The Story Makers.

The Story Makers.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I have been blog frustrated for the past few days.
I have not been able to up load our new family portrait to my main page.
I can remove the current (very out dated) photo,
but when I try to add a new one it won't allow it....
The error message says -

We're sorry, but you have exceeded your photo upload quota. For more information, check out this Blogger help page.

I have been to the help page,
cleared my cache,
deleted or moved tons of photos from Picasa....
but still I am having no luck.

Have any of you bloggers had this dilema?

Please offer me assistance if you can.

Here are a few photos from our recent session with
Tiffany Yates.
I thought she did a great job...her information
and web site are below if you want to take a look.
The kids were the problem really.
I don't know if older kids are more trouble at family picture sessions,
or young infants.
It seems like nearly every photo someone was purposely
making a face,
frowning, trying to be funny in someway.
Very annoying.
I am happy we got a few good shots.
I will be even more happy when 
I figure out how to get my favorite one up on this site.
Can't wait to loose the glasses photo.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Todays Running Stats....

Todays run is done.
16.59 miles
9:50 average pace
2:43 minutes
1907 calories burned!!

I ate half n' half on my wheat chex this morning....
....cuz I can.
I have calories to burn today baby!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Turkey Day yesterday.....

Another year starting our 
Thanksgiving Day out right with the Suntree Turkey Trot. 
We've added a new runner this year for the Christensen Family,
Miss M.
This little lady and I partnered up for the 5K.
She H E L D her own.
I was so tickled with her effort.
This girl is serious about giving her all.
She ran the entire 3 miles.....
less a few very short walking breaks
at the very end when I was worried she may pass out on me.
She has kind of been limping around since the run.
Her calves are pretty sore.
K is also complaining of soreness.....I love it.
Ethan is finally stepping up the pace.
I thank Satellite High's Baseball conditioning for that.
They really work those boys hard.....
it is fantastic!!
After seeing M through the finish line I went on to join 
the girls for the 10K.
 Here is a few of the crew.
Tina took care of Aubrey and I by outfitting us in matching sox-
Loved it!!
I am pretty sure excellent outfits make me run much better.
If you know you have something eye catching on....
you are going to be catching eyes,
better be rocking the bling.
 Loved this Thanksgiving Day.

M and I jumped the gun by one day and started in 
on the Christmas decorating.
We thought it would be fun to relax and enjoy the beauty
of our efforts on Thanksgiving....rather than hustling around
doing the work on T day.
I had Ryker out in the garage with us, 
tossing down boxes,
clambering up on top of the fridge, over on the washer 
trying to get to stuff.
Scaled piles of chain, tools, duffle bags, etc.
to get to the ladder, 
which was amazingly - inconveniently put away up high for once.
Convinced Ryker to dig the tree out of the attic,
but at least I caught it coming down.

Kev made it home in a nick of time....around midnight the night before.
Lots to be grateful for!
One of the highlights of our feast was the gravy!!
I mastered it for the first time!!
We practically wanted to drink the stuff....
it was that good!
I followed a step by step guide with pictures.
It helped that I finally purchased a roasting pan this year.
It was a pleasure to use.
I even made a stock out of the giblets and neck to enhance 
the flavor of the gravy.
I had to google which blubbery part was the liver so I could 
remove it first.
I know this is old hat and "duh" for most of you.....
it feels like a big success for me.
I am super proud.
(you would understand if you had tasted my previous efforts)
I just never thought I would be saying that my 
gravy was the star of the meal.
I just don't want to stop bragging about it.....
Bomb. HA! YEAH!

Next year we all agreed, 
I need to take up making homemade rolls.
OK - goal has been set.
Homemade rolls!
I have a year to master these little guys.
Would love you a whole bunch more if you offered me 
your ultimate favorite roll recipe....
I am looking for one with at least partial whole wheat.

Here is the other thing I really love -
makes me feel like an amazing pioneer woman
homemade turkey stock from the carcass.
I used to just chuck the whole mess in the trash.
Good Day Sir.
We are done here.

But no more, 
starting last year I found the recipe below.
Last night it smelled soooooo good simmering away.
I have three large pitchers of the best smelling broth ever.
After I make a giant caldron of soup
I am going to figure out what to freeze this stuff in. 

(No Brainer)Turkey Stock Recipe
                1 turkey carcass, practically picked clean
                2 bay leaves
                2 onions, peeled and quartered
                2 carrots
                1 sprig thyme
1.             Toss everything into a large stockpot.
2.              Add enough water to cover.
3.             Bring to a boil, then lower heat to a simmer.
4.              Simmer for 1 hour.
5.              Strain.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Hi Team Neck and Neck!!!
Tina reminded me recently that I am
Team Motivator...
she has not been real impressed with my efforts thus far.
So... now that I remember I have a job on the team...
I really want to get us motivated and 
excited for our up coming run.

The ticker up above says we have 1 month 2 weeks
until our big event.
Regardless whether you are running your first Half Marathon,
The Disney Full Marathon Relay with a partner,
Or you are tackling the Full Marathon yourself.
....and ME!!

Since I may want to come back to the motivation again,
I will be forwarding you messages I 
post on my blog.
I would love to hear back from you and find out how
your training is going and maybe get some
support and excitement generated between our team members.

First, how is your training going??
Are you where you need to be?
Great job if you are!!
Possibly you are a little more like me, 
always running
slightly behind where my training schedule says I should be.
We will get there!!

Today I want to talk MUSIC!!
I think music is very motivating during a long run.
Have you thought about what you will listen to,
or not, 
during your 13 + miles on the course?
Having done three previous half marathon's at Disney 
I will say there is a ton of exciting and fun entertainment along the way,
but there are also a few dry patches that music came 
in very handy.

I really like a variety of music while I run.
I change it out often.....I have started thinking
about putting a new
 PERRRFECT mega motivating playlist together for the big event.
I want to find out what your GO TO POWER songs are.
When you really need a second wind.
A real kick in the pants!

Do you go for the classic, "Chariots of Fire"?

I like aggressive music....
it helps me dig deeper and re-channel energy,
I have just started trying some Eminem,
he is tricky though,
 I am finding I have to weed out so many songs for language.
  A few of my favorites are "Lose Yourself", and "Till I Collapse"
(2nd and 3rd songs on blog playlist so you can test them out).
In Runners World Magazine I saw a recommendation for,

Mos Def & Massive Attack's song "I Against I"
( first song on the is a keeper for me!)
This is a good one to help us remember that 
it is only
battle between our mind and our bodies.

Some runners prefer audio books.
I have had some great times with these guys....
the time seems to go by much quicker.
Your mind is so preoccupied with the story and visualizing
what is happening, you don't even realize you are running....
Ok, it is not quite that good.....but I think I need to go 
get myself another play-a-way from the library!
Have you tried these yet?

share your FAVORITE get up and go song(s) with us!!

I would love to get some new ideas....
we still have plenty of time to try them out and see if they 
motivate and do the trick for us as well.

Get out there and have your best run yet!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Every other holds true.....

I have to fess up,
 I in fact did not make my intended 
16 miles on Saturday....only 12.
(since when did 12 miles become "only")
I left just after 5:00am, 
and ran out of time....
I would have needed to make that 4:30 in order
to get back in time for the obligations we had for that morning.
I wasn't too worried, I knew I would be able to go out
again later to round out the last 4 miles.
I was totally full of it.
Didn't happen.

My sister HB has a theory.....
she said that for her, when she was training for her marathon
a few years back, she remembers every other run being a great one.
So that means the other one in-between was 
not great.
Maybe even it was extremely hard, or slow, mentally difficult, etc.
This is holding true for me as well.

Knowing this,
I have got to get the timing right for the actual marathon.
I better plan ahead and make it happen....
even if it is all just in my mind.

These pictures are not from this mornings run,
but from the other day when I needed to run a little later.
It was so beautiful.
Now that I run with my phone/camera 
I could not stop myself
from taking picture after picture of my surroundings.
 Todays run was my other run....
the AMAZING run I wasn't even expecting...
but I should have been because Saturdays run was 
hard and arduous. 
Barb was the only one that showed up today, 
still not sure what happened to T.
We stuck with the plan T and I made to skip the causeway
and head in the opposite direction today.
We ran to Desoto and back to Gleason park.
Barb and I had a lovely time chit chatting it up.
We were pushing it, but nothing too crazy.  
I felt like I was following her lead,
was watching for if she needed to slow it down,
and so forth.
She was having no trouble.
At the halfway point I popped in my ear piece so I could gage
our mileage, time, and pace.
It said we were running a 6.5 min mile.
I laughed it off and told Barb not to worry about that,
I was sure it was a mistake.....
and how did she feel?
Yeah, great.
When we got back we sprinted out the last stretch.
I felt so excellent.
I got out my phone to stop our activity.
Here is the recap:
4.92 miles 
33.40 minutes
6.50 average pace!!

Can you believe that?!
How did we rock the house like that?!
Record breaker for the two of us no doubt.
I LOVE those every other runs!!!!!
Thanks Barb!
Team Neck n' Neck....
get out there and have your best run yet!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Run YOUR race.

Each Thursday after I teach my class at Our Club
I volunteer at the front desk for three hours.
I really like my time there because I get to sit and catch up on my 
magazine reading, plan future workouts, or just enjoy the 
three hours of guilt free time reading my current book.....
in between welcoming guests, intermittent chit-chatting, 
and answering few phone calls.
Yesterday I read an article I thought was worth sharing called,
Way to Run!
The author Stephanie Young, is a "middle aged" runner.  
She had always jogged, 
but it wasn't until she was 47
that she tackled her first Half Marathon.
Since that time she has run several more half's, and fulls.
 At age 51 she qualified for the Boston Marathon and ran it well.

What I find so inspiring is that she continues improve, 
and push herself to new heights.

 Here are some snippets I really liked from her article -

I have never let my calendar define me, and it turns out, I shouldn't
have to.  The majority of aging symptoms are actually signs of muscle 
disuse.  If you stop using a muscle or putting a joint through its
range of motion, you get weaker, more limited body movements.

She says Life, or at least the way you think about it changes 
radically after 40.
oh my....REALLY?
You have the mindset of a confident woman.
I stopped worrying about achieving some sort of perfect body and
learned to love what I had:
Sturdy thighs, a muscular bottom, long legs with
strength and stamina.

Instead of wasting energy obsessing about my appearance or 
letting less-than-perfect thighs prevent me from participating,
I just showed up and ran. 
And when I did, I saw some of the younger women at the start lines
fidgeting with their spandex and Lycra and looking around as if they were
onstage for spectators to scrutinize.
Meanwhile, women of my vintage simply seemed happy to be there.

Some of her Running Tips:

  • Keep torso upright, joints aligned to be a speedier, more efficient runner.  Over long distances, the fewer extraneous movements you make, the fresher you'll stay.
  • Stop judging your training on miles, instead focus on form, speed and endurance, with plenty of recovery time.
  • Include 3 types of running in preparing for longer runs: long runs - for stamina, mile repeats (Mile repeats are just what they sound like - running one mile multiple times with a short break in between. It is best to have some rest time between each interval. While you may be tempted to sit or stand around, it is best that you keep moving. It is recommended that for every mile you perform at a high level, you follow it up by slowly jogging half a mile. This way you have enough time to rest yet keep your body active and prepared for the next interval.) -  for speed, and tempo runs - run comfortable, then speed up for 3 - 5 mins.  
  • Unclench the tension you may be holding in your body.  Do you clench or tighten anything when you run?  I find I need to shake my hands out frequently.  Periodically check with your tight spots and relax your muscles.  Let your butt hang.  You will run faster, and not waste much-needed energy.
  • USE EVERY MENTAL MUSCLE.  For the first 20 or so miles your body is doing the driving.  During the last 6 it's your head in the driver's seat, overriding messages about how tired your legs are, how numb, how cramped.  IT IS YOUR BRAIN THAT GETS YOU ACROSS THE FINISH LINE.  You need serious mental fortification.
  • Don't sprint to get around someone, just keep running until you pass them.
  • Concentrate on running smart.
  • Stop for water early, it takes a while for the water to be absorbed.  
  • Run tangents (the straight line between two points) instead of following every curve on the course.
I don't run the race,
I run MY race!

I am so close to 40 I can taste it.
I am happy and excited to be gaining on this 
exciting "vintage" time 
in my life.
It feels good to be more relaxed and self assured.
To have come to the realization that others opinions or judgements of me 
(even if they are just perceived by the insecure me)
really don't amount to beans. 

I enjoy reading and learning about women like Stephanie Young....
she inspires me to reach out and grab life with both hands.
To push and excel and see what I am 
capable of becoming and doing.

Is it obvious I am trying to psych myself up for 
my 16 mile run tomorrow??
I am attempting to build "my Mental Muscles"!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Shake that GROOVE THANG....

G N O -
Girls Night Out.
Bow-chicka-bow- wow....
 This GNO was Tina's making -
 the one in the stripes, mini mouse bow, and fake 
leg warmers.
She has been talking about going skating FOREVER.
The rest of us were always like, 
yeah, I guess, whatever.  
If you really want to.
I'll try and show up if you plan it.

Finally her dream came to fruition.
Not sure why the leg up became a popular pose for the night, it was actually pretty dangerous
 for amateurs such as Christi, in the front.

to be quite honest.....
we had a DANG GOOD TIME!!!
Way to go Tina!
FYI - T is an 80's music LOVER...
she could not get her fill of Michael J, Madonna and the like.
She was off in her own little 80's world.
She also runs to the stuff....I get so sick of it.
 It was only us, and maybe four or five 10 year olds.
We had the whole joint to ourselves....
which meant one me anyway....
breaking rules ALLOWED!
We did whips, trains, backward skating whenever we felt like it,
and plenty of other stunts that would typically be 
frowned upon.
I could not get enough of this crunched down pose....I have been watching McCauley
pose way too often, she is rubbing off on me.
Sorry to block you Sarah....I was a being a HUGE photo hog!
The upper right picture of Christi was taken just before she slipped and
bloodied her lip and chipped her front tooth.
See what I meant about being dangerous?

Christi how is your lip??

If I could sum the night up....I think this common quote will do it....
I think it goes like this:

"Skate like No One's Watching".
and we sure did that.

One of the craziest and most bizarre things of the night was that
when our civilized skating session was over at 8pm.
A HUGE gang of roller derby F R E A K S, humans came
traipsing in.  
There were tons of them.
T O N S! 
How many???  
25 - 50??
Tattooed, shaved heads, half hair - half shaved,
ringed and pierced to the hilt.
They were anxious for us to clear the rink and stop taking posed photos
so they could get on and rassle.

Who knew, in our little safe, innocent town we had such ruffians
in our midst???
We sure were surprised. 

PS - I am missing pictures of our other girls!!
I want to add you to the post....please send a few if you have any.

Monday, November 14, 2011

The ALDI Experience....

Today was finally the day I became curious enough
about this store called ALDI, to make a special trip over and test it out.
Here is my report and tips for when you want to
give it a go.....
and I predict you will....but first
Take this quick test to see if ALDI is the store for you.

1. I am a store snob.  I like to be around clean, classily dressed people
while I shop.
2. I am a BRAND snob.  I only like certain brands for certain things.
I would never purchase off - name labels.
3. I like fancy displays that are pleasing to the eye, and loads of gimmicks.  
4. I like to be pampered and cared for at check out,  
and do not like feeling rushed.
5. I am too lazy to return my cart.
* results *
If you answered YES... to one or more of these questions
ALDI might be a bit of a turn off for you....
you may not appreciate ALDI's approach to saving money
as much as others.

Heck, maybe you all have already "been there, done that"
 and I am the loan looser  that took
way too long to give it a go.
I did my homework before attempting a trip....glad I did.

First, know this - their carts are all locked up together.
You need to put a quarter in as a deposit and you can unlock a cart.
When you return your cart after, you get your quarter back.
I am not going to state the obvious reasons that ALDI does everything
the way they do.
It is all in an effort to be more "GREEN" and to save loads 
of cash for the consumer.
I am all for it.
The first thing you notice is that every thing is very basic.
Easy to read.
I was dang excited to see these Shark snack crackers.
The kids are always begging for whale crackers....they are at 
Walmart, I can hardly stand setting foot in there....
these are perfect,
and sharks are way cooler.

Check out the price for Sweetened Condensed milk...$1.19!!!
I thought I was doing pretty good at Publix w/ my coupons @ $1.50.
The Grahams are only $1.49 - compared to over $4 at Publix - yes we get the BOGO,
but this price still beats it.
I was impressed with their produce selection and price.
I purchased, for the second time in my life, Sweet Potatoes....$1.99 for the bag...
not sure how good that is, not familiar enough with them.
The tomatoes were only $1.49 for a good sized pack of Roma Tomatoes.
Bananas .44 cents a lb, a little more then Sams, but way less than the .69 cents at Publix.
Here are a few of my very favorite finds - 
Corn chips!!!  
I make a mean chili casserole that the kids constantly beg for
 (not healthy at all....but I am going to start sneaking in Quinoa....don't tell)
Frito Lay brand is out of this world expensive....over $3 per bag.
drum rolll...............only $1.19 at ALDI!!!

I never purchase Nutella Hazelnut chocolate spread....
but I always want to....
now I can....only it is just called Hazlenut spread.
Who cares???  Sounds good to me!
Tortilla chips - $1.49 - 
Another bullseye...
I am always hoarding our Mac n' cheese.
....but at .39 cents a box, compared to .69 at its very cheapest w/ coupons,
 I may loosen up just a little
(I also restrain the kids because it is not a real health laden meal...
News Flash!!!)
Milk $3.19 - $3. 69
Cream cheese .89 - $1.25 or more
oh yeah!!
Canned beans only .55 cents for black and kidney
Canned veggies - .59 cents!!
Tomato sauce - .29
Gram cracker crusts only $1.19
BUTTER - $1.99 even w/out coupons!
Grape jelly - $1.59....Ryker has been waiting for this stuff!
Corn syrup - a huge bottle (never see that) for just $2.69
Syrup - a mere $1.59!
My total came to $66.35....
with no coupons.

You supply your own bags, or purchase them for .06 each for brown paper,
or .10 each for large sturdy plastic ones.
I would never buy bags.....I would have to deduct that from my savings.
They have boxes like Sams Club that you can use to pack your car.

One thing you might notice is that during check out 
they take only cash or debit.
Also, there are bar codes on every side of every item,
so the clerks pretty much scan and chuck the items in your cart
at mock speed.
No lie.
They are gentle w/ the delicate items like bread, etc.
but stay out of their way on the rest.

Look at our is filling back up.
That is such a good feeling isn't it?

I will be going back to ALDI on a regular basis.
It doesn't mean I feel any less loyal to Publix, 
or that I am giving up couponing.  
But this is an excellent partner to what I already have in place...
this fills in those few missing gaps where I 
was not saving quite enough before. 

What do you think of ALDI?
Day TWO with Quiona - 
ate it for breakfast w/ a little chicken gravy. 
I couldn't help was just so good.
Then tonight I put a bunch in this scrumptious potato, corn chowder.
Probably the best soup I have ever made. 
just sayin!
I made the mistake just now of going in and eating more while I
was packaging it up to put in the fridge.
It was a mistake because it is too late to be eating - 8pm!!
and now I am completely stuffed!
Nice move.
oh well, it could be worse...
I could have topped it off with two
pumpkin cream cheese mini pies from our neighbor...
oh, wait, I did that to!
Good night : )

Sunday, November 13, 2011

KEEN - wah......5 thumbs up!

I am so sad!
I just finished this post and was previewing it, but then
accidentally left the page
without saving!!!!
I lost the whole post!
Well, now you and I will both suffer the consequences.

Preview of our recent family photo.
Not the best/not the worst.
more to come later.
what is it and why i love it here.
Some of the best info I thought you might want to know is:
A recently rediscovered ancient "grain" native to South America, quinoa was once called "the gold of the Incas," who recognized its value in increasing the stamina of their warriors. Not only is quinoa high in protein, but the protein it supplies is complete protein, meaning that it includes all nine essential amino acids. Not only is quinoa's amino acid profile well balanced, making it a good choice for vegans concerned about adequate protein intake, but quinoa is especially well-endowed with the amino acid lysine, which is essential for tissue growth and repair. In addition to protein, quinoa features a host of other health-building nutrients. Because quinoa is a very good source of manganese as well as a good source of magnesium, iron, copper and phosphorus, this "grain" may be especially valuable for persons with migraine headaches, diabetes and atherosclerosis.

....just the tip of the iceberg.....
you could have had the whole iceberg....but you know.

Made it for the first time tonight.
Looks weird....tastes great!!
Made a double batch to save in the fridge.
Ate it with a Hawaiian Haystack gravy, shredded cheese and frozen corn.
We loved it so much!!
Thanks for the starter bag Vanessa!
Sorry again to be so would have gotten much more
from the original version.
I will NOT be doing that again.
Get some Quinoa.....let me know what you think.
Have you already tried it?

A Few Quick Serving Ideas:

Add nuts and fruits to cooked quinoa and serve as breakfast porridge.
For a twist on your favorite pasta recipe, use noodles made from quinoa, (or just add
quinoa, forget the noodles all together)
Sprouted quinoa can be used in salads and sandwiches just like alfalfa sprouts.
Add quinoa to your favorite vegetable soups.
Ground quinoa flour can be added to cookie or muffin recipes.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Use it or Loose it.......

Several months ago I purchased three Groupons for
I thought it was a great deal - $20 each,
regularly priced at $45.
I pictured our three boys going and having a blast
while the rest of us walked along below cheering them on.

As it turns out,
 I promptly forgot all about them,
or at least put them on the back burner until just a few days ago.
Today was the last day to redeem them.
No way was I going to let them go to waste.
Lawson was the only one that would take me up on being 
checked out of school, he had no prob with that.
Kev could not get away from work.
M was too short.
E was too uptight about missing more school.
R had a few important tests.
So it was L and I and his good buddy Seth who is home schooled.
We had a blast.
Particularly the boys.
They were constantly trying to ditch me and leave me in the dust.
I don't think they appreciated the tree top views as much
as I did,  
but they certainly took away plenty from the 
Here are numerous highlights:

When we got there I had to sign everyones life away,
 and then we went through a short training session.
 We went through four different courses....
these are some of the challenging "games" we had to make
our way across.  Some were more intimidating than 
 This was one of around 20 zip-lines.....this one being the longest.
We could not even see the end.
Very, very cool.
 Here the boys are starting up on the next course.
If you look closely you will notice that that walk way is made 
up of loose individual swings.
Kinda tricky.
 This Tarzan one made my legs a little shaky.  
I was somewhat scared.  
You had to swing across on the rope, bump into the web like rope wall, 
(being sure to grab on or you would bounce off).
Hang on with one hand while you undid your two clips and make your 
way across over to the platform.
 Look at this view.
There I am zipping over the Aligator pond.
This is not the best close up shot of our surroundings,
looks like L is standing on the roof of that building.
This was the last line, 
I suspect they ran out of beautification money.
We pretty much zip-lined back out to the parking lot.
The boys said over and over that this was funnest thing they had ever
done together.
I would hate to try and top it.
If they ever run another special I would pounce on it!

At one point I was talking with one of the workers,
over 200 people came through on Sunday!!
He said they sold around 6000 Tree Top Treks total during the 
Groupon sale, and as of yesterday 
still had 2000 unredeemed Groupons.