The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bits and Pieces....

To start, I need to take care of some blog business.  It was brought to my attention that back in October, in a post titled Accomplishment, I had referred to our garage as having "sides", my side and Kevin's side.
I would like to take that back....the garage has no sides to it.
All that stuff belongs to our whole family...I want to make that clear.
I shouldn't have said that....and it is not funny to joke about serious stuff.
Sorry about that.

For this post, I really just have a bunch of random odds and deep theme or anything.

I have not yet posted anything about the boys week long trip to South are a few photos that I feel
sum up the trip nicely.

where was K in all the photos?

What is the deal with that dead elk?... moose?  the boys claim it was not dead but sleeping..
I really thought that those animals slept standing up like cows.

The FIRST Day of pheasant hunting!!!

The "package" arrived yesterday...yippie! 
The one with the nine freshly frozen prepped pheasants.
oh joy.
This will be the third delivery of this kind over the past three years.  Not once have we partaken of an actual pheasant our selves.  
One time the freezer got left unplugged in the garage and every scrap of food was spoiled in it, including all the pheasants.

Just now I was out in the garage to change over the wash and noted the lid on the
styrofoam cooler was ajar 
(the one the pheasants came in yesterday)
....I assumed it was therefore empty...but decided it wouldn't hurt to take a quick look see inside.
It was jam packed full of thawed pheasants!
I beelined inside to give K a quick call and see what the deal was.....oh, no biggie, those are just last years birds (the ones that have been taking up the entire lower half of the freezer for the past year)
oooohhhhhhh ok, got it.

So this has got to be the year we don't waste.....I think we will be giving these away pretty quick before we have a chance to continue our pattern.

Here is Herbie, I noticed her outside the kitchen window going berserk a few days ago....I was hanging out trying to see what the problem was.....maybe someone in Charlie's yard that she was jealous of or something....nooooooo, hmmmmm, looks like she sees a squirrel in the vines.

I got myself some grapes and settled in for the show.  
This squirrel was taunting Herbie so bad, it really seemed intentional, I could not believe the nerve of this squirrel...I liked her style.
At one point I was curious as to why the squirrel was staying put for so long, and what she was actually doing over there by the fence.
I headed out, come to find out she was wrapped up in the vines pretty good.... she herself seemed to be trapped in her own web of games.  When I came along it really spooked her good though, she worked up enough adrenaline to beat it out of there. 
So that was pretty cool.

Lastly, while the boys were away M got a new bigger girl bike.
The other day as she was peddling up our driveway coming home from school, she said, mom can I please get a new bike?  One without Barbies on it?  What?  Why?  This one embarrasses me.
but you love Barbies. 
One of the boys was laughing at me because he said my bike was so small.
Well, yes, you have out grown it....but you still love Barbies....geesh! 

We went to Dick's at the mall and found just what she was looking for.
It says Twister on it instead of Barbie.

On Saturday she road her new bike around Gleason while I tried to keep up by running.  
....not possible.

We had fun after, checking out all the turtles, and birds that were hanging around.
It was a lovely morning.

1 comment:

HB said...

Geeze Min - Try not to be so insensitive about the family...stuff. SNORT. I actually thought it was a nice effort, but I am your sister after all.

There was not one photo of Kev on that trip was there? You should try to actually eat one of those birds - They are probably good.

Meat sounds soooo good tonight. If I was a cow in the pasture - I bet I would get my hooves on that backyard squirrel somehow and...well, you know.

Love M's Bike...pretty cool.