The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


I really liked this little book by 
John Bytheway.
I purchased it for our kids, but have gotten a lot
out of it for myself.
I love it because it is the perfect book to have
beside the toilet.
(just keeping it know you do it to....
it is not like you are a famous movie start and do not 
go to the bathroom ever!!  duh)
It's perfect because it is not a book with long chapters.
He has it broken into small snippets.
He gets right to the good stuff and it leaves you with something
to ponder and think about until your next break,
and beyond.
Here is a quick overview to see it this book would be 
a good fit for you.

You know how we are always praying,
"Help us to get home in Safety"?,
Bytheway focuses on that, but getting us safely back
to our celestial home.
He relates everything around the "high seas"and our voyage.  
Using the Gospel as our map, and the Holy Ghost as our 
compass we learn to navigate effectively 
through the many dangers in our earthly life, 
and to better anchor ourselves in times of storm.
I loved it and am "climbing aboard" 
for round two.
It is an enjoyable read because Bytheway has a great 
sense of humor.  He has the ability to make sometimes heavy 
boring subjects light and easy to comprehend 
for everyone.
I always feel like I am nodding my head in agreement
and thinking, yeah, you are right,
and yes, that is totally how it is,
I have thought that to.
He is relatable....I guess that is what I am trying to say.
Big Brother Calvin and Claire Quigley
 One of my favorite passages in the book reminds me 
of the sweet baptism Cauley and I 
attended this past weekend.

"All the water in the world,
However hard it tried,
Could never sink the smallest ship
Unless it got inside.
And all the evil in the world,
The blackest kind of sin,
Can never hurt you the least bit
Unless you let it in."

Keeping our covenants helps us remain seaworthy.
Our covenants are a watertight protection,
so long as we keep them.


HB said...

John has been around for quite some time...didn't he write something about the "Be Attitudes"? I think I went to a fireside where he spoke when I was a teenager. He certainly has a way of working with teens. It is important to have a compelling read in the freshening up room. :)

C and K said...

love the pictures of the baptism! Beautiful. Thanks for the inspirational thoughts!! Love Bytheway.