The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

......and I "quote"

Yesterday McCauley and I made a quick run 
to Publix.  It was after school and I 
thought she might like to join me and get a free kid cookie.
She did.
I was going, hoping to find a specific new coupon book so
we could stock up on Kleenex tissue.....Ryker is on his last box and
it is go time.
We did locate them, as well as one other booklet to boot!
The weird thing was that the booklets were behind the service desk in their
display box....just out of reach....hmmmm.....unless I wanted to really reach
up and over that back counter.......I am pretty sure I can take it no prob,
but no...I didn't attempt it.
I asked the young man behind the counter if he wouldn't 
mind grabbing me a few.
He was like sure, and took a thick stack out.....
"how many would you like"?
well, as many as you'll give me....
(anticipated....hoped for four)
He gave me the ENTIRE stack.
I thank you sir....and I love you!
Now I would never do that on my own.....but, well, he was the man 
in charge behind the desk.
If it is ok with him, it is certainly ok with me.

McCauley is my little helper.
I really enjoy having her with me on my store trips to Publix.
She got right on clipping the coupons I needed for the tissue.
She sits in the cart and I start loading the goods.
We purchased 18 boxes at .08 cents each.
Our bill totaled $9.78 - 
18 boxes Kleenex
2 Gourmet McCormick spices
We were happy.
While we were in line checking out with Cathy....fav cashier....
I was organizing and counting out our coupons, 
making sure the cash was ready,
watching the total go down, down....
McCauley asked, "Mom, what are those doughnuts 
doing at the end of the counter?"
I was like what?.....the doughnuts???  ummm
well, they are there for people to buy silly.
I had noticed the little stand of mini doughnuts by the 
check-out and assumed she meant those.
We get to the car and settled in and as we drive from the store 
McCauley says, 
"Mom, I have never stollen anything in my life".
What?....well certainly not honey.
I should hope not...I didn't think you had.
Sheesh...where did that come from?
So we get home and I am pumped to throw our stash on the counter
to snap a quick photo.
In the last bag there was something that threw me off.
Where in the world did this little pack of doughnuts come from?
I was all befuddled....I ran for the receipt.
There they were.....  
1@2 FOR 1.19 = .60
awwww.....hence the interesting comments.
I spoke with little M.
I was not upset, but just said that was not the right choice
and certainly she did not get to have the doughnuts.
She said she knew that...and that is ok.
The boys over heard and went out of their minds,
they had never done anything like that in their lives.
They had never even considered something so sneaky.
and on, and on....Ethan especially wanted to bring it 
up every few minutes...
I said if he mentioned it again he was going to 
have a major problem to deal with.
It was no big deal.

Our night went on.
We ate, got Ethan to baseball tryouts.
Boys to scouts....and so forth.
I read M the Velveteen Rabbit and she was off to bed.
Eth had gotten home late and was hungry due to missing dinner.
I wanted to force some leftovers on him for the third night
in a row, so I bribed him with the little doughnut pack 
so I could end it with the chicken divan already!
He took me up on it,
downed a massive bowl,
and enjoyed his reward.

Well, even later when K got home from night flying.
I was telling him about the day.
The amazing shopping deal,
and M's little stunt.
He was like....You gave the doughnuts to Ethan????
What about McCauley???
I think she really wanted one!!!
How could you not give one to her?
um. was a natural consequence.....wasn't it?
Oh my gosh....I felt so bad.
Went and looked at my sleeping, little sweet deprived innocent angel.
My coupon helper.
She always asks for a pack of gum, or doughnuts, or anything
as we check out.
I almost always say no.....but I also point out the other yummy treats and
goodies that I already did get for her/the kids
that were on sale/with coupon.

she is a sweet heart.
I happen to know that Sweet Sixteen Doughnuts 
go on sale tomorrow, BOGO....
I will have an opportunity to get her doughnuts 
w/out her having to try and sneak them.
We will all be happy.


Anonymous said...

Good for you! Discipline is very hard on us parents. NO WAY would she have gotten those donuts. You are good mom.... as always.

HB said...

I don't understand the stealing part. Did she just sneak it into your purchase pile without asking? Is that the deal? Does she earn allowance? Maybe she can save for her treat next time. It is good to set a precedence. The best part is she knew she did something she needed to ask about - that is a good little chick there.

Melissa said...

She didn't steal...but she felt like she had since I did not know she put them on the line up. We talked yesterday when she got home from school. I just said, so tell me about what happened w/ the doughnuts yesterday. It was so cute....I plopped her up on the counter, she said she couldn't believe it. She just put them up there and was watching me....knowing I would see them. But then I didn't, she was so surprised when the checker was ringing them up...and still I did not notice. She knew when they were in the bagging area I would see....but no. In the car she was very nervous. We had a good laugh. I loved hearing her recap....wish I would have been watching her on the sly to see what she was looking like during the drama.

HB said...

ohhhhhhh...sweat girl. It is so amazing how serious things are to kids. It seems like she was freaking out inside - she will never forget how she felt in that moment...I heard recently something along the lines that it is easier to forget an event to forget how you "feel" during certain experiences. I hope you followed through on the doughnut surprise you had planned. HB

HB said...

P.S. Who is holding the sheet up on the video...that is awesome!

Melissa said...

ME! .... that was quite a while ago...but still thought it was cute of M trying to be a "fancy" rock star. Those earrings are a concoction she made w/ a jelly bracelet and a rubber band, they are looped around her ears. She is always coming up w/ new ways to get stuff to hang from her ears. She is obsessed w/ earrings. Hense her most prized gifts for Christmas were THREE pair of clip on earrings from Claires. Two of which got lost almost immediately on our trip....One fell out of Kev's pocket while her ears were resting for a little while, and the other slipped off when she fell asleep in the car on the long ride to Idaho, never to be seen again.