Sunday was our much anticipated primary presentation....., in years past we have flip-flopped the meetings so that sacrament is last. This gives us an additional 2 hours to fine tune and work out any kinks with the children and their songs and parts. I really wanted to try not to do that this go round for a few reasons. One it is such a long day for the kids, not to mention our music leader, pianist, etc. I think it starts to take away from the joy of doing it, by doing it way too much. It starts to feel like the Florida FCAT tests or something. I really don't think "perfection" is what we are aiming for. We want the kids to be able to share what they have been learning this year in primary. When the time came though, I was having huge second thoughts and wondering if that was a good move after all.
The program was beautiful. I can brag it up as much as I feel like because it had nothing to do with anything I did. This was delegated to my wonderful counselor Colleen at the beginning of this year. She was to be in charge of the program. (Very smart move on my part)!! Between she and Kathy, our music leader, and of course Anita, our magnificent pianist. They put together and worked with the kids on making the program a very special event. There were many highlights, special musical solos, some of the kids did sign language for the songs, some helped lead the music, Ryker accompanied the primary as they sang 9 verses of Follow the Prophet. I loved it when all our Primary boys stood up together and sang, I Hope They Call Me On A Mission, with our ward missionaries, and Brother Lewis leading them. Our boys said they really liked singing that as well. This was as much a ward effort as it was a primary....with the flutes, and Johnson family song. Thanks to all for your participation. The best part was really the whole entire meeting for me. Being able to watch the kids faces and see their joy and excitement. The spirit was strong, happy, and beautiful. I was able to sit on the front row and watch the program. In years past I have been the one hunkered behind the little wall by the microphone assisting the kids with their lines, etc. I love our primary children! This collage is just a handful of them. (These are the only pics I could get my hands on at the moment). Thanks to all you wonderful parents and teachers that are so supportive.

This chapter is when the Savior is visiting the Nephites, he had been teaching them. It is time for him to go, he knows they don't understand all that he has taught, and suggests they retire to their homes and ponder what he has spoken. As he looks around at the multitude though, they are not getting up to go, they do not want him to leave. They do not want their time with him to end so soon. He is filled with compassion for them. He stays. He heals them, every one that is brought to him. He commands that all the children be brought to Him. He prays for them. He prays such great and marvelous things unto the Father that His words cannot even be written. He blesses them, one by one. He wept for them, and with them. Angels encircle and minister to these children. I can only imagine..... When I do imagine, which is not near as often as I would like it to be, the resounding feeling I get is that Christ is unhurried. He is single minded, and focused on the love and compassion he has for the people. He has time for every single person. He will stay as long as He is needed. He WANTS to stay. It is not a burden. He is not put out in any way. Old and young. Rich or poor. Large or small. It makes no difference, He loves us all.
Sounds like a very successful and touching weekend for you. One of my favorite things about Church is the kids - they are - Like little trusting sponges. Primary songs always make me cry. I'm glad things went so well. Does Ryker play so good he can accompany singers? That is pretty impressive. Love you. HB
Thanks for you beautiful thoughts and insights. You are a wonderful example.
The program was the most inspiring that I've ever been to. Seriously everyone did an amazing job and the kids were very well mannered! Thanks for all your hard work. It was truly inspiring to have a program completely dedicated to Christ.
That's awesome min!!! I do love the primary programs. Hands down, they are the most spiritual, beautiful, and inspiring meetings for me. Something about the little kids singing with their lil sweet tender spirits is so awesome. It seems like the last one I saw I was crying the whole time:) I love music, and there's no other way to feel the spirit so strong!
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