The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Deal to Remember......

I'm sorry, I cannot help myself.
I am trying not to make my blog all about my super deals.
But I am for sure not leaving this bad boy shopping trip off.
It started out regular enough.....
 Wanted you to see that I followed through on the 
mini doughnuts for McCauley.
I have a thang for Kozy Shack pudding.
 Take a good look at this next one (down below)....this is where the fun began.
I always swing by the tiny clearance rounder at my Publix.
Many times I see great deals, but since I don't know what
is on sale I usually don't 
have the correct coupons to take advantage.
I sometimes consider going back w/ my qs, but actually have never acted on it.
Today I saw 4 - 24 packs of Duracell AA batteries.
I am always keeping my eyes peeled for good battery deals.
Well, they were regular $12.99 each.
on sale for 2 for $12.99 - so half price - that will get my attention as 
a starting point.
I was completely positive that I had several Duracell coupons at home,
and with me I had my Publix coupons to use towards them - 
so $6 came off right then.
I asked the customer service rep if I purchased them now, could I bring 
my coupons back in to get reimbursed??
 I got home.
Took the pics....and started digging.
The first place I always go is to a Coupon Data Base.
That way I am not searching blind.
Huge time saver, because I can put any item in that I am 
looking for a coupon for and bingo,
if there is one, it will pull up.
I will find out if there is a printable one to get,
as well as any booklets, tear pads, or blinkies that I may have stuffed in my binder.
Plus, the best part is they give the source date and 
coupon insert that they are in as well.
So I was able to come up with 
4 - $2 off Target coupons
4 - $1.50 off manufacture coupons
All told I got back - $14.48
I spent $6 on 96 BATTERIES!!!
Spent $24.99/ Saved $133.04 on the trip.
PLUS.....get this....this is the icing on the cake...
or maybe the dip on the celery....
Three of the battery pacs came w/ a sheet of $20 in P&G COUPONS!!
They are high value and do not expire until 2012!!
Yes, I do have a big fat head now.....
here is a picture to prove it.
Ryker just walked by and whispered ugly...wha?

1 comment:

HB said...

NOW you have the Dana nose...nice job fat head. AWESOME deals. Did Mc enjoy her doughnuts? HB