The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Scary Dream.

My sister had a recent post about dreams,
I decided to double dip and just copy 
part of my comment I wrote on hers.
This is a recent dream I had that left me
very sad.

 It starts with my trying to ride a very small bike up an extremely steep hill at night by myself. Next thing I know Hugh Grant (is he the one that was with Elizabeth Hurley?) is passing me on his bike and just going for it. We both end up having to walk the last part. He beats it out of there and now I am trying to make my way down a street that is full of gangsters, I am going as fast as I can and ignoring them but it is hard because I feel like I am riding in slow motion because my bike is so small....progress is slow and excruciating. I finally get to turn the corner and come to a store, I meet up with the kids there. This place is really cool, but I have a foreboding feeling. We all park our bikes and go in. This old shop is up high, kind of on an overhang of some kind, we can look down from the windows into a big pool area, it has a big ship, like Cherry Hills at one end, and is a wave pool of sorts. Beyond that is the ocean a ways off. The old lady store clerk offers the kids some candy from a bowl and then the children all want to go out on the deck and look around better. I let them, and remain inside looking out at them while I talk with the clerk. The next thing I know this huge tsunami wave comes... I can see it, but I cannot get out in time and it comes up onto the deck and covers the kids.  They are trying to hang on to the railings with all their strength. Just before McCauley is covered she is screaming for me, her doll gets washed out of her hands I am stuck in the store because of the 

press of water and can't get was so horrible.

That was a tough one.

Last night was fun,
Lawson earned his Arrow Of Light for Cub 
He has officially moved onto scouting.
Notice we had to come straight from soccer.
I forgot his shoes....

Good times.

Just posting my orange hair.
Notice that is is bathed in a camera film....
way too boring without one.

Films make you look waaaaaayyyyy hotter than reality.
Which is why I love using them so much!

My sister had a quote on her blog...
something about not being pushed by your problems,
but to be led by your dreams....!
No thank you.
Steep impossible hills, loose broken teeth, gangsters and tsunamis!
I will take a pass on that.
I choose reality.....
except for when it comes to pictures....
I like those doctored up a bit!

What was your last dream???

1 comment:

HB said...

I think you are ALWAYS beautiful - you always have been. I also think you are taking that quote quite literal - I know you know you are, but I'll still say it anyway...I believe the "dreams" they are referencing are more in the line of Martin Luther King Jr.'s kind, or the "I dream of someday getting my bachelors degree" kind. Of course, we all know "there is no try...only do or do not" Thanks Yoda...HB