Woooohooo! Kev's home! He made it back from a month long trip to Afganistan. He arrived a few hours before the kids got home from school. He was able to sneak up on them in the truck. I was waiting outside for them like I try and do every day, they were racing home, and Kev came up behind them in the noisy diesel truck. They were pretty excited. It is different having the kids at school and Kev home. He took Friday off, so we did some exciting stuff. Went to the mall to buy him some new clothes to travel in. I really thought there was a Banana Republic at the Melbourne Mall, nope. We really don't agree on Style, and he refused to try anything on. So once again we came home empty handed. He will continue to be moan having no suitable cloths and I will continue to offer to go with him to get some. We ended up at Sams Club where we found plenty to agree upon. It was odd to see so many other couples out shopping w/out kids. Really, is that what people do??? Oh yeah, a few other highlights, we took Ethan to breakfast at Mcdees, and then we went to lunch at Arbys....I got the best sandwich. Man it hit the spot.....for the life of me I can't remember what it was called.

We decided to take off for the weekend. We left Sunday, spent one night at the Regal Sun. I don't know how "Regal" it was, but we really enjoyed the tenis courts and the pool area. You can see that we also got sucker punched a few times by the roaming restaurant balloon makers. I definitely have a heart for these folks who work for tips. My sister and brother in law have spent time in the business. Our two encounters were positive ones, EXCEPT for the fact that we never had any cash. We were able to scrounge together $5 bucks for the first one. But then at Denny's we could not get our hands on any green backs. Next thing I know Kevin leaves and does not reappear any time soon. The restaurant is packed, tons of people are waiting for a table, it just got too uncomfortable to keep waiting. So we tell the balloon guy we will be back w/ his tip. (I am sure every one watching....and there were plenty...thought we went a head and stiffed the poor guy). Anyway, finally we see K trudging down the street. Ethan volunteers to go give the balloon man his tip. Great. When he comes out I am getting the run down. How'd it go? What'd he say? How much did you give him?
A TWENTY. $20. !!! nooo, you are kidding. nope. But then I say to myself, good for us. If I had a sister that was a balloon sculptor, I would love to hear that people made her day and gave her a great tip! So that was pretty sweet.
Baking in the sun. Kevin's head was already burned from a previous outdoor event, soooo the impressive covering.....(Heaven forbid he apply any sunscreen.)

McCauley walked up to the pool and found herself two best buddies to hang out with. She amazes me. They were inseparable and had a blast.

We spent a few hours at Universal Studios....this is in line at the "Spider Man Ride".
What a wonderful way to celebrate him coming home! Great pictures. :D
A month is a long trip! Glad he is home and safe. You guys are a cute couple- I hope I can look like you after having multiple children. I have always thought you are so beautiful- and I've probably never told you that. And the coupon thing- I don't have the patience. And I read further back on your blog- how in the world did you do homeschool for SEVEN years?? Patience maybe:) Donny does do videography- he would say he is just starting out, but you can see the years worth of videos on the right column (just not with professional equipment until now). Yes Warren comes to visit in the summer- love it! Love watching your blog.
love the pics.. really I do. The balloon one should be framed! Look like a good time.
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