The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Little Slow When It Comes to The Fast......

Yesterday my parents spoke in their new ward here in
Kaysville.  All of my siblings and their families were able
to attend sacrament meeting - minus my older brother Jason,
and Amy and Heather's (and of course my) husbands.
My mom has been "working on her talk" for weeks.
I should know, we have been here for weeks and I have heard her
say those very words numerous times.
She is like me, or rather I am like her when it comes to preparing
for a talk apparently.
I become obsessed and only focus on my topic
until it is at last given.
No outside books or other frivolous reading until the talk is done.
Talk about a great learning experience, as well as a mamouth
relief when it is over.

My parents were both asked to speak on Fasting.
I enjoyed both of their talks,
but I was able to lock in on a few key points from my mom's.
Things I had never thought of before concerning fasting,
see if it is the same for you.
I snuck her talk out of her little black folder earlier today to get a
quick recap.

Earlier in the week my mom and I were talking about fasting,
I was saying that I knew that I was not applying the blessing of fasting as much
as I could in my life.
I pretty much finished up by saying, well, I guess we just
haven't had anything that HUGE,
or a CRISIS (Lameo)
that has warrented a mega fast.
As if I am "saving up" for when we really need the extra power
from fasting.
That was my mentallity before my moms talk.

Here are my favorite parts :
President Kimball has said, that if we merely go with out food 
to pay our fast offerings we have satisfyed the letter of the law.
However, if we fast for real strength and include earnest prayer and if 
possible a time for meditation we will accomplish self-mastery and 
spirituality which will help us achieve the spirit of the law.

In Helaman 3:35 - "Never the less they did fast and pray oft, and 
did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and 
firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ,
unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation.....

When we fast we feel hunger.
And for a short time, we literally put ourselves in the position 
of the hungry and the needy.
As we do so, we have a greater understanding of the deprivations
they might feel.
(I had never considered this thought. To think about those
that might actually benifit from my fast,
and our offerings.
To put myself in their shoes for a short time.
What a differnet feeling it would bring if my focus
would turn
from myself and my own temporary discomfort,
to the real and lasting needs of others.
I am betting the ever present thought of wanting to -
"hurry up and finish this fast so I can get back to eating freely",
not forgetting to make up for going w/out.
would dissapate.)

As we teach our children to fast by our example we are arming them
with the power to resist temptations along their life's jouney.

The purpose of our fast may be a personal one.
Fasting can help us overcome personal flaws and sins.
It can help us overcome our weaknesses and help them become
strengths.  Fasting can help us become more humble, less
prideful, less selfish, and more concerned about the needs of others.
It can help us see more clearly our own mistakes and weaknesses and
help us be less prone to criticize others.
Or our fast may focus on a family challenge.
.....fasting can increase love and appreciation amoung family members.
.....strengthen marriage bonds.
....provide guidance in our callings.
....assist us with our home and visiting teaching stewardships.
Fasting, coupled with mighty prayer is powerful.
It can fill our minds with revelations of the spirit,
.....strengthen us against times of temptation. can help develop within us courage and confidence.
.....strengthen our character and build self-restraint and discipline.
Testimony grows.
......we mature spiritually and emotionally.
Each time we fast, we gain a little more control over our worldly
appetites and passions.
Fasting can help us develop a better attitude of gratefulness.
Fasting is a privilege.

I am grateful for my moms inspired preparation for her talk.
I get it.
I need and want all of these blessings in my
life very much.
I see that it does not take a painful crisis or emergency
to nessecitate a time for a serious fast.
Every month I have the opportunity to willingly
draw closer to my Father in Heaven by choosing to
fast purposfully.

I loved being at church with my family!
It felt so good.
I did not want any of them to leave...
Please Stay.
Come go to priesthood,
come to sunday school, come to Relief Society.
Come and stay.
Keep feasting with me.
Get all you can get.
Fill your cup.

I will save it for another day....but during the last hour
Bishop Willis gave such a beautiful lesson on the Atonment.
I took notes so I could share it later.
I wish I could share the spirit that I felt so strongly in class.
That is really what I want to experience with you.

Sister in-law Melanie, Sister Amy, Keri, Mom, Me, Heather and Neice Josie

My dad and (single) brother Chuck.

P.S. - This Sunday (August 7th) is Fast Sunday!!! 


Melissa said...

Thank you for posting this! My mother in law fasts each Wednesday and calls us the night before if there is anything special she needs to fast for. It is amazing how much strength she brings just by making that huge sacrifice. And, she doesn't even like fasting but it has brought so much strength to her own life that she won't stop doing it. Such an example but your post will help me get started into a more heartfelt fast. One thing I try to do (during this period of nursing that I can't fast) is fast from something like technology or TV for 24 hours since I can't fast from food. It works almost as good but not as challenging as going without food! Glad you're having a great time with family!

HB said...

Mom and Dad both really did a great job on their talks - I was very happy to be there. I agree that if one is to fast, you might as well make the most of it.

I like that Melissa's MIL has a ritual fast each week - it is nice to rely on other people's strengths. I wonder why she picked Weds?

I have a friend who goes to the temple once each week - I am so used to her going that I started asking her to put names on the prayer role for me when I was concerned my prayers might not be enough - never hurts to combine forces eh?

Anonymous said...

Hi, it's aim,
Thanks for this reminder, Maybe mom still has that talk laying around? I'm gonna ask.
Love you.