Today was finally the day I became curious enough
about this store called
ALDI, to make a special trip over and test it out.
Here is my report and tips for when you want to
give it a go.....
and I predict you will....but
Take this quick test to see if ALDI is the store for you.
1. I am a store snob. I like to be around clean, classily dressed people
while I shop.
2. I am a BRAND snob. I only like certain brands for certain things.
I would never purchase off - name labels.
3. I like fancy displays that are pleasing to the eye, and loads of gimmicks.
4. I like to be pampered and cared for at check out,
and do not like feeling rushed.
5. I am too lazy to return my cart.
* results *
If you answered YES... to one or more of these questions
ALDI might be a bit of a turn off for you....
you may not appreciate ALDI's approach to saving money
as much as others.
Heck, maybe you all have already "been there, done that"
and I am the loan looser that took
way too long to give it a go.

I did my homework before attempting a trip....glad I did.
First, know this - their carts are all locked up together.
You need to put a quarter in as a deposit and you can unlock a cart.
When you return your cart after, you get your quarter back.
I am not going to state the obvious reasons that ALDI does everything
the way they do.
It is all in an effort to be more "GREEN" and to save loads
of cash for the consumer.
I am all for it.
The first thing you notice is that every thing is very basic.
Easy to read.
I was dang excited to see these Shark snack crackers.
The kids are always begging for whale crackers....they are at
Walmart, I can hardly stand setting foot in there....
these are perfect,
and sharks are way cooler.
Check out the price for Sweetened Condensed milk...$1.19!!!
I thought I was doing pretty good at Publix w/ my coupons @ $1.50.
The Grahams are only $1.49 - compared to over $4 at Publix - yes we get the BOGO,
but this price still beats it.
I was impressed with their produce selection and price.
I purchased, for the second time in my life, Sweet Potatoes....$1.99 for the bag...
not sure how good that is, not familiar enough with them.
The tomatoes were only $1.49 for a good sized pack of Roma Tomatoes.
Bananas .44 cents a lb, a little more then Sams, but way less than the .69 cents at Publix.
Here are a few of my very favorite finds -
Corn chips!!!
I make a mean chili casserole that the kids constantly beg for
(not healthy at all....but I am going to start sneaking in Quinoa....don't tell)
Frito Lay brand is out of this world expensive....over $3 per bag.
drum rolll...............only $1.19 at ALDI!!!
I never purchase Nutella Hazelnut chocolate spread....
but I always want to....
now I can....only it is just called Hazlenut spread.
Who cares??? Sounds good to me!
Tortilla chips - $1.49 -
Another bullseye...
I am always hoarding our Mac n' cheese.
....but at .39 cents a box, compared to .69 at its very cheapest w/ coupons,
I may loosen up just a little
(I also restrain the kids because it is not a real health laden meal...
News Flash!!!)
Milk $3.19 - $3. 69
Cream cheese .89 - $1.25 or more
oh yeah!!
Canned beans only .55 cents for black and kidney
Canned veggies - .59 cents!!
Tomato sauce - .29
Gram cracker crusts only $1.19
BUTTER - $1.99 even w/out coupons!
Grape jelly - $1.59....Ryker has been waiting for this stuff!
Corn syrup - a huge bottle (never see that) for just $2.69
Syrup - a mere $1.59!
My total came to $66.35....
with no coupons.
You supply your own bags, or purchase them for .06 each for brown paper,
or .10 each for large sturdy plastic ones.
I would never buy bags.....I would have to deduct that from my savings.
They have boxes like Sams Club that you can use to pack your car.
One thing you might notice is that during check out
they take only cash or debit.
Also, there are bar codes on every side of every item,
so the clerks pretty much scan and chuck the items in your cart
at mock speed.
No lie.
They are gentle w/ the delicate items like bread, etc.
but stay out of their way on the rest.
Look at our is filling back up.
That is such a good feeling isn't it?
I will be going back to ALDI on a regular basis.
It doesn't mean I feel any less loyal to Publix,
or that I am giving up couponing.
But this is an excellent partner to what I already have in place...
this fills in those few missing gaps where I
was not saving quite enough before.
What do you think of ALDI?
Day TWO with Quiona -
ate it for breakfast w/ a little chicken gravy.
I couldn't help was just so good.
Then tonight I put a bunch in this scrumptious potato, corn chowder.
Probably the best soup I have ever made.
just sayin!
I made the mistake just now of going in and eating more while I
was packaging it up to put in the fridge.
It was a mistake because it is too late to be eating - 8pm!!
and now I am completely stuffed!
Nice move.
oh well, it could be worse...
I could have topped it off with two
pumpkin cream cheese mini pies from our neighbor...
oh, wait, I did that to!
Good night : )