The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

29 Gifts.......

Today a perfect stranger gave me a gift....I had just finished dropping a load of books down the library shoot and was heading over in the van to go park for my shift, when I noticed a young man kind of waving me down.  

My first thought was, oh boy, I do not have my wallet, what does he want?  I didn't want to be rude and race in the library back doors so I waited for him to come around and asked if he needed something.  Well, no, but you have a flat tire.  Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, wow.  Thank you, I had not noticed.  It was indeed flat.  He says, do you have a spare?  Aaaaa, yes I think so.  Anyway, he proceeds to get right on it.  I offered to help, but he had it under control so I went and watched as I sat on the curb.  I had to chastise myself for a bit there on the curb, for doing the usual and jumping to negative assumptions about a person coming towards me.  Heaven forbid they ask something of ME.  Once I was done with myself, I was able to think of some things to ask him while he worked.  Found out he is from here, he moves around a bit depending on where it is cheapest.  Asked if he had kids because I see he has a ring on, oh, no, my wife left me when I lost my job.  She was unhappy that I was out of work and started cheating on me, they had been together 5 years, he is 25.  Well, what about his family, where is his mom?  Oh, I have no idea, she left when I was 18, I came home from work one day and she was gone.  She and my dad are separated, haven't seen them for years.  One sister....somewhere.  He seemed to really know what he was doing, I said, you should work at a car place, you look like you would fit in great there.  Yes, well, I have tried to apply but I don't have my......(some certification)....they will not even look at you then.  It would cost him $500 to get it.  He has an interview later today at Texas Road House.  

I was scrambling around, trying to scrounge up some money out of a hidden compartment or something.....I was only able to find a pass along card.  Surprise!  I put the time of our church, and Kevin and my name on it.  His name is Marcus.  I had to work very hard not to start crying my eyes out when I expressed my thanks to him.  You didn't have to do that today.  Thank you so much, I would like to have at least bought you lunch.  But hey, here is this card.....we will be here at church on Sunday....we would love to see you there.  I said you never know what avenues will open up, my husband has a small trucking business, maybe he would hire you to help with washing and that kind of thing.  Who knows.  Come if you want to.  Or you can just go throw that away, whatever you want.

A few weeks ago my sister HB did a post on her blog that went into details about a giving challenge called 29 Gifts ....  I really liked the idea and wanted to join her in the challenge.  I have already started w/ my little give-a-ways, but I really wanted to kick it off and invite you to join us "Officially" starting on the 27th of OCTOBER (TOMORROW!!!!)  ....the significance is simply that Thanksgiving Day is 29 days away from the 27th. You can go as simple as you like....the idea is just to be more mindful of Giving. 

Maybe it was not lost on you either....but this "goal" has been written in my calendar for over a week.  It has definitely been on my mind, and I have been making a few minute efforts, but how very silly it feels in comparison to the gift I was given today.  I am pretty sure Marcus does not have a planner at home, that he is tallying his gifts on.  I was the recipient of someone else's kindness, just because they saw a need.  This person does not have anything to give, except for his service, which he gave without reservation.  It is humbling and eye opening to see a good person in action.  Makes this whole 29 Day giving idea feel like a fraud.  

I love Heavenly Father's timing....way to perfect....I appreciate the lesson learned.  It doesn't make me a better person because I am consciously looking for ways to give to others for the next 29 days.  This should be my mentality every day of my life.  I shouldn't need to have a program to make a difference in someone else's life.  But truthfully, sometimes I do.  

After 29 days are up....then I will be extra Grateful, because it will be Thanksgiving.....and that is the day we "remember" to be thankful......oh boy.....  I am on a roll now.  Life is wonderful!  I am thankful for giving people.....I am trying to be one of them!


Aubrey said...

Love this post. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm.. lots to learn here. We made a Service bag last night for FHE. The lesson was on service and we had to put ideas to give service in the bag and pull them out all week and perform the "service". Tonight i pulled "do one of Braden's chores" I announced.. " I am about to give service to Braden" I even think I said "look I'm about to give service out of the service bag" UGH. Sure didn't feel like service. Felt like a fraud. And your post makes it clear why. True service is from the heart not some stupid bag on my counter:( Thanks for this post... It is a keeper!

HB said...

This is what is so amazing about this challenge - even if it does seem false or contrived - it is the synchronicity of rotating gifts that begin to happen. I believe that is also why gratitude is the key to abundance. It can seem "greedy" to believe that, but when blessings are recognized and acknowledged there becomes less room to focus on things that are lacking in our lives.

I feel like you have such a generous nature and your energy/emotion gets so wrapped up in the things you do, it does not surprise me that you are attracting this type of goodness into your life.

I hope you have the opportunity to see him again. Thanks for sharing such a great experience with us.
Love ya,

mytalkinghead said...

OHHHHH MAN!!! That's so great of Marcus to have shown up for you! I must admit I would have been a bit skidish as well.....

For me, I don't feel that the idea of 29 gifts is a fraud as much as it is a vehicle for us to be conscious and aware of those around us... And then more aware of our blessings.

I really feel that it's true, that many times we will see the ripple out... But we don't see the ripple back, although THERE'S ALWAYS A RIPPLE BACK...
And that is always a constant in our lives.

I LOVE THE LAW OF ATTRACTION!! I feel that maybe that's what I forget about when I get into my junk... Knowing what I put out is ten times what I will receive back.

It also goes hand in hand with HEAVENLY FATHERS plan for us! I do love the way He has a way of bringing things to our attention.... LOVE YOU MIN

I'm thankful for Marcus's assistance, you never know how that could have played out had you not known you had a flat...