The Ragnar Relay is coming up in one months time....I thought I would give it a little air time. Kevin hates the name Ragnar.....I am pretty sure he dislikes it because he doesn't know where it came from. I didn't know myself until our recent meeting. If you are curious, click the link below.

Why the name..... RAGNAR??
So that is pretty a pretty cool name!!!
So is our team name:
SOLE SISTAS ....get it?(two way meaning)
Our team is finally SET...we have all 12 participants, as well as our running legs. I am runner number 6. Which means I will run a total of 17.9 miles (pretty sure that is what I added up).
Click on Sistas and you can see our team and maybe even the map of the race...maybe not if you don't have the login info...sorry.
I thought it was a little tricky to understand.
Nice profile pics LADIES!!
I am really excited for this adventure......especially after my break through run recently.
I have had a lot of trouble with my knees over the past several runs.....major trouble... until last week when...I finally made an adjustment in my running stance. I had had a good run until about mile 4, when my knees started running the show again. They are the boss. The final say. Absolute POWER. My thoughts and ideas are worthless under Knee Dictatorship. It doesn't matter that the rest of me can go on, there is NO Arguing with my stubborn pair.
I was really getting frustrated and thinking I was going to have to possibly quit, etc.
I had walked for a few minutes and decided to give running one more try, this time I had the idea to crunch down a bit, and try to stay a bit tighter, and more compact as I ran. Sounds ridiculous and I am sure looks that way to. Can't say that I really cared. In this position I noticed that I felt my weight in my upper thighs and butt more. Also, instead of leaning forward I was straight over my heels, maybe even back just a bit. This feels really good! I feel NOTHING IN MY KNEES!!
I was able to continue running and pass my personal best for training so far...over 8 miles last Wed. Shelly and I were just shy of 9 miles this week on Monday.
SOOOOOOO.....What is your story??? Had any Breakthroughs in your training?? Any hiccups or frustrations?? Lets hear em!!
I am certain this post does not express the happiness, and gratitude I feel at finding out I could run differently. I am very grateful for my brain, and that I was able to get the idea to make a change, instead of giving up. I'm thankful for my knees, and strong healthy body God has blessed me with.
It is such a blessing to be able to get out and have the freedom to do as I choose.
On the break through run I mentioned, I did attempt to cry tears of joy......IMPOSSIBLE...while running. I hadn't realized this before, but crying seems to clamp shut, or severely restrict an important airway. So it was very brief.
"Live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you."
Alma 34:38
So is our team name:
SOLE SISTAS ....get it?(two way meaning)
Our team is finally SET...we have all 12 participants, as well as our running legs. I am runner number 6. Which means I will run a total of 17.9 miles (pretty sure that is what I added up).
Click on Sistas and you can see our team and maybe even the map of the race...maybe not if you don't have the login info...sorry.
I thought it was a little tricky to understand.
Nice profile pics LADIES!!
I am really excited for this adventure......especially after my break through run recently.
I have had a lot of trouble with my knees over the past several runs.....major trouble... until last week when...I finally made an adjustment in my running stance. I had had a good run until about mile 4, when my knees started running the show again. They are the boss. The final say. Absolute POWER. My thoughts and ideas are worthless under Knee Dictatorship. It doesn't matter that the rest of me can go on, there is NO Arguing with my stubborn pair.
I was really getting frustrated and thinking I was going to have to possibly quit, etc.
I had walked for a few minutes and decided to give running one more try, this time I had the idea to crunch down a bit, and try to stay a bit tighter, and more compact as I ran. Sounds ridiculous and I am sure looks that way to. Can't say that I really cared. In this position I noticed that I felt my weight in my upper thighs and butt more. Also, instead of leaning forward I was straight over my heels, maybe even back just a bit. This feels really good! I feel NOTHING IN MY KNEES!!
I was able to continue running and pass my personal best for training so far...over 8 miles last Wed. Shelly and I were just shy of 9 miles this week on Monday.
SOOOOOOO.....What is your story??? Had any Breakthroughs in your training?? Any hiccups or frustrations?? Lets hear em!!
It is such a blessing to be able to get out and have the freedom to do as I choose.
On the break through run I mentioned, I did attempt to cry tears of joy......IMPOSSIBLE...while running. I hadn't realized this before, but crying seems to clamp shut, or severely restrict an important airway. So it was very brief.
"Live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you."
Alma 34:38
I think "Ragnar" came from one of those mysterious words Blog throws up when you try to post a comment...Just sayin'. I'm very proud of you and excited about the race. You are going to do great!!! Way to turn that frown upside down...from Knee Dictatorship to Servile Knee. Sweet. HB
Hey! Maybe I'll try that!!
The biggest thing I've learned so far is CROSS TRAIN. that's the reason for my latest injury. It's so important to work your other muscles.
I'm so excited about this post. Im getting on the treadmill for my first 'run' since the marathon! We will see how it goes!
The name Ragnar is very interesting to me. If you have read Atlas Shrugged he is also one of the characters... a modern day pirate of sort.
I'm so glad to hear about your knees. When I run twice a day my knees are sore at the end. I'm dreading the hills in West Orlando. HELP! I have only run the causeway a few times. FYI you can cry and run at the same time. It is a workout but can be done.
id have to say the break though for us would be the added conversation. I feel like it takes mind off the fact that im running.. and still running. I need to figure out whats up with my feet and if i need new shoes or something.
ps. you did a swell job this morning on the stage!
You guys are the best. I love your comments. All of them. I have to respond:
HB- I had to look up SERVILE - Of or relating to servitude or forced labor, yes, I like that for my knees...but I will put them through it in my sweet crunched new style. They won't even know they are my slaves.
Aub - be careful! For sure try it. If you need a little tutor on it just holler.
T - Awesome! Now I am even more excited to read that massive book.
Melis - so you have mastered the cry/run thing huh? I will have to take another crack at it. Thanks for the heads up.... definitely a great time to let your emotions flow.
Shell - GO GET YOUR NEW SHOES ALREADY!!! ... and thanks.
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