The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Last night was Satellite High Schools open house.
I got to go meet all of Ethan's teachers for his freshman year.
I thought it was great.
I really liked following his schedule and being able to see 
how each day plays out for him.
The school is pretty cool,
nothing like we had in Utah.
All of the different buildings surround this big open courtyard,
you get to each building under covered walkways.
I like it.
Lately conversation with this kid has been tougher to come by.
He is getting lock-jaw or something.
I am always excited to find out how his day went....
and express an interest in his life and activities.
He however,
 is not very forthcoming with the goods I am seeking.
I ask him stuff like, How was your day?,
Was lunch good?, Did you guys go out to breakfast or 
eat at the cafeteria?, Who went?  Was it fun?
Who did you sit by?, Tell me about your homework, etc.....
Maybe I bombard him w/ TOO many questions.
But if I am not getting more than an "I guess,
yeah, fine, not really", it does not satiate my need for 
I finally got him to answer this question:
What was the best part of your day, and the worst?
He kinda lit up yesterday;
The best part was in band when a wasp landed on a kids back.
We kept telling him he had a wasp on him,
but he thought we were kidding so he didn't do anything
about it.
The rest of us were all scrambling to get away from him.
Then it climbed up into his hair.
Finally he freaked out and it flew out onto another kids
foot, who then wigged out.
It was pretty cool.
That's what I'm talking about.
The good stuff.
The juice.
The crazy happenings of High School Life...
of your life.
 I can't remember the worst....
 but I'll tell you what I can remember,
I remember my mom always asking me tons of unending
questions after school.
I remember getting super annoyed and thinking,
who cares?
Get a life mom...
I really didn't know at the time, that I was her life.
That my coming home and sharing my 
experiences was a huge highlight of her day.
One way she could stay connected with me and 
be my support and biggest fan.

I wonder if I had known, 
would I have given her more of the good stuff?
I like to think so.

1 comment:

HB said...

AH - that made me tear up. Keep at it w/the questions who knows what gems will pop up. Poor Mom - if she got the quiet treatment from you she got the never ending chit chat from me...I don't doubt she wished I wasn't so forthcoming at least with the minutia. Someday your kids will realize how important it was they had a Mom that cared about all the small details, I know I do.