OK, I love this song. I don't drink, don't smoke, or do drugs of any kind. But this is my power song right now. I can play it at any moment and start to sweat because my adrenaline kicks in and I am ready to rocket out on a fast sprint. I disagree with this guys mode of taking it easy, but I love his other sentiments. The gist of this pumpin tune is to live in the moment. Enjoy the now. Make the most of TODAY!! Run hard on THIS run. If you are going to take a nap....GO ALL IN. Dive into that book. Relish the skyline. Notice the BEAUTIFUL DETAILS THAT MAKE UP YOUR LIFE. Tomorrow will come with or with out your pining for it, or wishing today away. Don't rush past this stage (except for Tina and Heather). Embrace the place you're in today.
"Turn the quite up, turn the noise down, let this old world just spin around. I wanna feel its swing, I wanna feel its sway........" I wanna little more right now......a little less whats next!!! Act like tomorrow's 10 years away....Yeah.....! Whoooohooo! I wanna sit right here....... I wanna make pretend that I just don't care....(course I do!!) Yeah...!
One of my very favorite times each day is at 2:55pm. Each week day this it the time I put anything else I may have been doing away. I make sure the snack is ready and head outside. There is a little slice of shade from one of our palm trees that I wait in on the side walk out front. Today I grabbed a few hershey kisses, my water and our neighbors chair and sat down to wait for the show. The kids were very fast today....I hadn't been out more than a minute before they came zoooming around the corner at the end of the street. I don't think I will ever get tiered of seeing this exact sight. It does not get any better than this. I love to see their expressions, Ryker always acts as if I am out of my mind to be out there every day, he shakes his head at me, but can't help smiling. Lawson, I can tell how he did on his tests.....VERY WELL again today...he is happy. McCauley is usually exasperated about something one of the boys just did. We walk in and I hear all about their day. This will be a detail at the top of my list that I will miss the most. At first when I did this each day they asked why, and it seemed like they didn't care. Then one day I missed, I was caught up in the noise of what I was doing. They were like, why weren't you outside?? what were you doing? You are supposed to be watching for us!!! So I guess they notice when I don't show. Poor Ethan gets nothing. He just saunters in around 4:30....no fan fare at all. :(
You won't find this song tomorrow on the top of my play list, (for obvious reasons) but couldn't help sharing it just for today.
Get LOUD! Love that heavy bass!
I like the song. I thought about being in the moment when I wrote about anticipation...It is so important to be present. I remember whenever I got home from school the first word out of my mouth was always "Mom?" - I realized in high school how lucky I had been all those years to have her there to hear about my day when she started working days at Nielsen's. Your kids will always remember that about you. Love ya. HB
Is that country music? I don't know what it is but I don't like it too much. I do like your post though.. love the pic and love that you meet your kids outside each day. You are a SUPER mom! And they are lucky kidos. i do want to add that if you read my post this moring, even I am learning to appreciate where I am right now! So maybe the message in your song is good but couldn't get past the sound of it:)
That is my exact feeling. Also what I'm trying to make my blog about. It is so satisfying to just BE with what is going on right now. I like your song, its funny, although my computer doesn't have much bass :(.. Music is a must! Seerie bird LOVES music. She even likes it loud in the car, if I turn it down she starts to cry. When she was just born I would sit in front of the computer playing Broken Bells, or THE XX (look those up if you like).. Sometimes it was the only way to get her to stop crying! Love you min, K
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