.
You can see the heating vent through the glassed in window
(for Herbie's viewing pleasure).
When Herbie moved next door,
she definitely got an upgrade to life.
They are both extremely happy together.
Interesting back story HERE & HERE
Can't log off without adding something about running...
I like this quote by Al Roker from the Today Show,

"With the Marathon, even if you're hurting, it's like, 
Well, I've come all this way.
Unless there's a bone poking out,
I might as well finish."

....not long to go!!!

1 comment:

HB said...

A) The tree looks GORGEOUS. Don't you love how glowy the lights make it in the photos. Mc is so spot on with her reasons for coming to UT.

B) What the...Herbie is ONE LUCKY DOG!! Maybe YOUR character is spotlighted by the way you treat your kids instead...:) Besides, things seem to have worked out just fine for that old girl. Perhaps if you had reached your wits end sooner, she could have reached nirvanas more quickly. That is staying power for sure...very nice characteristic.

C) I agree with Al Roker - I would have crawled across that finish line if I had to. Nothing could have stopped me. I get the feeling you will just sail on thru...