The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sweet Haul....

I really should not be doing this right now.  
But, the race is in three days!  This may be my last chance to get a post in....I have a bunch I need to report on.  Before I start though... I heard something really surprising today at the library.
I was standing at a book shelf in the YA section, pulling some patron requests for the day, 
when Ellen, came up to me.  If you go to our library you know who Ellen of the head Librarians, sometimes, and always randomly, she seems totally ticked off at you.
Like you have done a grave wrong....but you are not sure what you have done exactly.
She is a little intimidating.
At other times, you could not meet a nicer person.
So anyway, she came up to me this morning and says, you know, 
we have another name we call you around here.  
K - shockfest.
I had a second or two to let a few names run through my brain.  Something to do with red maybe?  
"Book Monger"....below is a sampling of what it looks like every week after my shift when I check out...and this is me being very selective.
no,....she said that I would likely not hear it from anyone else, but they call me...
......brace yourself.....
"Quiet Strength"
(I had to write it down immediately because I knew I would never be able to convince myself later that that is what she had actually said)
Wow.... I had not anticipated an indian name, but that is way better than I had hoped for.
It hadn't crossed my mind that they even really knew I was there at all....
so yeah, I guess I get the quiet is after all a library.
She said that they just love that I set them up so well for a strong start to their day.  
Everything is caught up and ready to go.

So that was pretty interesting.

Now, to get on with the post....Saturday, was the grand event....the much anticipated yearly 
Sanctuary Garage Sale!!!!
Let the hordes of people come through the wrought iron gates to buy our cast offs.
Tina lives in the Sanctuary....and I happen to be on her permanent list so I can get in any time I like....
ooooooohhhhhh!  I mention this because she suggested I come and pre-shop her neighbors sale...they are moving and pretty much selling everything but the kitchen sink.
Sure why wouldn't I?
The gates were to open at 8:00am...I rolled up at 7:30...and saw the line of cars ready and waiting along the side of the road.
I gotta tell you my morning started off right.....the gate guard may as well have said to me....
while bowing low...."Enter my lady"..... 
I'm not saying I am better than all those lined up just felt like it.
What a rush!

 I spent $26 dollars and I brought home a HAUL.  I felt that I scored big time.
We have a small nutcracker collection that comes out at Christmas....however, every nutcracker that we own is broken in some way.  The kids have always played with them as real soldiers so there is a leg off one, an arm from another, and so forth.  
This does not stop me from displaying them each year.  
They are battle wounds.
Today I was able to DOUBLE our meager collection for $10....aren't they so gorgeous??? 
This lady had tons more...I didn't want to get too greedy, so this was all I bought,
but really now I wish I had gotten more.

This woman was a talented florist or interior designer or something, she had box after box of expensive floral and fruit stems, vines of all kinds, bagged moss and styrofoam balls!!
It was a bit overwhelming.....especially knowing that that hoard of outsiders was going to be barreling in any minute...I was so confused as to what to pick.
I finally did choose a beautiful bag of green moss, two green fern type picks, and these two big bunches of fruit...I figure I will use them in a wreath or something, as well as two very nice berry garlands 
(can't see in the picture)
All for $7.
Definitely the right price.
Had I not been so pressured I would have scooped up way more...duh!
 I also brought home 3 very nice necklaces and two sweaters.  
AMAZING!  and so much fun!

So Tina lives next door to this lady
and she is having her own garage sale on a much smaller scale.
There was a little something that caught my eye.
A paint it yourself tea set for McCauley.
She had it marked for $2.
I thought I would have some fun with her husband Derek and offered him .10
....he countered my offer by calling me a criminal, 
and going and telling Tina that I was trying to steal stuff. 
I will go ahead and not type my thoughts on this....but I will say I to have a second name I use for Derek....but only in my mind.
Needless to say,
I had to go re - group, gather my wits.
I sat on a folding chair and ate some of the "energy" bars I brought...the ones w/ the chick pea juice in it.
Those bars have been quite the adventure.  They have been shared with many....some not as appreciative as others, but for the most part have been well received.

It got to be time where the kids and I had to leave....I was taking the boys to finish scouting for food.
(by the way, our van picked up 74 bags of food!!  way to go L, M, and Braden)

It was now or never for the tea set....I told Tina I would give her a dollar for it.
She was like, just take it.  I have had it for years....I am worried the paint is all dried up.
Anyway, I ended up giving her .50
What FUN M and I had.  
The paints were actually in perfect condition.
One of the plates was broken though, so that made me feel a little better for getting it for so cheap,
but then McCauley told me she had accidentally stepped on it and broke it herself.
Hmmmm.....who cares...we got it for .50!  Break another.
We painted them that same day, and then had to bake them the next, so they could cure, and then it was go time.  M used them for Sunday's dinner.  She had to refill the tea pot a few times, not sure she ever did get her thirst quenched since it holds about as much as three sacrament cups.
But it was sure a blast.
Thank you Tina!!

 Here is the icing on the cake....BELIEVE THIS.....
later in the day after all the deals, and wheeling and dealing was done.
I was dropping one of the friends off......look what I found on the curb w/ a free sign on them.
Are you kidding me?
These are gorgeous!  They are heavy and sturdy as can be!

I saw many of our friends there milling around the Sanctuary,
what did you end up with??

Hope you found some sweet deals to!


Mamapierce said...

Wow! You totally scored, girl! That's awesome! And those chairs are super nice - for free!!!

Shelly Hyde said...

best find at the sale... my boots for only bucks... cant wait to wear them

HB said...

My Lady of the Quiet Strength - I can see that...
You really are a bargain shopper aren't you...Don't you feel a little guilty gouging Tina that $1.50?? She is probably proud of your bargaining skills. ALSO, why didn't you stock up on those styrofoam balls - you mentioned in an earlier post that they are a rip off...You've still got 3 kids coming up behind Ethan...the balls might have come in handy for future DNA projects...Just sayin'. Nice Haul...GREAT CHAIRS...HB

Melissa said...

Shell, no kidding on the boots! HB....yeah, that was another foolish rushed move, why I did not grab a single styrofoam ball is beyond me. Your brain does crazy things when it is under pressure.

Anonymous said...

love love love this post! I am amazed at the beauty of the tea set. One man's trash truely is another man's treasure! Without a little girl in the house that darn tea set was always 2 minutes away from the garbage! Love the name Quiet Strength! WOW...I've never been called anything that cool... ever. You are one amazing woman. Love the blog. Love you and your family so much....