The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Please join me in saying Good Bye to OUR CLUB.

It is my thought that as long as we are within the first month
of any given new year.....that this is appropriate to say.
Hello 2014 
I am Excited to know you!
I can't wait to see what this fresh year looks like.
Obviously it will look exactly how I make it.....
in addition to the things we have little control over.....
but in large part....It is really up to me....and YOU!

So, for starters,
in case you hadn't  heard,
Our Club shut it's doors at the end of December.
This did not come as a huge surprise, they had been struggling for money
for quite some time.
Membership had steadily declined with the newer clubs
moving in. 
Our Club was becoming a bit run down,
and in need of quite a few repairs to get up to code,
etc., etc.
I personally had no desire to jump ship before it sank.
I wasn't going down with the ship,
but I was happy to hang on until the very end.

On Monday December 9th an email was sent out saying 
that Saturday the 14th the doors would close for good at 7:00pm.
Saturday 8:15 a.m. pilates would be my last class.

I Loved my time at Our Club.
I loved the people.....some of them loved me : )
It was my first opportunity at teaching, and gave me several good 
years of experience and experimentation.

Our club helped me get past these feelings.
It took me forever to find this old post....because the title did not fit the 
post I was looking is at the bottom.....skip down to the picture of my keys...
begin there....
Oh, and 
Fair Warning: Do not risk eating while reading this post,
I inhaled and choked pretty aggressively on some of the grapefruit I was noshing on.

Our club allowed me this satisfaction.
This joy.
Here is one of my super fun attempts at practicing for my first class at Our Club.
Here is a favorite learning opportunity Our Club Provided for me.
Here is another sweet, scary experience.
and ANOTHER lesson I am grateful for.

I am BLESSED to have had these, and many other adventures during
my relatively short time at 
Our MY CLub.
May it Rest In Peace.

I will post more later.....
but I have been adopted into a new club.
Beach Bodies!
So far so good.....
I can't wait to tell you all about it.

1 comment:

AUNT GUGGY said...

That was a jog down memory lane - what a journey M...I am crying a little bit. I'm so proud of you - can you believe how far you have come? It seems so normal that you are a work out instructor now and, yet, I remember the day you got your certificate and the first class and the lessons you have shared, the humiliation, the growth, the courage. I am so glad I have shared these moments with you - Thank you. I am sorry the club closed, less sorry for you than for the owners, you will just move on to a new opportunity. Learn on Sis & continue to teach the rest of us!! Love you. HB