The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Be Glad it's ME not you.....

There is really no picture to go along with this post.  Wellll.....wait, maybe I can find one that adequately portrays my feelings.

Yes, this is creepy and disgusting.  That is just exactly how I feel right now.....totally CREEPED OUT.  Let me start by saying:  my pride keeps me from doing many things (most of which I am grateful for), I want not to share a recent experience due to my pride.  But at the same time, I also want some empathy, has this ever happened to anyone ever before?

Once again,  I am sleeping soundly in our bed, Kevin to.  It is nearing 1:00 am.  I sense Kevin move and flick or brush something off his body (my back is to his).  Alerting me to a possible problem.  I say this because very little can awake or disturb Kevin from sleep.  Within seconds I feel the need to brush something off of my own skin.  I try to persevere with sleeping, and just forget the whole brushing off stuff.  Next thing I know,  THERE IS NO WAY I AM NOT REACHING FOR THE LAMP.  Something is poking/scratching me on my arm under my pillow that I am laying on!  N O T A G O O D F E E L I N G !

Click.  OMGSH!  I am up and out of bed like a maniac.  My ULTIMATE WORST NIGHTMARE IS A REALITY.  cockroach.  massive one. 
Kev is up.  I am fumbling w/ my NEW IPHONE....yep,  Kev presented me with it today, I do love it.  I couldn't figure out the camera fast enough to PROVE this is real and not make BELIEVE....ONLY IN MY IMAGINATION.  Oh that it were!
Kev flicked it off onto the floor, he is trying to kill it, I am VERY hopeful that this will occur.  I will need to see the dead body to be able to sleep again tonight.  no.  He does not succeed.

OK.  Kev is done with all that he supposes he can do and back to bed he goes.  I am shaking my head....are you?  I sit on the bed and wait for the inevitable....this is not my first cock encounter.  Soon I hear what I am waiting for, I am on my knees (on the bed) scanning the floor,  full lights on at this point. I see it hustle in the direction of the sliding door, below the curtain.  I take my flip flop and gingerly begin removing the stack of pillows one by one.  Kev takes a peek, he thinks I am insane......I don't remember what he said, something like I can't believe you!  I shoot back,
I can't believe how quickly you can switch gears! (WIDE AWAKE/TO SLEEP MODE ALMOST INSTANTANEOUSLY) at least I think that is what I said.  But the thought of it almost made me laugh out loud.  Something about it was hilarious, but also extremely sad and frustrating, because then I go into a small hysterical out burst.  I have to work my way through it in the bathroom.  There was laughing and sobbing....loud.  I could not help myself.  This is a very rare occurrence.  Maybe all the stress of the moment.  

Kev tries again.  We look a lot harder.  In the end we never found it.  He is certain it went out the sliding door crack.  I WISH so much that I could believe that.

That is why I am up at 2:45am.  I am wide awake.  On a positive note, I just found a whole ton of songs for my play list with the title Believe in them.  Just earlier this evening we had watched the new version of Alison in Wonderland w/ Johny Depp.  Kev says just before fading back into sweet I dreaming this?  We just watched an entire show that was not much weirder than what just happened.  

Believe it Kevin.  It totally happened.  Nothing you can say will ever convince me otherwise.  I know what I felt and saw.  Really when you think about all stems back to K.  He felt it first!  He flicked it off HIS arm onto mine!  Thank yyyyyyoooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!


HB said...

You may want to change your reference to the ummmm..."insect" in paragraph 4...just sayin'. Thought you might not realize. Funny though.

I think this may require a phone call, but I can relate somewhat. NOT the startled out of my sleep part, but I apparently have a mouse problem here in good old PC. There were 10 dead mice in my walls when they were pulled apart and there was a dead mouse in my mud room the other day - that might be what the cat was trying to tell us with her non-stop meowing. I hope she killed it (that sounds horrible). It's weird really because I have not seen any evidence of mice...I reacted by purchasing an extermination plan. WATCH OUT MICKEY!!!

ALSO, about Kevin. I know we have certain expectations of how our husbands should react in every instance - and I would expect Travis to be my champion in this case as well, but he might not understand how devastating it was. Boys pick up bugs, snakes, frogs, lizards and whatever else they can find around and Kev has spent some time in some pretty interesting places, so he is probably not as tuned into the "scary" as much as you are. Hopefully you can find a way to explain it to him.

You have my sympathy - I am sorry it was such a horrible experience. I will call you when we are at Amy's later today.


Anonymous said...

oh HB the reference is so Melissa... Not a clue. But yes M. You NEED to fix that one, as I'm sure it is NOT your first encounter:) Love this post! Love your blog!

Jenny Saxon said...

Melissa, your blog is so great! You should be a writer....I am so hanging on every word you write. And this post makes me want to jump out of my skin too. I absolutely hate cockroaches! I seriously would rather touch a snake than I would a roach, a dead one at that. Hope you find that sucker.... before he finds you again. hahaha :)

Anonymous said...

AND by the way...I had a very very bad dream last night of 2 VERY big cockroaches! Thank you very much!

Melissa said...

Well, I am sorry for that Tina. I know how horrible that must have been for you. Glad you got to wake up!

Jennifer, thanks for the compliments!

Hug, I found a way to explain my feelings to Kevin, that was the hysterical sobbing I displayed.

My chosen word for the "insect" stays. Maybe I am not as naive as you think! ??? hmmmmm......