The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

EXODUS - my review

I really wanted to love this book.
I wanted to enjoy it like I enjoyed Atlas Shrugged
or Pillars of the Earth.
I consider both of these other titles deep reads,
books I won't soon forget.
Titles I took something away from.
They left me thinking and pondering about my own life,
my blessings, our society, etc.
EXODUS was in that same realm,
a historical fiction anyway, but I did not enjoy the journey
as I did the other two novels.

It was the story of the War of Liberation of the Jews.
It tells the story of the Jews coming back after centuries of 
abuse, torture, and murder to take back what was theirs
two thousand years before.
ok, sounds good.
I knew nothing of this war.
I know that Tina is obsessed with the happenings in Israel, 
and follows it religiously.
She even went to a rallie of some sort recently that 
she said I would be dying to support after I read this book.

That is not for me.

I felt I knew enough of the holocaust and Jews in general
through books like -
Sarah's Key, Number the Stars
and Anne Frank.

Exodus was so relentless in the hardships and fighting,
and wars and fighting.
Then some more fighting,
then meetings, abuse, fighting.....
killing, murder, plunder, dying, 
I was so worn out from all the fighting and trying to 
keep track of the Arabs, and Egyptians, and British 
coming at the Jews constantly.
It was exhausting.

I have come to learn that I am a very selfish reader.
I want certain things from my books.
I felt exhausted, I didn't want to take it any more.
I couldn't take it any more!
Get that.
That is the sad truth.
I wanted happiness and some relief.
I want my books not to be broken.
This book was broken, and did not end in a happily ever after situation.

It still continues today.

 Some of the things I learned from the book:

No one in Israel worked for comfort in his own lifetime:
it was all for tomorrow,
for the children,
for the new immigrants coming in.
They worked for a new generation that was never to know
 humiliation for being a Jew.

They work and work and fight tooth and nail to scrape and 
hang on to what is theirs.
Always defending. 
Constantly on the alert for the next attack on them.
There was no luxury of sitting and thinking.
No time to enjoy their garden,
their family,
a book.

In the past I have always been a little put off by the Publix
ads that have a full page wasted on weird Jewish
food items for sale during certain times of the year...
Passover being one of them.
In the book I learned what some of those items symbolize for all Jews.

Matzos - the unleavened bread reminds them that the children of Israel
had to leave Egypt so quickly their bread was unleavened.
An Egg - to symbolize the freewill offering.
Nuts, diced apples, and maror (bitter herbs) - represent the mortar 
the Egyptians forced them to mix for brick building,
and the herbs recall the bitterness of bondage.

I have gained a greater respect for what the Jews
went through....
go through.
I have gained knowledge enough 
not to be annoyed or ignorantly disrespectful in regard 
to their traditions and beliefs.

I would love to go and eat a passover meal and have it all explained, 
and hear the story of their ancestor's
exodus from Egypt retold from the bible.

You know what?
I am almost 100% positive that there is a Jewish family living on 
our street. 
They are quite, keep to themselves....
pretty much everyone does on the street so that is not
a huge surprise.
I have spoken to the mother one time,
probably over a year ago,
they have two small children.
I have challenged myself to go and get to know them this week.
Make an attempt to reach out.
I will get to ask all of my questions,
and they will be sincere,
 I really want to know.

God loves all of his children.
He provides miracles not only for some,
but to all of his faithful.

I still don't understand so much...
I am still confused about many of the happenings.
I don't know how the Jews fit into the grand sceme of my beliefs of being in
the true church of Jesus Christ.
I don't know how it will all pan out.
Maybe I don't need to know.
I have no desire to ever re-read Exodus again,
but I am glad I persevered through one time.
Some good came of it I think.

Lastly.....I am going to watch the dvd with Paul Newman.
This will help clear up some sequencing, etc.
I hope.
Now this I think I can handle.
It is being held for me at the library....holler if you want to join me.

I am done with seriousness for a while.
After I read some Ensign articles, and my scriptures,
 I am going to start my new book.
I cannot wait!!!
It is sitting on my microwave just teasing me!!

How is it that I have such a life to be able to sit and read?
To enjoy.
To relax.
To think.
To ponder.
To choose.
To be free.
To live with out fear.
To love.
Do I recognize these luxuries enough?
Do you?


Anonymous said...

Oh Melissa! You got EXACTLY what you were supposed to out of that book! You are a better person for understanding what these people have gone through. It helps us appreciate what we have so much more. I am so proud of you! I am a little sad you didn't enjoy it as much as I did but that is ok. I love it post. It made me cry. I know am a little crazy... ok a lot crazy but this book means a lot to me and thank you for reading it!

HB said...

I too expect to be uplifted or entertained by MOST of the books I read. I definitely try to go between serious, information, entertaining, funny then back to serious and I do prefer happy endings and certainly endings that are wrapped up tight, leaving little to my own imagination.

I am so grateful that we can make time to read and enjoy our experience on earth in many ways. I sometimes think about how strong the spirits are of those that don't have the luxury of down time like I do. How much more is asked of them than is asked of is important to recognize all that we have. I Am Grateful...HB