The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Hmmm, I just finished listening to Room on CD.
It came highly recommended from a lady 
whose running blog I read from time to time.
I was intrigued by the overview and decided to give it a go.
A quick summery:
It is from a 5 year olds point of view.
His mom was kid napped when she was 19 years old and 
held captive for seven that time
Jack, this little boy, was born.
All he ever new was this room they lived in and his mom.
They eventually got out....
I won't spill the beans on that
just in case.
I found that I was really bothered and annoyed by a few
things in the story.
One being that Jack nursed through the entire book,
or as he called it, "having some".
He would just pluck up his moms shirt and drink from the left,
his favorite because it was the most creamy, or the right.
Man....this grated on my nerves.
The other thing was his long hair, and everyone thinking he was 
a girl when he was out.
The mom was so bent on him being able to keep it,
even though time and again he was called a cute little girl.
I just didn't get it.
Why I was so caught up in these two details from all of the book
is beyond me....
but I know this is how I will remember 
this dang book.

It was interesting,
 the mother was an excellent parent.
I could definitely learn a thing or two from her
meaningful interaction with her son....
but I can't get past the "getting some" every minute.
Shame on me....I feel like I am prejudice or something.

If you click on that link above you can go check out the Room....
it is pretty cool.

I am still trying to Slug my way through Exodus, by Leon Uris....
It is torture but I will be finished by the end of the week.
I have a problem quitting books that I start.
I have to finish them.
I can't believe how much I am not loving it though,
it is one of Tina's all time favorite books.
We have enjoyed several of the same books in the past
so I didn't hesitate picking this one up.
She has not steered me wrong....
until now. 


HB said...

Oh Boy, that is interesting...using 'meaningful interactions' and 'getting some' in the same sentence...nice :)

What, I fear to ask, is Exodus about?

I am dreaming about Atlas Shrugged now...I can't stand it...I just want to know what happens at the end already. THEN we, you and I, are going to have a long chat about it. This book drives me crazy...but hey, at least I know who John Galt is now.

Melissa said...

Not intentional.....she was a good teacher, example, she spent time with him, (what choice did she have?? j/k) you should read the book yourself.

I am not even going to touch Exodus with a ten foot pole until I am done....good try though.

Anonymous said...

HB! So glad you are reading Atlas Shrugged. GREAT BOOK. Melissa - so dang SAD you do not love Exodus. It truly is my all time favorite book. I have read it at least 3 times. I can't say that about any other book. I think I will have to take a pass on the Room. Sounds too disturbing for me. I am sorry you feel steered wrong on Exodus.....