(One of Regis's cute babies)
We had some sad news in our family on Thursday. I went into the boys room to give the gerbils a few almonds while the kids were at school, when I opened the lid to toss them in I noticed all the baby gerbils we all snuggled around their mom Regis. I tossed the almonds in and the babies scattered, but Regis didn't move. I kinda shook the cage a bit, but nothing. She had passed away. This was a big shocker. I don't think we had noticed a slow down in her....had we?
I feel like it is appropriate to do a little write up on Regis. How it all started: The boys had talked on and off about how they each wanted to get a gerbil. I had said I would have nothing to do with it, we have enough pets. A few weeks later, they lucked out, McCauley's preschool was having a field trip to Incredible Pets, and they got to tag along and roam the store on their own. Unbeknownst to me, they had each brought their wallets, and had plans of making a purchase that day. They huddled around the giant gerbil pen and were making their choices. I tried HARD to talk them out of it, saying they would have to purchase the food and any other necessities that the gerbils would require. They would be wasting their money! Trust me, don't do it! No, in the end they each purchased a boy gerbil. (The worker made sure for us). Well, maybe you know the rest of the story, one of the gerbils was always getting attacked by the others. We would separate them for a while, try to reunite them again, and the same thing would happen. Just thought we had a couple of meanies. A few months passed and then one Saturday the kids came running in saying one of the gerbils had had babies!!! This was a very frantic announcement because at this time they had put all of the gerbils together again recently and we had no idea which one was the mom. We had heard that the dad would eat the babies, and we were in a panic!! I was positive that the mom had to be Snip - Ryker's gerbil, because she was always getting attacked, and her hind quarters looked different. So we got the new tiny helpless babies separated with just Snip - who did not give them the time of day. This was terrible, we knew that the babies only had so much time they could survive before they had to have their mother. It took several different attempts at trying all three of the big gerbils to finally narrow it down to Regis (Ethan's gerbil). It was a tear filled, tense and frantic three hours of trying to save these little new borns. McCauley was praying non - stop, thinking that Heavenly Father was not listening. One baby did pass away, leaving us with four. But at last, we had the mother with her babies, and all was well. Heavenly Father heard M's pleas. Time went on, a week passed and we had an instant replay, another batch of babies was born, this time to Bullet Head, Lawson's gerbil. We were pros by now. (It explained a lot about the attacks on Snip.) As much as I complain about our animals, we have thoroughly enjoyed watching these eight babies mature and grow. These little guys were part of our family now. Every day we would marvel at the changes that would take place and how funny they were when they would eventually start venturing off on their own, to finally having their eyes open. During this time I watched Regis, she was such a good mom. Much of the time she looked haggard and exhausted, seeming to nurse non-stop. I thought how much she was just like a human mom....she put her babies before herself. She literally gave her all. She passed away one day after their eight week birthday - the time they are able to ween.

Good bye Regis.
(Ethan will choose one of the babies to keep. McCauley is going to trade in her hamster, Heidi, to keep one of the babies. The other six babies will be going back to Incredible Pets for another family to enjoy.)
Just left a comment, didn't work...last and final try. :) Poor little Regis...amazing how those mothers work so hard! Ours had 2 sets of babies in 12 weeks and I just wanted to cry seeing all 11 babies trying to get some food. It's funny because I had the same opinions as you when I knew Will was buying these gerbils but seeing them grow up changed me. Loved seeing the process of life but glad it's over. :)
Thanks for giving it a second try Melissa....good comment. That is crazy....11 babies?? The mom lived?
Melissa- this is your cousin LeAnne. I was just reading back through your posts laughing and smiling. Looks like you guys have a good time!
I take it Snip is the promiscuous male?? Brings back memories of Moana and Sugar...glad you averted tragedy this time. I'll be thinking of Regis and her little ones.
Hey LeAnne - I loved seeing your comment. This is cousin Heather...HB
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