Today was a great day. The kids had school off, we headed out with friends went swimming and had a relaxing day visiting and having fun with each other. This is not the detail that made this day a stand out though. HERE is what made this a great day for me. When we got home, cleaned up, etc. I came in and took a quick glance at my inbox. My sister had written, she said, OK - I did it , I started my blog. I am 3 days in…thought I should tell SOMEONE about it. I am glad she told me. I am in turn telling you, my blog followers, because I think her little blog start is fantastic and well worth sharing. (not just cus she's my sister).
HB is an amazing lady. I was reminiscing today a bit, thinking back on shared memories. I remembered one of my favorite times with you. When the two of us met mom and dad in Missouri, while they were on their mission. That was a blast...and interesting to. On many levels....and so dang FUNNY!! One thing about Heather is that she whistles back wards....she sucks air in, instead of blowing it out. I hadn't known that before the trip. She is the best hugger. Jill....you are a close rival. Her nic name is Hug......or Huggie. She got that when she was very young from always hugging her bear....wasn't it? I want to go on, and on. Mostly I just want to say I am proud of you, so happy you started your blog. I am grateful for you.

Ahhhhhh, this blogpost makes more sense to me. :D
Well...That brought back some good memories all right. Thanks for making me cry at work...guess that is what I get for reading blogs at work...don't tell anyone. Thanks for your kind words and support - Love you. HB
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