The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 4 Update.....

Well, I am almost at the end of day is what I have thought so far.

Day 1 - Not the worst day ever.  It was supposed to be hydrating only with water, and one apple or other fruit at night.  I ended up running, so I made a large glass of vita mix and drank that w/ my water.  
We had a Ragnar meeting that night at a Mexican restaurant.  The chips and salsa were out in full well as some pretty sweet looking quesdillas!
Stayed strong.
I felt fine throughout the day, but by 9ish I had headache and was getting nauseas.  
I had been looking forward to watching biggest Looser...but I just went to bed.

Day 2 - Maybe a little better.  You add in a few more raw food fruits and veggies.
I was not hungry until late morning....I had a pretty limited supply 
of this type of food in the house so I made a run to Sams Club.
Tonight it was Calvin's Eagle Ceremony at church....
I avoided the pizza and magnificent looking cake by depleting the Veggie Pickers tray.
I was loving me some pea pods....I wanted a ton more but V's mother in law seemed to be standing guard over the food table.
McCauley and I snuck out w/ a napkin holding a few extra carrots, and celery.

Party Time!

Day 3 -  was the toughest, the so called hump day.  In the program description, they say you will have boundless energy, and will feel so amazing!  LIARS.  I was starting to get annoyed w/ the whole thing.
Wishing I never laid eyes on this stinkin 7 day cleanse!!  I was clean enough as it was.
I was really craving something a casserole, or hot cocoa.
What saved me was the Edema-me (soy beans).  I ate these warmed up....quite a lot of them.  They really hit the spot.  They even have a little bit of a salty taste which was perfect.  The other thing that helped me was the hot lemon water.

This night was our Primary Auxiliary training at the stake center.  The refreshments were to 
CHEAT FOR!!  So, so sinfully good.
I took my plate as you see below and put each item into the freezer when I got home.
Oh yeah I am eating them!! like 4 more days!
(btw...that is a mint chocolate brownie)
However, I don't plan on scarfing them all down in one day or one sitting....
albeit, I can foresee times that this would be highly 
* pulling an all nighter with Canasta
*going to a DDB - (Dana Desert Bar)
*a special night at a GNO
*the list can go on.........
.....but I am discovering the power in delayed gratification and patience.

Day 4 - BREAK THROUGH - woke up feeling pretty good again....seemed like this was going to be A.O.K. after-all.  I made a hearty vita mix and allowed for an extra add in.  

I used all of the seeds from both halves of the cantaloupe, 3 prunes, lots of spinach, carrot, banana, cut up plum (no pit) lots of ice and water...... 

 .....and PEANUT BUTTER.....a rather large scoop!
I needed a bit more energy,
this and a 1/4 cup....trail mix throughout the day did the trick.

Tonight V and I took the little girls out on a little Halloween Adventure......and 
we did split a Chick Filet frozen yogurt cup.....
I cannot say how delicious it was!!

For the remaining 3 days I will gradually add another healthy item in, and voila....I will be done.
(this is not according to the "plan" they do not allow for nuts of any kind....I am adding that, (raw almonds and such) and will be adding yogurt tomorrow maybe....starting the wind down.

The thing I am loving the most is how everything TASTES so wonderful.  Or maybe I am just really tasting my food for a change...  Like earlier, when I accidentally licked the spoon w/ the 
peanut butter.....WOW!  
It makes food exciting and fresh again.....


HB said...

Aw Geeze - let me get right on that!! Sounds DELIGHTFUL. One thing this points out...there is never a good time to do a cleanse; there are always a million things there to get in the way. I am proud of you for staying as strong as you have though. Way to go.

Shelly Hyde said...

proud of you girls. Loved the update

Mamapierce said...

Not surprised by the nausea - it's to be expected when cleansing. One thing that I have learned is that fruit cleanses and vegetables heal. Great job! This is a hard time of year to cleanse!

mytalkinghead said...

whoooooooowhooooooooooo!!!!! You go with your bad self min!!! Cleanses are dang hard! I know that every time Amy would call up, "I'm starting the master cleanse, wanna do it w/me?!" yippy skip, I always said yes, however, comma.... I realize that unless I'm dedicated to doing it for MYSELF it would never get me through... I always made it to like day 3 (that was my longest time, I think the shortest was 3 hrs! haha) I've heard that the end result is AMAZING! Keep me posted, YOU ARE SO INSPIRING!!!!! LOVE YOU, ker... p.s. I gotta hit the hey, but I'll get a little more blogging in tomorrow. I will post Seerie's costume, it was super cute!... I cannot wait to see you!!! It's almost here, halloween marks the beginning, and from here the holidays go so fast!