The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I follow a blog called SHUT UP AND RUN....
each day I get an email with her words 
of wisdom, her training tips, and sometimes
really crude humor.
I skip quite a bit, but also take in much of what she 
has to offer.

I like this quote from one of her posts:

"I believe it's a lifestyle.
It's finding the connection between how you 
feel mentally, emotionally and physically
and what you put into your body.
There is NOTHING I eat in a given day that
I eat without being completely conscious
of how it is or is not contributing
to the well being of my body.
Awareness is Key.
When we get disconnected,
we make poor choices."

I have this taped above my computer by the light switch.
This quote is not magic,
I am not a fanatic health nut veagan...
(as if I could ever do that.)
but I do ask myself - 
Is this going to help fuel my body?
If the answer is no....
then I check and see if it will be worth it to me to 
continue on with the eating of this or that
piece of lard, or hunk of chalk,
or whatever is tempting me at the moment.
If my answer is yes, then I proceed....
like I did just now with two spoonfuls of cookie dough 
that I heated up in the microwave.

I did it.
It is done.
My conscious choice.
My splurge....
now I will make sure I give my 
body what it needs for the remainder of the day.

McCauley's Art work.
Check out 
today...she has a very good post that is worth reading
on how important it is to NOT be your own worst Enemy.

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