The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Daily Details Update....

A hodgepodge of family happenings.
These top two performances were from a
recent ward talent show.
Henry Q. is leading the group to a Lord of the Rings song,
the arrangement was done by him also. 
Lawson, Aaron, and Ryker.

McCauley along with Isa, and Claire Q.
They came up with the song, and all of the
dance moves by themselves.
I donated the hats for the outfits.
They had a blast doing this.
For as much as our boys have made fun of this, and say they can't stand
the song, etc.
I sure hear them humming it a lot,
and I am pretty sure they know every dance move.

Take a look at Ethan's bent up foot.
He fell asleep like this the other day....didn't know if I should wake him
up or not.  I opted not, he was limping around after for a bit.
Eth is super busy these days.
His school days begin with early morning seminary,
 I give him a pre-wake up
nudge at 5:15am before I head off to my sculpt or running.
He leaves by 6:15 and sometimes does not get
home until way after dinner,
depending on if he has baseball conditioning, a game,
or both.

Kev just got back from being out of town for a few weeks.
We are happy to have him home.
Here is the gang minus E (he was at a stake dance!)shopping at Sams Club,
and making waffles and oily eggs....our fav!

McCauley is in girl scouts!
Here are a few fun pictures from an event called
Mall Madness!!
It is crazy, after the mall closes it opens its doors to girl scouts and
their mothers and leaders.
They get to sleep over, shop, dance, play games,
do contests, see performances, etc.
until the next morning.
It was a wild one.

 M and I only stayed until midnight....which was just right
for the two of us.
She loved it!
The highlight for M was being able to get a blue hair
feather attached to her hair for just $5...
they are normally $15.
She spent her own money....take a look at the top left really close and
you will see it.
She is still sporting it today.

I walked in the boys room the other morning and
marveled at what a wind tunnel it was in there.
It seemed to be louder and more helicopter sounding
on this day.
When I wake them up each morning I turn off their fans....
there are 5 going every night.
One at Rykers feet, one at his head,
Lawson's fan, Ethan's personal fan,
and their ceiling fan!!
It is not unusual to find debris hanging off the ceiling
fan.... today was no exception.
If you look close you will see the cause for the extra noise.

could all these fans be the reason for our
soaring electric bill???!
Firework scared, and burned Luke Skywalker.
For Luke's sake,
and for the sake of our boys souls,
I hope Toy Story is not true.

1 comment:

HB said...

What a fun post!! So fun to see what everyone is up to...loved the talent show. It certainly seems entertaining at your place. I am glad for the zoom in on Luke...never would have caught that on my own. I was going for the obvious paper and totally missed the jedi...Your kids are growing up sooooo fast. It is crazy. Everyone looks great. HB