Hello friends!!!
We just got home.
Sooooooooo good to be here! Mess and all.
Had a wonderful trip. I will write a big juicy recap later this week.
Kev and I are just hanging in the office, he is working.
I am playing.
Catching up on all the fun stuff I missed while away for three weeks.
Ripped into the PUBLIX sale add!!!
Unopened Christmas cards...thank you!
We finally have a half way decent family picture to put into one....
so as you are my witness....a Christmas card will go out from the Christensen Family this year!
I was excited to jump onto my little blog.
I missed writing.
I wanted to get my favorite vacation reading posted before I forget what I liked about it.
This is the first 5 star I have ever given. This book was recommended to me by my sister in law, Melanie. I took it to Utah for one of my Christmas vacation reads.
It was the perfect book....
all except for the fact that I finished it too darn quickly!
I finished it at 6:30am Christmas morn.
That left me scrounging around pretty hard for a replacement book w/ a huge
chunk of vacation time left.
Back to the book....I had a very tough time even starting the book because I hated the cover so much.
It repelled me...it took me a good 50 pages of forcing myself to stick with it before I locked onto it.
This book was exciting, sad, endearing, and very entertaining.
There was one morning when I had to run up stairs for breakfast and be a part of our family gathering at my in-laws....
I was "helping" get the toast for the hot cereal buttered/peanut buttered. One of my kids piped up..
"Mom, jeeeze! You have already buttered that piece twice!!"
Man, I was in a very critical part in the book and apparently my mind was still wrapped around it!
I recommend this book to YOU!
I would loan you mine but I already
passed it on to my sister in law.
This book was a gift from my mom this Christmas. She LOVES A Family Raised on Sunshine!
It is out of print, so she (well, she and I) got online w/ Amazon and found a bunch of used
copies for my sisters and I. This is a recipe book, but also so much more.
This lady, Beverly Nye, is one amazing mother.
My book is marked up like crazy...read it from start to finish....not because I was desperate for Christmas vacation reading material....but because it does read more like a book, and I am very excited about trying many of her ideas and recipes when we get home. She has many practical and fun ideas for everything from basic bread and scone recipes...to loads of food storage tips.
I recommend this book!! Yes, the book does have an outdated appearance and cover....but the information will never be outdated....it is all good.
My second 5 star in one day!!!!
This book I just started....it is not rocking my world yet....I had to leave it at my mother in laws
because it was a gift to her.
I am wondering if I should continue to pursue it....have you read it??
What do you have to say about it?
What did you read over the holiday???
It is just not the same reading at home.....
I read The Help last year and it took me awhile to get through the first part but it became so engaging for me because I learned so much about that time period and the lives of people I'd never thought about before. There's one weird scene with a naked guy and the swearing bothered me but otherwise a great book. :)
Hey M, just saw your note.....thanks for the helpful comment on the Help. You may have intrigued me back into it.....I will let you know.
BTW, I loved The Help. Read it for book club. Very good. The title has many layers of meaning. Definitely keep reading!!
Loved your blog about your dad. I cried and laughed Your writing is so fun to read... that's coming from an English major!
I finished the Help.....is was worth the read. But did not rock my world or leave me wanting more....like another book in the series. It was about a 3.5 for me. Gave me an appreciation for the times we are in now, and a look at how far we have come in regard to equality and acceptance of every human being.
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