The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Forced Quit.....

Ever since our trip to Utah I have not gotten on the scale.
Big whoop, right?
Well, before that, for many months prior to July 4th 
I was a "Weigh In Nazi Freak".
Every morning....go pee, get naked, weigh in.
Will I start my day out totally stoked??
feeling skinny and CONFIDENT?
or be down in the dumps, disappointed that I am 
not hitting my ideal number....again?
Would I look forward to a relaxed eating day,
or would this be a make up day for my freakish indulgences 
of yesterday?

This is kind of an embarrassing post.
It is personal, and I am admitting my imperfections
and personality flaws and the rigid
pressure that I occasionally indulge in....
I imagine it could be very annoying to read.
There are certainly bigger issues in this life.
I share this because I know I am not alone.....
and because I have been implementing changes in my 
attitude and behavior that feel more healthy and 
realistic to maintain.

So, back to the scale thing.
I really loved not weighing myself in Utah.
There was a scale in the bathroom,
but I never stepped on it,
not once.
I was on vacation for crying out loud.
I never stopped working out, I continued planning 
my classes and pushing myself physically.
But I didn't want to invite my own criticism into my 
time off if I found I was over 120lbs.

That is my number of choice -
I pick that number because that was my weight in high school.
....and because it looks good, I like that it is even,
and ends in a zero.
I can tell you now that I did not have a single muscle in my
body at that time.  
I may have looked slender,
but I was completely out of shape.
So today, knowing what I know about 
fitness, and the ABSOLUTE FACT 
that MUSCLE WEIGHS more than FAT!!!
......but takes up less room.
That is the important part.
I still am driven to that stupid number.

Since I have gotten home, 
like I said, I have not taken my scale out.
It has been a month now.
At first I was too afraid.
I did not want to face any disappointment.
but now..
I like not having to be driven by that stinking scale!
at first I loved it so much.
I really felt like it helped me stay in control,
gave me a guideline.
But I would be lying if I said it did not play a part in 
my daily highs and lows.

I have finally taken a look at where I am now.
I like where I am at.
I like my body.
I am proud of my efforts.
I like my strong shoulders....I work hard for the shape I see.
My guns...I see the definition,
and it is beautiful.
Slightly narrower hips....thank you running.
My abdominal muscles are strong and support my back.
My core is powerful.
My knees are well oiled and comfortable.

I am not skinny.
I am not going to be skinny....ever.
My goals for myself include being fit, healthy and STRONG.
Not even in the same category with skinny.
I am removing that word from my vocab.
I will always maintain the goal to not have a muffin top.
I guess I feel like I need to put this out there.
When I am standing there teaching a class I feel like 
people expect to see a certain body and level of fitness.
I want to deliver that.
I want you to see a healthy example and a fit person
that can potentially inspire and motivate you.
You will not see a skinny one.
I am ok with that.

In the  August SELF magazine there
is an article about Alison Sweeney - the host of the 
Biggest Loser...
I am not really of fan of hers, or really even the show,
She had had the same hang up....
really focusing on the scale.
She finally made the shift in her focus....instead of a number
on the scale,
she made it about being healthy and that made 
all the difference.  
I like her tips and her attitude and feel like I am 
finally on that track.

My Mac computer has something called a 
Forced Quit.
It is used when a program will not shut down on it's
own when told to do so.
It gets hung up for one reason or another, and I have to go 
in and command a Force Quit.
I have implemented a Force Quit on my unhealthy 
obsessive weighing in.
I recommend it.
It has made a big difference in my state of mind,
and helped me to recognize more of the positive
attributes about myself and my body,
rather than focusing only on the 
one negative, unrealistic goal I was 
unable to maintain. 

Any thoughts?


Aubrey said...

Love this. Have been circling the same idea and thoughts for the last few months. Still haven't been able to quit yet. Need to just put the scale away and then maybe I won't think about it.

Melissa said...

Do it Aubrey! You can and should. You can master the no weighing....then you can quit counting those stinkin calories. One thing at a time.... : )

C and K said...

Threw my scale away this time last year, when we went through the weight issues with our eldest. It's hard for me. I miss it, but not really. I don't miss the daily weigh ins, or crazy obsessing over where the needle is REALLY pointing... Melissa and Aubrey, you both are so beautiful and slender, and always have been. If you could only see yourselves as others see you, you would be humbled!! You are gorgeous, inside and out!

Shelly Hyde said...

LOve you M you are tight and fit. and thats desirable.

ps and youre crazy bc you are so skinny. So shut it. xoxo

Anonymous said...

hallelujah!!! I have noticed you are fun to eat with again. SO GLAD! And I agree with you Skinny is not strong. I have been really really skinny at times in my life and I looked sick. I want to be STONG!

HB said...

This Summer I thought you looked the best I have seen you look. I love that you are fit and strong - it is inspiring.

I do wish to inform you that it is strange for you to say you are not thin or skinny or whatever. It is rather irritating actually, but I admire all the work you have done to become so healthy and I get what you are saying; I am glad you can focus your energy more productively moving forward.

I like the term "Forced Quit" - I think I can incorporate that into many things along with the symbolic air stroke of CTRL, ALT, DEL...nice one; it will be used:

* Irritating email CTRL, ALT, DEL
* Feeling anger rise up CTRL, ALT, DEL
* See that choc cake in the break room? CTRL, ALT, DEL
* Mouth forming words you can't take back - CTRL, ALT, DEL

You get the idea. HB

Christi said...

When we moved here, I put the scale in the closet. Jim asked me to keep it there because he couldn't stand how my day depended on whether or not I liked the number on the scale. So I have left it in the closet, and it is like being set free. Great post :)

Melissa said...

Christi, I feel the same way. Prison break right here. Thanks for sharing your comment.