Today was a pretty sweet day overall. Shelly and I met at the usual time and place. We have made it official - we will run each M - W - F - so please come meet up with us if you ever want to. 6:00am, Gleason, then run the causeway. We have made a further commitment to add a second run to those same running days to prepare for the Ragnar. My sister HB asked what the Ragnar race is - it is a 202 mile race, relayed between 12 team members. We will each have three legs to run, ranging anywhere from 3.7 miles - 9 or 10....can't remember exactly. (Colleen if you read this maybe you can add some details??? and tell us which leg we are running!!! How scared do we need to be?) The run will take place on November 19th - 20th and will be from Clearwater FL - Daytona Bch. I have heard this is a beautiful stretch.
Later, I did more running at the gym and some other stuff. On my way home from some of that stuff I drove past our "new" neighbors and waved for the bazillionth time. When do they stop being new neighbors? After living there one month, six months, a year? I am guessing they will become regular neighbors when we (I) actually walk over and meet them. They were sitting outside visiting. I decided to get er done, you know, be productive. I snatched one of the bags of Milano Cookies and made the trip. Dan and BB - they are a nice couple. We were having some light chit-chat, and then I asked, So what do you two do? DUMB. They proceeded to tell me of their day jobs, etc. Then of course they asked me in return to be polite. Man, that really caught me off guard. I was ho-humming around, trying to think of something not totally loserish to say. I like my life, but saying I have a new blog, and do running, and couponing each day didn't sound like enough. I was stumped, they knew it, and I knew it. Next thing you know I am having to dig up what I used to do to sound like a contributing citizen.....aaaa well, I used to home school our kids, but now I don't. I am still working out the details.....and I went to the beach today.
At the beach.....of course it was dazzling. I found a new spot that was empty. Just a few specs of other humans a ways off. There was a nice breeze, I was just stopping for an hour or so. No guilt or harm in that....I have allotted myself a guilt free stint of time, up to 3 hours of beach time each week. Taken probably in 2 installments of 1.5 hours each.

There you go again, undervaluing your contribution to the world. Is it really hard for you to take an hour and 1/2 to just sit still? How do you put all those pictures together in one box...very cool. The red did you so eloquently put it on my blog? "That is a huge bummer"...
That race sounds like an amazing adventure and uber hard!! I had no idea it was that big.
Pretty cool sis. HB
Nice red swimshorts. Sexy.
Love the red swimsuit/saggy bumb speedo. Very funny. And as for what you do and how you contribute- you are a MOM! That should say it all. I really enjoy your blog. So happy for L and his spelling test. My brothers have been doing the ragner in Utah for the last couple years- very impressive! Run on!
ummmm... listen sister, if you feel guilty about taking a stroll on the beach every now and then YOU ARE UP IN THE NIGHT!!! You deserve to recharge and take a time out every ding dang day if you please. ENJOY YOURSELF AND let go of your lame guilt and criticizing yourself! You are by far the most self driven, motivated, go getter, talented, multi-multi talented and inspiring person I know. Give yourself a monster huge 444 for me! I love you! for reals, give yourself a break... p.s. those were some sweet pics, nice job on the red guy, it was an unexpected belly laugh!
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