The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

All Failure is Fleeting.

I did it!!
I embedded a video into my blog!
I am blowing my own mind.
I have tried so many times but could never crack the code.
Today I implemented using my brain -
 got on Youtube and
typed in "how to upload a video to your blog".
WHAT DO YOU KNOW....there are zillions of instructional
videos to teach just that.
I am so pumped from my class this morning that I wanted to
put this Mindy Gledhill video on.
(may have to mute the blog music)

I love the message in this song.
It is inspiring....see what you think.

take a chance....
live a crazy impossible dream.....
you tell me don't try it.....I'm not buying...
All Failure is Fleeting.....I trust it always has its meaning. 

I feel so happy today because I overcame an obstacle for myself.
I feel the high of accomplishment and success.

The first time I taught pilates at our club was a few 
months back, I was subbing for another teacher.  
I had put quite a bit of time and planning
into creating a challenging workout routine.  
Carefully selected just 
the right songs for my class.
I was nervous and really wanted it to go well.
It didn't.
It was a flop.
Several things went wrong....
I couldn't get the music or mic to work.
The class was very full.
They had not expected to see me....
they were not thrilled.
I moved through the routine but maybe didn't pay close 
enough attention to my participants, or give enough 
it was so silent.
All I heard at one point was a muttered,
"What happened? did we land in advanced pilates or something?"
At the end no eye felt really awkward and I felt 
so deflated and embarrassed.

Today I got my second chance at it.
I was very excited. 
Yes, a little nervous, but in a different way.
I have put more time in at the sound system,
figured out some trouble shooting,
and become more confident in how to run the mic.
I have tested out the moves I planned to try on my 
wonderful early morning sculptors.
I made a few modifications to my class bassed on how things went 
with my practice run.
I was comfortable with several modifications for every move
so that the whole class, regardless of their
fitness level, could participate.
I got there early.
Started on time.
Used the mic.....only the second time in my instructing career,
and it really was not that bad. was kinda fun.
The class was a blast.
This time I asked for their constructive criticism so I could improve
for the next time.
They said forget about it....
You're a KEEPER!!
OMGosh.....I nailed it.
Eye contact....HAPPY Faces.....I took it all in.

If at first you don't, and try again.


Anonymous said...

Hooray! I was wondering how it went. You rock!

Shelly Hyde said...

Man I WISH i could have been there. Proud of you M. song was pretty cool too. XOXO

Melissa said...

Shells!! Me toooooooooo!! You would have loved it. Man I miss your cheerleading at the club. None of our girls go there any more. : (

Thanks V!

HB said...

OY - I am so proud of you for going back in there for the 2nd time. It sounds like it went really, really well. You are very inspiring to me.

I loved the song and video. Now if you can just get the photos off my phone...that would be fabulous!!